I will not vote for trump


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Donald Trump:

“For many years I’ve said that if someone screws you, screw them back. When somebody hurts you, just go after them as viciously and as violently as you can.” (How to Get Rich, 2004)

This is the loose cannon that well may be parked in the middle of the oval office.

I will take that over a felon in the oval office any day...


Four bankruptcies and three marriages.

Being a billionaire with only four bankruptcies is not bad. Trump has amazing ability in finances, and so you and everyone who brings that up is just a moron.

And as well, three divorces- big whoop. You believe in divorce, and are proud to have divorced, and are therefore a hypocrite.

I'd rather have a 'thrice married'- as you CONSTANTLY bring up- person as president than an imbecile in office, because it doesn't have jack to do with running a COUNTRY.

I would bring up King David but what would be the point- you saying you are a Christian became a joke in my mind a looong time ago :wave:


like marbles on glass
Don't have to be original to point out the facts, only difference is that I was sad when you showed your true colors because I actually used to like you...sa la vie.

It's kind of limiting to only like people who match your worldview, don't you think?

Oh well. C'est la vie.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Donald Trump:

“When you need zone changes, you’re political. … You know, I’ll support the Democrats, the Republicans, whatever the hell I have to support.”(BuzzFeed, Feb. 13, 2014)


"When has Trump argued for the constitution? I am not even sure he knows what is in it really..."

"It really doesn't matter if Trump reflects my personal values..."​

Yet you are so disingenuous (expectedly) that you don't contrast that your lying felon candidate (which I did) knows what the constitution says and willfully attempts to subvert it, just like the current useless white house occupant. Trump is not all I want to see in a candidate admittedly but, the felon Hillary has absolutely no admirable qualities, I am sure she is your perfect candidate though right?


like marbles on glass
Yet you are so disingenuous (expectedly) that you don't contrast that your lying felon candidate (which I did) knows what the constitution says and willfully attempts to subvert it, just like the current useless white house occupant. Trump is not all I want to see in a candidate admittedly but, the felon Hillary has absolutely no admirable qualities, I am sure she is your perfect candidate though right?

Why should I? I'm talking about Trump, not Hillary. Not contrasting her doesn't make me disingenuous, it makes you look petty.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
They're not new, I was friends with them when I was a conservative. What a concept, eh?

You were never conservative Anna, you just lied to yourself to please family or friends, admit it you were posing all along just as were that you once had faith in God and left that as well. Yes, I liked the old Anna much better she was a far more pleasant person, even when we disagreed...not so much anymore but, I still have you in my prayers even though I don't know you personally, and our friendship has long since passed.


If Ted Cruz endorses Trump in his speech tomorrow night will aCW's head explode? :think:

It won't happen. I know that your brain is a bit foggy from all of those years of inhaling rocket fumes, but the sleazy degenerate had his equally sleazy friend at the National Enquirer make up a story about numerous adulterous affairs that Ted Cruz allegedly was involved in.

The sleazy degenerate said that Cruz's dad was involved in the Kennedy assassination.

The sleazy degenerate posted unflattering pictures of Cruz's beautiful wife Heidi.

When someone goes after your family like the unrepentant adulterer and accused child rapist did, you don't forget easily.

Ted Cruz will probably be like Paul Ryan was today: mention Donald Trump once in his speech. In the meantime Cruz is planning ahead for a 2020 Presidential run; after 12 straight years of democratic Presidents, America will be ready for a real conservative.


like marbles on glass
You were never conservative Anna, you just lied to yourself to please family or friends, admit it you were posing all along just as were that you once had faith in God and left that as well. Yes, I liked the old Anna much better she was a far more pleasant person, even when we disagreed...not so much anymore but, I still have you in my prayers even though I don't know you personally, and our friendship has long since passed.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Absolutely no idea.

I don't believe for a minute that you have me in your prayers. If you did - you wouldn't say to me what you just did just now, because you just lied about a person you don't even know.

If your aim was to hurt me, you did. I hope you're happy. You're channeling Trump very well.


You were never conservative Anna, you just lied to yourself to please family or friends, admit it you were posing all along just as were that you once had faith in God and left that as well. Yes, I liked the old Anna much better she was a far more pleasant person, even when we disagreed...not so much anymore but, I still have you in my prayers even though I don't know you personally, and our friendship has long since passed.

From conservative Catholic to liberal atheist.

I can almost certainly guarantee the reason why that happened, because there's a particular commonality among her type :chuckle:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Says the guy with the moving values... :chuckle:

No, my values are still quite intact and I have no delusion that I will agree with every decision a president Trump will make. The difference is I know there is absolutely not one admirable quality that Hillary Clinton possesses...not one, so I will vote for Mr Trump, and give the man a chance because really none of us knows with any certainty what his presidency will look like. You may not be old enough to remember it Anna but, many people did not like Reagan before he was elected either, and he turned out to be one of the greatest presidents in American history. I am cautiously hopeful, which is more than I can say for the felon Hillary which is just more of the same...corruption.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
You have no idea what you're talking about. Absolutely no idea.

Actually I do...

I don't believe for a minute that you have me in your prayers.

Of course you don't because you hate...you exude it, and I understand why that is why I pray for you.

If you did - you wouldn't say to me what you just did just now, because you just lied about a person you don't even know.

Lied? You admit I do not know you personally, yet you propose that I have not known you (your words & personality) around this board for years, then you go on to say I lie that your words & personality have made a 180 in an opposite direction? Please, who are you fooling Anna? You have changed, it is not nice, why else would I have avoided speaking with you for so long, and now you just don't like that I have finally been straight with you & said so. You don't have to like it but, you have changed, I have not.

If your aim was to hurt me, you did. I hope you're happy. You're channeling Trump very well.

Was not my intention to hurt you but, if telling you how I see you then, & now hurts you, maybe that is what needs to happen unfortunately. Trust me, it hurt me to see your transformation as well.
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Well-known member
Really would love to find leaders that are Godly, morals, do not care what kind of party they are from. Just really wished we could go back in time over those. But sadly we can't.


Really would love to find leaders that are Godly, morals, do not care what kind of party they are from. Just really wished we could go back in time over those. But sadly we can't.

I'll gladly review what Ted Cruz has done both legislatively and as a Christian outside of his position as a United States Senator.

Shall we start with Cruz standing up for religious (Christian) freedom legislation or defending God's institution of marriage?