I will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
it's really quite simple

who would be worse in the oval office - hillary or donald?

i'm confident that it would be hillary, because she has the political connections to effect change (for the worse)

if trump gets in, it's a tangled ball of yarn for four years and nothing gets done :thumb:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


Well-known member
You know most of what they said was made up of sound bites meant to be tweeted and retweeted.
They were pandering to the ignoramus vote because only the greedy and the stupid will vote for republicans. The Bush administration was the worst in U.S. history, and nearly destroyed us. Obama has only managed to hold things together, since then. He hasn't fundamentally changed anything, though. So one more republican administration with it's policy of serving greed by promoting stupidity will sink us for good.
But you've piqued my curiosity. What was being done right, in your opinion, prior to the last "30 years?"
Thanks to the great depression, and the second world war, America had finally embraced moderate socialism, and had installed moderately socialist policies like social security, medicare, welfare, unemployment insurance, jobs programs, and so on. And those were the best years this country had seen. In spite of the ongoing backlash (McCarthyism in the 50s, Nixon conservatism in the 60s, and the struggle for human rights into the 70s).

Then came Reagan and the "go-go" 80s. And the rise of the 'neo-cons'. Reagan stole from social security to pay for tax cuts for the rich because his "trickle-down" economic theory was total BS, and wasn't working. He used the power of the government to systematically bust unions and keep wages low. Never mind though, because Milton Friedman had sold the whole "greed is good" lie to an increasingly ignorant and selfish populace and the race into the abyss of greed and stupidity was on.

Well, here we are 30 years later, and labor unions are all but useless, wages have stagnated for three decades running, nothing is "trickling down" to the middle and working classes while everything is flowing up to the wealthiest among us, making them so insanely wealthy that they now own the Congress and the Senate, the media, the electoral process, and pretty much everything else.

What was good before 30 years ago was that it was before Ronald Reagan and the rise of the neo-cons. Before Milton Freedman and the "greed is good" economic ideal. It was when we still held on to some vestige of obtaining prosperity through unity, and freedom and justice and opportunity FOR ALL.

One more "effective" neo-con republican administration, and the United States is done for.


Hall of Fame
Trump's nuclear nightmare
Anytime the words “Donald Trump” and “nuclear weapons” appear in the same sentence, a mushroom cloud of anxiety rises over the world of politics and national security.
Wednesday was no exception, after Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” said on his show that Trump had repeatedly asked an unnamed foreign policy expert why the U.S. can’t use its nuclear weapons.​

Trump is ... scary dangerous. IF he were to get elected, how long do you think it would be before he was impeached or removed from office due to his mental incompetence?


Well-known member
They were pandering to the ignoramus vote because only the greedy and the stupid will vote for republicans. The Bush administration was the worst in U.S. history, and nearly destroyed us. Obama has only managed to hold things together, since then. He hasn't fundamentally changed anything, though. So one more republican administration with it's policy of serving greed by promoting stupidity will sink us for good.
Thanks to the great depression, and the second world war, America had finally embraced moderate socialism, and had installed moderately socialist policies like social security, medicare, welfare, unemployment insurance, jobs programs, and so on. And those were the best years this country had seen. In spite of the ongoing backlash (McCarthyism in the 50s, Nixon conservatism in the 60s, and the struggle for human rights into the 70s).

Then came Reagan and the "go-go" 80s. And the rise of the 'neo-cons'. Reagan stole from social security to pay for tax cuts for the rich because his "trickle-down" economic theory was total BS, and wasn't working. He used the power of the government to systematically bust unions and keep wages low. Never mind though, because Milton Friedman had sold the whole "greed is good" lie to an increasingly ignorant and selfish populace and the race into the abyss of greed and stupidity was on.

Well, here we are 30 years later, and labor unions are all but useless, wages have stagnated for three decades running, nothing is "trickling down" to the middle and working classes while everything is flowing up to the wealthiest among us, making them so insanely wealthy that they now own the Congress and the Senate, the media, the electoral process, and pretty much everything else.

What was good before 30 years ago was that it was before Ronald Reagan and the rise of the neo-cons. Before Milton Freedman and the "greed is good" economic ideal. It was when we still held on to some vestige of obtaining prosperity through unity, and freedom and justice and opportunity FOR ALL.

One more "effective" neo-con republican administration, and the United States is done for.

Liberal tripe is based upon ignorance of facts and unsupported nonsensical talking points. For example, what brought down Wall Street? Bundled bad mortgages made possible by the Clintonian, democrat-sponsored bill, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000. Also, who started the war in Iraq? Democrats and republicans in Congress with the Iraq War Resolution of 2002.


Well-known member
Liberal tripe is based upon ignorance of facts and unsupported nonsensical talking points. For example, what brought down Wall Street? Bundled bad mortgages made possible by the Clintonian, democrat-sponsored bill, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000. Also, who started the war in Iraq? Democrats and republicans in Congress with the Iraq War Resolution of 2002.
Bill Clinton was a main contributor to our rush into the abyss of greed and stupidity. I agree. But "W" really sent us into the chasm, deep, with his phony trillion-dollar wars and the criminal bank bail-outs. And after all, it was 30 years of neo-con republicanism and deregulation and sabotage of government oversight on Wall Street that led to the crash of '08. Clinton played a part, but it was the "greed is good", "winner takes all" mentality of the neo-cons that really poisoned the social and economic fabric of America.

It's always the republicans defending greed and denying any responsibility for the terrible cost of all that greed on our society and economy. And even today, their one and only platform objective is never, ever, to raise taxes on the rich. And in fact, they'd very much like to abandon all the social programs of the last 80 years so they can funnel all of that money to their rich patrons, too.


New member

Trump has been fined repeatedly for breaking laws when running a casino, including one fine for keeping blacks away from a Mafioso’s table. He was fined buy the Federal Trade Commission for illegally failing to disclose stock purchases when trying to expand his business into Atlanta, he has failed to pay bills to the tune of six figures putting small businesses at risk. And then there is the Trump Institute, a dodgy get-rich-quick scam, while Ivana Trump has made some rather interesting accusations, and he has settled loads of other problems with cash, buying himself out of the publicity of awkward revelations.

Yup, Trump is squeaky clean compared to Clinton. :rotfl:


Well-known member
Bill Clinton was a main contributor to our rush into the abyss of greed and stupidity. I agree. But "W" really sent us into the chasm, deep, with his phony trillion-dollar wars and the criminal bank bail-outs. And after all, it was 30 years of neo-con republicanism and deregulation and sabotage of government oversight on Wall Street that led to the crash of '08. Clinton played a part, but it was the "greed is good", "winner takes all" mentality of the neo-cons that really poisoned the social and economic fabric of America.

Democrats started the bus rolling toward the Wall Street cliff of collapse with the Commodity Future Modernization Act of 2000, signed by Bill Clinton in 2000. CNN reported, Bush Fought to Regulate Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae... but the democrats stopped him in 2005, with Barney Frank infamously declaring, "There is nothing wrong at Fannie and Freddie." http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-88093

Democrats brought down Wall Street and blamed it on the republicans. That is what they do, greatly damage the US economy and then blame it on the republicans.

It's always the republicans defending greed and denying any responsibility for the terrible cost of all that greed on our society and economy. And even today, their one and only platform objective is never, ever, to raise taxes on the rich. And in fact, they'd very much like to abandon all the social programs of the last 80 years so they can funnel all of that money to their rich patrons, too.


like marbles on glass
What was good before 30 years ago was that it was before Ronald Reagan and the rise of the neo-cons. Before Milton Freedman and the "greed is good" economic ideal. It was when we still held on to some vestige of obtaining prosperity through unity, and freedom and justice and opportunity FOR ALL.

One more "effective" neo-con republican administration, and the United States is done for.

I was thinking about your 30 years comment this morning as I went about my work, and it's an interesting line of thought. Getting back to it this afternoon, I'd be interested in your thoughts on this:

Why our government is broken


like marbles on glass
Another example of why Breitbart has no credibility:

Breitbart Passes Off Photo Of Cleveland Cavaliers Parade As Trump Rally

It seems conservatives still have Cleveland on the brain.
Breitbart News posted a photo Wednesday alongside an article headlined "Trump's Jacksonville Rally Draws 15,000" that actually showed a crowd during a celebratory parade for the Cleveland Cavaliers winning the NBA finals this year.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Anyone who votes for Hillary - the most corrupt person ever in politics and the biggest liar & criminal ever to run for office - is an idiot, a fool, and an imbecile. Period.


like marbles on glass
Because Trump had thoroughly denounced the role of Muslims in the US. Didn't you pay attention to their speech?

Trump's mouth works independent of his brain. Neither work well.

The New Yorker, Nov. 2015:
Speaking to Sean Hannity, of Fox News, on Tuesday, Trump said that, in order to forestall possible attacks on American soil, the federal government might have to close down mosques. “Nobody wants to say this, and nobody wants to shut down religious institutions,” Trump said. But, he continued, “there’s absolutely no choice. Some really bad things are happening, and they are happening fast.”

In an interview with Yahoo News, which was also carried out on Tuesday, Trump expanded on his ideas for preventing another terrorist attack on this side of the Atlantic. “We’re going to have to do things that we never did before.” he said. “And some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule. And certain things will be done that we never thought would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy. And so we’re going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago.”

The reporter who carried out the interview, Hunter Walker, then pressed Trump about how far he would be willing to go. Walker asked whether the level of surveillance Trump was advocating might require registering Muslims in a database or, in Walker’s words, “giving them a form of special identification that noted their religion.” Trump wouldn’t rule out the idea. “We’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” he said. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”
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