He's a liberal. He is only claiming to be a prolife Christian as a way to secure the votes of Christian conservatives.
I told you they were hyper-ventilating. Blood pressure must be the roof....
He's a liberal. He is only claiming to be a prolife Christian as a way to secure the votes of Christian conservatives.
He's a liberal.
He is only claiming to be a prolife Christian as a way to secure the votes of Christian conservatives.
He's not. I don't think you can really fit someone so inconsistent to any sort of ideological spectrum. He's merely a shameless self-promoter.
Not that may well be true. But there's really no way to know.
I'm watching on channel 212 - U-verse - no commercials or commentary
Trump Wins !!!He's a liberal. He is only claiming to be a prolife Christian as a way to secure the votes of Christian conservatives.
You must remember that your use of Republican cannot transfer the singular to the collective. I said before that there are individuals that try to change the culture from the legislative, and they should be supported if their efforts can be substantiated and are not simply token votes used to posture for votes; but the party in general does not allow such efforts traction. Politics, contrary to popular belief, is not a team sport. Individuals must stand on their own. Going along with the party line only shows a lack of character. Just look at Mike Pence. Touted as the "devoted evangelical", he is more than ready to shed his convictions to bind himself to a sociopath in Trump in order to advance himself. There is a reason he is lucky to scratch out a 40% approval rating in Indiana, his home state.Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The Republican Party Platform has always been pro life; just because people who vote republican don't hold their leaders up to the Party Platform doesn't mean that the stance that the Republican Party takes on abortion isn't pro life.
Your point being: since the Republicans haven't been successful in overturning Roe v Wade, what the heck, you'll go ahead and vote for the abortion on demand political party, a party that has been defeating every attempt at curtailing abortion in various US States.
The Democratic Party (you've heard of them, you've been voting that ticket since the 1980's) promotes a culture of death , not only by being strong supporters of the abortion movement but also it's evil twin, the LGBTQueer movement.
Unfortunately the Republican candidate for President is a big fan of Planned Parenthood and has been very kind to the LGBTQueer movement, so we won't be seeing any changes no matter who is elected President: Hillary or Donald.
"Neither party has morals", but for 30+ years you've just coincidentally voted for the Party that embraces (both legislatively and culturally), abortion on demand?
Most so-called "Christians" don't follow the teachings of Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the flesh, but that doesn't mean that the doctrine is false. The same goes for the pro life/pro traditional family values Republican Party Platform, there are many people who believe in it and are trying to legislate it.
I know that it's difficult for a moral relativist such as yourself to grasp this, but there are people out there that truly believe in the culture of life and want it legislated. The Republican Party Platform has been written by those people, unfortunately the "RINOS" are running the show (hence the fear that ran through the Republican Establishment when Ted Cruz ran for POTUS and did so well).
Once again: Would you care to discuss the republican legislation in numerous states that has attempted to shut down abortion clinics, but were defeated because of democratic activism? Just because Roe v Wade hasn't been overturned (and Ted Cruz showed how it can be), doesn't mean that republicans aren't attempting to defeat the pro abortion movement.
Democrats urge Supreme Court to overturn Texas abortion law
Rep. Marcia Fudge and other Democrats introduce bill that would overturn abortion restrictions in Ohio and elsewhere
Etc. etc. etc.
Yet it was the "umbrella of government" that made things like abortion and homosexuality acceptable to mainstream society. Laws influence cultural mores', and since the Roe v Wade decision, cultural mores' have progressively embraced a culture of death in our once great Christian nation.
You must remember that your use of Republican cannot transfer the singular to the collective. I said before that there are individuals that try to change the culture from the legislative, and they should be supported if their efforts can be substantiated and are not simply token votes used to posture for votes; but the party in general does not allow such efforts traction. Politics, contrary to popular belief, is not a team sport. Individuals must stand on their own. Going along with the party line only shows a lack of character. Just look at Mike Pence. Touted as the "devoted evangelical", he is more than ready to shed his convictions to bind himself to a sociopath in Trump in order to advance himself. There is a reason he is lucky to scratch out a 40% approval rating in Indiana, his home state.
This isn't a Verizon package deal here. You don't have to accept all the negatives at great cost just so you can get the one or two features you actually want.
Democrats urge Supreme Court to overturn Texas abortion law
Rep. Marcia Fudge and other Democrats introduce bill that would overturn abortion restrictions in Ohio and elsewhere
Etc. etc. etc.
That's why Hitlery can't be president aCW - I found a pic of you
That's why Hitlery can't be president aCW - I found a pic of you
You kill me dude.
Bob Dole: 'Trump's going to make a great president'
Yes he did, I recorded it and watched this morning - Hitlery is already pumping out sound bytes - she thinks she can win with some clever phrases -Donald Trump gave a great speech last night.
You don't have to keep repeating yourself; that only assumes that I didn't understand you in the first place instead of my pointing out that collectively voting straight-ticket Republican is no better than voting straight-ticket Democrat or vice versa. Also what you have failed to recognize is that passing legislation doomed to fail judicial review is posturing for votes. All they can tell you is, "Well, we tried, but those "activist judges" are the problem. The truth is that they typically know ahead of time when a bill won't get past the courts. I've spent enough time in the Indiana State House so that I can grasp the legalese. Reading how a bill is written often tells us when something is written is such a fashion so as to doom the legislation in the courts. It is no accident that they are written that way. Don't be so foolish as to believe that they are actually disappointed when their legislation fails the test. It's kinda like a Congress that votes to repeal Obamacare 60 times knowing their efforts are doomed to failure. But you keep giving them that E for effort. They are just posturing to maintain an illusion so you will keep putting them in office. Again it's like the Republican leadership meeting in 2009, the night of the inauguration, to vow to fight anything Obama suggested (even if it was good for the country) just so they could try and prevent him showing any success. They were/are willing to sacrifice the country if necessary in order to regain the White House.Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Once again: Would you care to discuss the republican legislation in numerous states that has attempted to shut down abortion clinics, but were defeated because of democratic activism? Just because Roe v Wade hasn't been overturned (and Ted Cruz showed how it can be), doesn't mean that republicans aren't attempting to defeat the pro abortion movement.
Democrats urge Supreme Court to overturn Texas abortion law
Rep. Marcia Fudge and other Democrats introduce bill that would overturn abortion restrictions in Ohio and elsewhere
Etc. etc. etc.
I guess I'll need to repeat the above for the morally impaired:
Once again: Would you care to discuss the republican legislation in numerous states that has attempted to shut down abortion clinics, but were defeated because of democratic activism? Just because Roe v Wade hasn't been overturned (and Ted Cruz showed how it can be), doesn't mean that republicans aren't attempting to defeat the pro abortion movement.
Democrats urge Supreme Court to overturn Texas abortion law
Rep. Marcia Fudge and other Democrats introduce bill that would overturn abortion restrictions in Ohio and elsewhere
Etc. etc. etc.