We're on mutual ignore, I know that and am fine with it, but if I may I'd like to ask you one question.
No we're
not on mutual ignore. Although I'm aware you have me on "perma-ignore," I'm still responding to your posts in threads that interest me.
I have no idea why you've rejected Rome and it's none of my business so I'm not asking. But your ex-church opposes and hates the Gospel of the grace of God, officially cursing it. You've no doubt read that Gospel many times here.
May I ask for what reasons you reject the saving Gospel? The good news is that Christ died for your (and my) sins, was buried, and rose again for your (and my) justification. Believe that and be saved. What is it about that you don't/won't/can't accept?
Whatever your answer is, I promise not to reply but I hope you'll be blunt and honest in answering it.
I'm going out on a limb here because I don't trust you, and there's no fixing that. And I'll make this short because it's off-topic and an annoying interference in a thread meant to be about Trump, and I'm not comfortable perpetuating that, and my apologies to anyone who's been annoyed.
Of course I'll be honest, I wouldn't be anything else. And I've been blunt many times and it hasn't made any difference before and it won't make any difference now.
I almost never post in the religion threads anymore, I used to in the early years but I haven't now for a long time. But sometimes I'll go back in and read some of the threads in there, and
I can't tell who's really-for-real got the gospel in there because most of you guys are involved in the nastiest fighting over who's got the real gospel that I've ever come across. It's crazy in there. Bizarrely, disturbingly crazy. Truthfully, that's how it looks to an outsider, and you guys really don't understand how you appear to a searcher or an unbeliever. Sometimes I'll read in there and just shake my head and think, why would I want what they're selling?
It's not about won't. It's about can't. I've tried a couple other churches in the past year but they fell flat, and I talk privately with a couple people here whom I trust. I appreciate them very much.
But I don't know anymore if all these years that I was praying, that there was anyone there listening, and I can't get that to that place anymore where I believed there was.
That's all I want to say.