I will not vote for trump

patrick jane

Now now rocketman, don't go trashing that white trash tabloid the National Enquirer, as Don Trump's good friend David Pecker is the CEO there.

Donald Trump is ‘Very Close’ to National Enquirer Head David Pecker, Who Has Run Pieces for Him Before

You are worse than Ted cruz. That's pretty low -


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Whether or not you read it in its entirety has nothing to do with what I said.

The point I was making was that "liberal rags" can be correct but you'll only acknowledge they're correct if you agree, and therefore convenient for you to accept their legitimacy. Otherwise, they're just biased "liberal rags" to you.

Just because it is a liberal rag or a conservative rag does not mean I don't read it, or that I don't recognize faults in either. Unfortunately the press and media is not there to keep government in check anymore and you have to read/listen skeptically to both to glean the truth out of either.I guess it is just easier to accept what you are fed, and how they feed it to you eh? I hope we are both wiser than that...

That was your assertion, although you didn't provide any support for it.

Not true, I gave you my reasons in my first response, and you can reread this lengthy article for yourself maybe you can attempt to see what, & I why I came to my conclusions.

Such as.... ?

See above Anna, I am not going to spoon feed you...

Nothing new, I think we all do the same.


Unless, of course, you agree with them. Had they been the source for the Kasich piece I'm sure you would then have found them useful?

If I find that conservative sources are saying the same thing then yes, it is called continuity.

(A "liberal rag")

Agreed again...we are on a roll. :chuckle:

Do you really think The New Republic would do anything else but point out any GOP candidate's major fault?

I would expect nothing less but, when I have read the same thing in conservative publications, I have to believe there is something to it, especially when my personal impression of the man seemed to line up with both.

You should listen to your mom...

I did...I also did not agree with her but, now she is voting for Trump. She would shudder to have a corrupt, lying felon occupy the white house. Smart lady....

Your personal opinion isn't worth any more than mine, so if I say Trump is the most malignantly narcissistic, self-absorbed, elitist, uninformed, unauthentic candidate we saw in this election, then of course we're at an impasse. Not surprising.

I don't believe I ever denied you your personal opinion Anna, I thought we were discussing our opinions...you have yours, and I have mine, they don't have to line up. You, and I have been at impasse for some time now so, we agree again (it is record), it is not surprising at all.

I would love to stay & discuss Anna but, I have to clean the pool before the kids get in it, mow & edge the lawn, and assorted marital honey-do's I have been assigned to complete so, I will check out your response later. :D
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison



Clevelanders are happy that things will return to normalcy as street barriers are lifted, the heavy law enforcement presence ends, and throngs of delegates, media, and protesters clear out of town.

Although the residents of the Cleveland metropolitan area are happy that the big show is over, they are still seething over the decision by Ohio Republican Governor and failed GOP presidential candidate John Kasich’s decision to avoid the convention that he strove so hard to clinch for his state. Many area residents believed that if Ohio had a Democratic governor, he or she would have, at the very least, shown up on opening night to welcome the convention goers to Ohio. Kasich’s political career is now effectively over with new blood now taking over the reins of the GOP.

Trump’s official nomination has spelled an end for the political families who have dominated Republican politics for over 70 years maintaining influence over national Republican politics.

There were no Bushes, Romneys, or McCains present at the convention.

Richard Nixon’s son-in-law Ed Cox was present as the chairman of the New York Republican Party and former Senator and 1996 GOP standard bearer Bob Dole were at the convention but the other big names from the past were visibly absent. Not far from the Quicken Loans arena ia a building emblazoned with the name Rockefeller.

New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller was a GOP primary hopeful in 1964 who found himself bested by Arizona upstart Barry Goldwater. The present GOP rift has been likened to the 1964 schism, which resulted in the beginning of the end of the liberal wing of the Republican Party. Trump’s victory over his opponents has turned the GOP into a conservative populist party with political overtones once championed by Pat Buchanan, Ross Perot, and former Minnesota independent governor Jesse Ventura now being advanced by Trump.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
He's run his whole campaign trying to make people think the world is falling apart and only he can save us.........
The world IS falling apart you dunce.

But look, here's good news for you: Hillary's running mate is a pro-choice Catholic, another fake phony Catholic fraud just like you.

He... is your number one... a'guy


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I would never say you are on dope, or a dope user. When I say you are a dope it means you are not using enough reasoning in your response. I do not mean you are stupid, as I do not know you well. This is just common Kat language.

It's all good. You weren't saying it to me anyways, unless you quoted the wrong person.


I don't know what you're so worried about [MENTION=15148]CatholicCrusader[/MENTION], being that your pope basically told you not to vote :rolleyes:


Trump has been famous and in the public eye for decades, and was never one time accused of anything. Racist, sexist, 'elitist', 'xenophobic', incompetent, etc.

And then, he ran for president..

I think a good deal of you could learn a bit about that observation, such as why Trump supporters think you're an idiot :rolleyes:


like marbles on glass
The world IS falling apart

Not any more than usual.

you dunce.

Projecting again?

But look, here's good news for you: Hillary's running mate is a pro-choice Catholic, another fake phony Catholic fraud just like you.

One more time, for the learning-impaired:

I'm a non-practicing Catholic, and according to your catechism, I'll be burning in Hell for missing Mass on Sundays and eating meat during Lent.

And if you, a practicing Catholic, submit to the catechism in those things and then continue to not submit to the catechism when it comes to firebombing civilians, then who's really the hypocrite? You haven't answered me in the other threads, because you know you're stuck between the catechism and a hard place.

Get it through your head: I'm not the one scattering the catechism here, you are. Try living up to it once in a while, and if you want to feel less like the cowardly lion, try addressing what you've been running from.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I'm a non-practicing Catholic....
Then you're not a Catholic at all, not that I couldn't tell that already though.

I'm a non-practicing Catholic, and according to your catechism, I'll be burning in Hell for missing Mass on Sundays and eating meat during Lent.......
What you are is a liar, and a poor one at that. Show me the Catechism section that says you'll be burning in Hell for missing Mass on Sundays and eating meat during Lent.



like marbles on glass
Then you're not a Catholic at all, not that I couldn't tell that already though.

Now you feel sheepish, so you shift the narrative. :chuckle:

What you are is a liar, and a poor one at that. Show me the Catechism section that says you'll be burning in Hell for missing Mass on Sundays and eating meat during Lent.

You don't know much about your own religion, do you?

Maybe you like it that way, so you can call everyone else a fraud and do what you want.

Sounds kind of Trumpish.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I'm a non-practicing Catholic, and according to your catechism, I'll be burning in Hell for missing Mass on Sundays and eating meat during Lent.......
......Show me the Catechism section that says you'll be burning in Hell for missing Mass on Sundays and eating meat during Lent......
....You don't know much about your own religion, do you?.....
I've forgotten more than you'll ever know. Now: Show me the Catechism section that says you'll be burning in Hell for missing Mass on Sundays and eating meat during Lent


burning in Hell for missing Mass on Sundays

Being habitually absent from the Sabbath is considered to be a mortal sin in Catholicism, as you lose your infusion to Christ.

Or do all those rites not have purpose :idunno:
You kind of put yourself between a rock and a hard place on that one.

In fact, to be excommunicated from the Church is to be outside of grace, and the sole reason is because you aren't receiving those rites, particularly Communion.


like marbles on glass
Just because it is a liberal rag or a conservative rag does not mean I don't read it, or that I don't recognize faults in either. Unfortunately the press and media is not there to keep government in check anymore and you have to read/listen skeptically to both to glean the truth out of either.I guess it is just easier to accept what you are fed, and how they feed it to you eh? I hope we are both wiser than that...

I learned later than some about confirmation bias. I read from both liberal and conservative sources now, and both with skepticism. I used to only read conservative sources until I heard one of my conservative voices make an outright false statement, and that (being an engineer, I know you'll appreciate this) was a bending moment.

Not true, I gave you my reasons in my first response, and you can reread this lengthy article for yourself maybe you can attempt to see what, & I why I came to my conclusions.

This is what you said:

This publication took as many liberties with the facts that Trump is being accused of taking, many of their points start with "Trump is correct but" or some other segue to spin his claims as either false, exaggerated, or attempting to squash it using alternate data. This piece can no more claim Trump was wrong any more than they can claim they are right on numerous points. The Washington Post is a liberal rag anyway, might as well get your info from Pravda, or National Inquirer, either one has just as much credibility.

That's all assertion there. Nowhere in those three sentences do you support it.

See above Anna, I am not going to spoon feed you...

See mine above, rocketman. I don't want what you're spoonfeeding me anyway.

They made 25 claims. Show where they're wrong.

If I find that conservative sources are saying the same thing then yes, it is called continuity.

I would expect nothing less but, when I have read the same thing in conservative publications, I have to believe there is something to it, especially when my personal impression of the man seemed to line up with both.

Or it could be confirmation bias, since you're choosing to only listen sources which agree with you.

What if you're wrong?

I would love to stay & discuss Anna but, I have to clean the pool before the kids get in it, mow & edge the lawn, and assorted marital honey-do's I have been assigned to complete so, I will check out your response later. :D

Hope you're having a good day.


like marbles on glass
I've forgotten more than you'll ever know. Now: Show me the Catechism section that says you'll be burning in Hell for missing Mass on Sundays and eating meat during Lent

:chuckle: Not hardly, since you didn't even know what the catechism says about firebombing civilians.

Get out of the cafeteria and do your own research.