I will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

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Hall of Fame
I don't agree with you. There were other candidates who were entirely capable, but Trump sucked all the oxygen out of the room with his belligerence and bluster, and the circus-goers and the media ate it up. Media helped enormously by giving Trump all the attention that malignant narcissists craves. I read something about the early debates being a case of "parallel taunting," and that Trump was able to use that (heck, he drove it) to his advantage.

Agreed ... I believe that ANY of the other candidates were capable of performing the job ... even if I didn't necessarily agree with them on every policy.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison


New member
Hall of Fame
Do you agree with some commentators who've said that Trump got as far as he did because there were too many candidates?

I keep remembering those first debates when they had to split them into two tiers and even then the stage was so crowded.

I think that was a factor but I'm not filling to say that Trump would not have gotten the nomination had there been less candidates. Less options would have allowed more support to get behind someone to challenge Trump but we're in a strange environment that may have pushed Trump to the nomination anyway.


New member
Hall of Fame

About 20 percent of likely Democratic voters say they would buck the party and vote for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in a general election, according to a new poll.

The willingness of some Democrats to change sides could be a major problem for Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton this fall.
The new figures were released by Mercury Analytics, a research company with clients that include MSNBC and Fox News, as the result of an online poll and dial-test of Trump’s first campaign ad. A smaller number of Republicans say they’d vote for Clinton — about 14 percent.

Weeks ago I heard some stories about union members who traditionally voted for Democrats that were going to support Trump. A big concern for Clinton.
But as I said, that was weeks ago. Who knows how it is now or how it will be in November.


New member
Hall of Fame
The two major parties have already rigged the system to eliminate any meaningful alternatives to their own two candidates. And we've allowed them to do it, like we've allowed so many other bad political policies to creep into the electoral process. And now we're reaping the havoc of all that bad policy that we've allowed to be sown. And neither part is willing to change on it's own. If any change is to come, it will have to be forced on them.

And since winning is all they currently care about, then that's the only thing we can threaten to get them to consider any real change. If they see the voters voting out EVERY INCUMBENT REGARDLESS OF PARTY at the state and federal level, believe me, it will get their attention is a HUGE way! So will our refusing to vote for either party's presidential candidate. Especially if we are showing up to vote out their other incumbents!

People say it's throwing their vote away. But voting for terrible candidates out of fear of a worse candidate is also throwing our vote away. AND it's continuing the "lesser evil" idiocy in election after election after election.

When do we finally say, "no more!"?

The system wasn't rigged by the Republicans and Democrats. Our system was created a long time ago. More structural changes would need to happen. However, I won't argue that the major parties don't contribute to it and have no incentive to change the system which could lessen their power. It might take a revolution to change it.

For myself, I'm starting to lean more toward Gary Johnson again. But I'm not going to make any definite pronouncements yet.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think that was a factor but I'm not filling to say that Trump would not have gotten the nomination had there been less candidates. Less options would have allowed more support to get behind someone to challenge Trump but we're in a strange environment that may have pushed Trump to the nomination anyway.

so how are you efffffeeling?


Well-known member
I don't agree with you. There were other candidates who were entirely capable, but Trump sucked all the oxygen out of the room with his belligerence and bluster, and the circus-goers and the media ate it up.
Being "capable" did not make them better candidates. In fact, it made them worse. Because what they were "capable" of doing to the county was frightening.

Every one of them wanted to continue the death spiral into economic and political disintegration that has become the republican's one and only policy imperative: more money to the very wealthy, less for everything and everyone else. They will eliminate social security. They will eliminate medicare/medicaid. They will eliminate food stamps and welfare for the poor. They will increase privatization of public services while decreasing oversight of commercial and corporate enterprise. They will continue to find ways to instigate warfare so they can continue to feed billions and billions of tax dollars to their cronies in the military industrial conglomerate. And they will continue to blame the skyrocketing debt that results on the poor, the sick, the old, and anyone and everyone else. Just as they have been doing for 30 years.

The LAST thing we need is an "effective" republican president while republicans hold a majority in the house and the senate. One more effective republican administration and this country will be totally destroyed.


like marbles on glass
Being "capable" did not make them better candidates. In fact, it made them worse. Because what they were "capable" of doing to the county was frightening.

I'm not saying I would have voted for anyone other than Kasich. If you focus just on the idea of capability and not how frightening it might be, there were candidates more capable than Trump.

Every one of them wanted to continue the death spiral into economic and political disintegration that has become the republican's one and only policy imperative: more money to the very wealthy, less for everything and everyone else. They will eliminate social security. They will eliminate medicare/medicaid. They will eliminate food stamps and welfare for the poor. They will increase privatization of public services while decreasing oversight of commercial and corporate enterprise. They will continue to find ways to instigate warfare so they can continue to feed billions and billions of tax dollars to their cronies in the military industrial conglomerate. And they will continue to blame the skyrocketing debt that results on the poor, the sick, the old, and anyone and everyone else. Just as they have been doing for 30 years.

The LAST thing we need is an "effective" republican president while republicans hold a majority in the house and the senate. One more effective republican administration and this country will be totally destroyed.

Eh. You know most of what they said was made up of sound bites meant to be tweeted and retweeted.

But you've piqued my curiosity. What was being done right, in your opinion, prior to the last "30 years?"


like marbles on glass

Trump's nuclear nightmare

Anytime the words “Donald Trump” and “nuclear weapons” appear in the same sentence, a mushroom cloud of anxiety rises over the world of politics and national security.
Wednesday was no exception, after Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” said on his show that Trump had repeatedly asked an unnamed foreign policy expert why the U.S. can’t use its nuclear weapons.​


Trump's gotten as far as he has because Americans want him, and would have gotten just as far no matter who you put up there because Americans are tired of the nonsense.

Stop trying to make it something else :chuckle:
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