I have an Idea for a new Christian Branch.

James Shepard

New member
When you say 'credence', I take it to mean that you believe that all religions are ultimately true to what exists.
How can systems of thought which teach contradictory ideas about reality all be true. Truth is not contradictory.

When i say give credence, I mean i recognize what they believe and what they do. I do not instinctively just say "oh you are Buddhist? WROOOONG!" I listen to them. I try to hear their side. Do you have a small idea of what I mean?


Well-known member
That may be your experience but you must remember others will convert from Christianity as well as to it. Every religion tries to do something good in the name of their version of the Lord. (I.E. Brahma, Allah, OT God, i cannot actually spell it, Buddha (although buddha is not their god), and etc.

Yeah well, I visited that smorgasborg in the 60's and 70's and found it to be empty, deceptive and delusional.

True Christianity is exclusive, but available to everyone who chooses to enter.


Well-known member
When i say give credence, I mean i recognize what they believe and what they do. I do not instinctively just say "oh you are Buddhist? WROOOONG!" I listen to them. I try to hear their side. Do you have a small idea of what I mean?

I see all people as related to me, in that all are created in the image of God and have great value and derive their dignity from that source. I was raised in a pantheistic environment and lived a pantheistic world view for years, when I practiced Zen Buddhism, bits of Hinduism, Taoism and Sufism.
I have dialogued over the years with people of nearly every religious persuasion, from Yogis to Israeli Keneset members, and respected their right to hold their worldview and express it freely. I do not blindly accept all views of reality as true, however, and will kindly tell them so. Truth is not contradictory. Dialogue is healthy for arriving at truth.

James Shepard

New member
I see all people as related to me, in that all are created in the image of God and have great value and derive their dignity from that source. I was raised in a pantheistic environment and lived a pantheistic world view for years, when I practiced Zen Buddhism, bits of Hinduism, Taoism and Sufism.
I have dialogued over the years with people of nearly every religious persuasion, from Yogis to Israeli Keneset members, and respected their right to hold their worldview and express it freely. I do not blindly accept all views of reality as true, however, and will kindly tell them so. Truth is not contradictory. Dialogue is healthy for arriving at truth.

Very good point, but truth will be defined differently from others points of views. Kind of like...How People of the South consider Sherman a war criminal, while the people of the North do not.

Brother Vinny

Active member
I believe God created the universe imperfect on purpose. That we are supposed to build is kingdom here as best we can and build/fix the universe in the image he wants. Us striving to making the universe perfect will bring us closer to him as we will be using His language to guide us (science and math). We do this out of our love and respect to Him. Math and Science are his true word and the Bible is how we use the word to strive towards the above goal. And my idea is that no religion is more right than the other, and all are welcome to worship and discuss their interpretation of the blueprint. Not only that but He does not directly intervene. But unlike deists, I don't believe he does nothing but observe. I believe he gives us hints to better interpret and apply His blueprint.

The main tenets are:
1. That Math and Science are the true word of God
2. The Bible is to be used to teach us how to use His word and not take everything in it verbatim as it is written by many who tend to contradict each other.
3. God purposely made the universe imperfect so we can fix and build His Kingdom here as best we can to get closer with Him.
4. Jesus and His death is what gave us light of what we should be like to build/ fix the universe.
5. We can never achieve the perfection we strive to, yet we still do so out of love and respect to the Lord knowing that only through Him we can achieve the perfection we strive towards.
6. No religion is more right than the other and we can interact with each other as long as it helps aid in the blueprint the Lord left to us.
7. God does not get directly involved but instead gives us hints to what we need to do.

Now I will be happy to discuss this with anyone as I believe in what I have just stated :)

Needs moar legalism.


Well-known member
Very good point, but truth will be defined differently from others points of views. Kind of like...How People of the South consider Sherman a war criminal, while the people of the North do not.

Sherman was who he was in reality and that is truth.
People's opinions of him are not necessarily true and don't change the reality of who he was and what he did.

You are confusing that which is or was, and opinions about that which is or was.

It is true that Sherman was who he was and did what he did at the time he was and did and that will not change forever. That's what truth is. Truth doesn't change.....perceptions and opinions do.


Well-known member
Sherman was who he was in reality and that is truth.
People's opinions of him are not necessarily true and don't change the reality of who he was and what he did.

You are confusing that which is or was, and opinions about that which is or was.

It is true that Sherman was who he was and did what he did at the time he was and did and that will not change forever. That's what truth is. Truth doesn't change.....perceptions and opinions do.


James Shepard

New member
Sherman was who he was in reality and that is truth.
People's opinions of him are not necessarily true and don't change the reality of who he was and what he did.

You are confusing that which is or was, and opinions about that which is or was.

It is true that Sherman was who he was and did what he did at the time he was and did and that will not change forever. That's what truth is. Truth doesn't change.....perceptions and opinions do.

Ah I get what you are saying :) I am just confused why people are calling me blasphemous when all I am doing is coming up with a reasonable and logical idea for a religion.


Well-known member
Ah I get what you are saying :) I am just confused why people are calling me blasphemous when all I am doing is coming up with a reasonable and logical idea for a religion.

Many of us define 'religion' as man's attempt to be approved by GOD by what man does and trying to gain heaven by his own efforts. (That's one definition, however. There are others.)

The same of us would say that true Christianity is GOD's reaching down to man in order to reconcile men unto Himself solely by grace(unmerited favor) and man's response being the lifting up of the empty hands of trust/faith in order to receive God's free gift.

James Shepard

New member
Many of us define 'religion' as man's attempt to be approved by GOD by what man does and trying to gain heaven by his own efforts. (That's one definition, however. There are others.)

The same of us would say that true Christianity is GOD's reaching down to man in order to reconcile men unto Himself solely by grace(unmerited favor) and man's response being the lifting up of the empty hands of trust/faith in order to receive God's free gift.

Fair point lol But my idea is not making the world as perfect as we can just for merit, we do it just because we love Him. The building itself will not lead to Him

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Ah I get what you are saying :) I am just confused why people are calling me blasphemous when all I am doing is coming up with a reasonable and logical idea for a religion.

Maybe, some posters around here are happy with what they believe
and not looking to YOU for a "new religion?" So far, you
haven't done a very good job of explaining what you're trying
to push. You don't seem to understand it yourself?