I will not vote for trump


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
It won't happen. I know that your brain is a bit foggy from all of those years of inhaling rocket fumes, but the sleazy degenerate had his equally sleazy friend at the National Enquirer make up a story about numerous adulterous affairs that Ted Cruz allegedly was involved in.

The sleazy degenerate said that Cruz's dad was involved in the Kennedy assassination.

The sleazy degenerate posted unflattering pictures of Cruz's beautiful wife Heidi.

When someone goes after your family like the unrepentant adulterer and accused child rapist did, you don't forget easily.

Ted Cruz will probably be like Paul Ryan was today: mention Donald Trump once in his speech. In the meantime Cruz is planning ahead for a 2020 Presidential run; after 12 straight years of democratic Presidents, America will be ready for a real conservative.

You may be correct but, you never know, politics makes strange bedfellows aCW and you know it. We will see what happens then discuss, you may be correct, I am sure it will be tense anyway. :thumb:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Really would love to find leaders that are Godly, morals, do not care what kind of party they are from. Just really wished we could go back in time over those. But sadly we can't.

We need a leader to enforce the law. If the Constitution is enforced, THAT is what will allow Godly morals to flourish because that is what will allow freedom and liberty to flourish. Someone can have Godly morals and be a rotten president.

Don't get me wrong, a great president AND Godly morals would be great. But of the two, a great president is more important in the oval office.


like marbles on glass
You were never conservative Anna, you just lied to yourself to please family or friends, admit it you were posing all along just as were that you once had faith in God and left that as well.

This above is where you lied about me.

I haven't made it a secret that I came to TOL as a conservative seven years ago, and over those seven years, for multiple reasons, I no longer consider myself a conservative. I've said that clearly here, and I haven't hidden it. People change, rocketman, and sometime the change comes in political worldviews. I don't, however, consider myself a "leftist," because I'm not much to the left beyond the "more left than right" signifier which used to show under my avatar. True leftists would laugh at the idea that anyone would consider me a leftist.

But you're not telling the truth when you say that I was never a conservative, and your "I don't know you/I know you" waffling posted below shows that you're singing two different tunes. I most absolutely was a conservative, I voted straight Republican ticket until 2012, and no - I didn't vote for Obama, in case you want to jump on that wagon.

I was also a practicing Catholic my entire life until recently, and again, for multiple reasons, I've struggled with that faith, which should make happy those who condemned me to hell for practicing a "false religion," so I guess it's lose/lose with those sweet Christians here who like rejoicing in that kind of thing.

Now to the inconsistency of your words:

I still have you in my prayers even though I don't know you personally
Actually I do... You admit I do not know you personally, yet you propose that I have not known you (your words & personality) around this board for years


You were never conservative Anna
your words & personality have made a 180 in an opposite direction

You can't have it both ways, rocketman. Either I was never a conservative or I'm no longer a conservative. I know which is true.

Yes, lied. And you did here as well:

Of course you don't because you hate...you exude it

No, I don't hate, although I'm sure there are a few 'christian' men here who'll high-five you for saying it. I don't hate anyone here - I just have the nerve to come to a discussion forum with an opposing point of view.

Was not my intention to hurt you but, if telling you how I see you then, & now hurts you, maybe that is what needs to happen unfortunately. Trust me, it hurt me to see your transformation as well.

I doubt that it hurt you, I doubt you pray for me. People who care enough to pray aren't likely to lie about the person they're praying for.

Anyway. I've fallen into the "someone disagrees with me on the internet!" trap and it's best if we just let this go now and get back to politics. Feel free to put me back on ignore, it was probably better that way.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
You were never conservative Anna, you just lied to yourself to please family or friends, admit it you were posing all along just as were that you once had faith in God and left that as well. Yes, I liked the old Anna much better she was a far more pleasant person, even when we disagreed...not so much anymore but, I still have you in my prayers even though I don't know you personally, and our friendship has long since passed.

I remember her as essentially, if not verbatim, supporting abortion and gay marriage.. ...now she tries to throw the Catechism of the Catholic Church in my face and say I don't follow our teachings - Hypocrisy


like marbles on glass
I remember her as essentially, if not verbatim, supporting abortion and gay marriage

Abortion? No. You won't find me supporting abortion anywhere here. Gay marriage? I don't have a problem with it at all. It's a civil rights issue, plain and simple.

...now she tries to throw the Catechism of the Catholic Church in my face and say I don't follow our teachings - Hypocrisy

You're the practicing Catholic here, not me. However... I know a lot about about Catholicism, and you sound like a Cafeteria Catholic.


like marbles on glass
Then don't you DARE throw the Catechism in MY face anymore! You don't have a problem with mortal sin and abominations unto the Lord, and you question MY Catholicism? Be gone, hypocrite!

:chuckle: Again: you're the practicing Catholic, you should be able to defend and accept the catechism in all aspects.

But you can't, can you? Because the catechism says that firebombing civilians is a "crime against God and man, which merits firm and unequivocal condemnation" and you just can't get behind that idea.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The Republican Party Platform has always been pro life; just because people who vote republican don't hold their leaders up to the Party Platform doesn't mean that the stance that the Republican Party takes on abortion isn't pro life.

Your point being: since the Republicans haven't been successful in overturning Roe v Wade, what the heck, you'll go ahead and vote for the abortion on demand political party, a party that has been defeating every attempt at curtailing abortion in various US States.

The Democratic Party (you've heard of them, you've been voting that ticket since the 1980's) promotes a culture of death , not only by being strong supporters of the abortion movement but also it's evil twin, the LGBTQueer movement.

Unfortunately the Republican candidate for President is a big fan of Planned Parenthood and has been very kind to the LGBTQueer movement, so we won't be seeing any changes no matter who is elected President: Hillary or Donald.
Actually my point has been that, no matter what they claim to aspire to, not only are they really not trying to stop abortion, but they really want to keep abortion legal. Neither party has "morals"...they just want to retain power at whatever cost. The Republican party realized long ago that abortion translates into votes. If tomorrow the polls shift to 60+% pro-abortion the Republicans would get whiplash from the drastic turn in their policy.

Think about it. For years they screamed about the border and "illegals", but when it became evident that Hispanics are going to become a huge voting block, they started "softening" their policies, claiming that they need to "reach out to the Latino community" to remain viable in the future. A few hardliners hung onto the old policy, and then Trump used it as a wedge issue. But that is part of the reason for the split in the party. To the Parties morals and ethics are irrelevant; their survival is all that counts. And their "platforms" are just the result of highly calculated risk assessments.

[EDIT] I'll try to explain it this way. How many husbands have you met who claim over and over again that they love their wives, then time after time they beat them, only to come back with, "I'm so sorry! I'll never do it again! I love you so much!" Just how many times do you have to excuse their behaviors before you realize that if they really loved their wives they would not abuse them over and over again.

James 2:14-26
Faith and Works

14 What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, [o]be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? 17 Even so faith, if it has no works, is [p]dead, being by itself.

18 But someone may well say, “You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.” 19 You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder. 20 But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up Isaac his son on the altar? 22 You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected; 23 and the Scripture was fulfilled which says, “And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness,” and he was called the friend of God. 24 You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone. 25 In the same way, was not Rahab the harlot also justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way? 26 For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.
What use is it for a political party to say that they are against abortion when they do nothing to stop it?

You might ask how am I doing anything about abortion voting for a Democrat. I say that I do much to end abortion, and have for decades; but voting one way or the other makes no difference when the effect is the same whichever you vote for. I abandoned the idea that elections affect abortion long ago. I had to look to many other fields under the umbrella of government to find outcomes with actual differences from party to party, and then decide using those.
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Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I didn't make up the story Nicky. Donald Trump has a history of being a pervert, and that's what perverts often times do: hurt children.

Im sorry, is somebody talking to you? Are you a dyke with a Tacoma that has fooled people on TOL?


Well-known member
Kati Jacobsen ‏@PayAttnLibs

While he (Ted Cruz) speaks, they shld play clip of him raising his hand at Fox Debate, pledging support for nom