How the Gospel Refutes All Religions and Reconciles Us to God


New member
Both Arminians and Calvinists believe that people are born in sin. Hence, people start out in life already lost. But as pointed out in an earlier post, Jesus taught otherwise in the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son. Before the sheep got lost, it was with its shepherd. Before the coin was lost, it was with its owner. Before the son went lost, he was with his father. So with us sinners. We started out not lost. And to be not lost is to be in Christ.

I wonder whether Robert Pate, B57, AMR and others have any explanation on this.
Jesus said, "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost" Matthew 18:11.

I haven't seen one person that was not a sinner and did not need to be saved.
That's beside the point. The point is all people are born NOT lost, hence NOT born in sin, as you, B57, AMR and most others teach.

But after born not lost, all sinned, and needed to be saved. That's how I see it in the parables of the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son. Hence the gospel that Jesus preached (Mark 1:14, 15) calls people to repentance, the same call to repentance God issued in the Old Testament (Ezek 18:30), the same call to repentance that God now commands all people everywhere to do (Acts 17:30).


New member
Can you answer the questions, Robert?

[FONT="][B]Why[/B] were [U]you[/U] [I][U]convicted[/U][/I] and not your neighbor? For that matter, why was not all the entire peoples of the world convicted on the Day of Pentecost?[/FONT]

[FONT="]Why did the Holy Spirit do a work upon you and not upon another? If you were not specifically chosen by the Holy Spirit, then what lies behind this act of the Holy Spirit?[/FONT]

Sorry, but with his brand of gospel, Robert is not in a position to answer your question. I'll volunteer.

The Holy Spirit worked in all, but each one has his own response: either to NOT listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit and be overcome of the evil of unbelief, or to positively respond to the Holy Spirit and overcome the evil of unbelief by believing. And Robert responded positively.

And all those who overcome evil with good, Christ will not blot out from the book of life (Rev 3:5) and will be seated with Christ in His throne as Christ also overcame and sat down with the Father in His throne (Rev 3:21).

Ben Masada

New member
How do you know if your sins are forgiven?

And what if they are not?

There are two ways to know that your sins are forgiven: First, about 75% of our sins are committed against another. If we seek him or her whom we have offended, and ask for forgiveness and if we do reparations according to the case, our sins will definitely be forgiven on earth and in Heaven. This was the way Jesus spoke about when he said that if one went to the Temple to pray for forgiveness and was reminded that he had an issue with someone else, that he had to stop his prayers and seek reconciliation with whoever he had offended. Then the feeling would set in his heart that he had been forgiven also by God. The second way is to set things right with the Lord so that our sins, from scarlet red become as white as snow through repentance and return to the obedience of God's Law. (Isaiah 1:18,19)However, the second way does not invalidate the first.


Well-known member
There are two ways to know that your sins are forgiven: First, about 75% of our sins are committed against another. If we seek him or her whom we have offended, and ask for forgiveness and if we do reparations according to the case, our sins will definitely be forgiven on earth and in Heaven. This was the way Jesus spoke about when he said that if one went to the Temple to pray for forgiveness and was reminded that he had an issue with someone else, that he had to stop his prayers and seek reconciliation with whoever he had offended. Then the feeling would set in his heart that he had been forgiven also by God. The second way is to set things right with the Lord so that our sins, from scarlet red become as white as snow through repentance and return to the obedience of God's Law. (Isaiah 1:18,19)However, the second way does not invalidate the first.

Can I ask the golden calf for forgiveness?


Well-known member
Amen Sister! Neither does amr. He teaches that people Christ died for are still born condemned for their sins by God until they are believers, that's salvation by works also.

You are right, Brother. They maintain that it's their work of believing, duty faith, that makes them justified in God's sight Eph. 2:9.

But Justification is based solely on Christ's Blood Eph. 1:7; Rom. 3:24; 5:9.


Robert Pate

Well-known member
You are right, Brother. They maintain that it's their work of believing, duty faith, that makes them justified in God's sight Eph. 2:9.

But Justification is based solely on Christ's Blood Eph. 1:7; Rom. 3:24; 5:9.


If we are saved by the doing and the dying of Jesus, then why do you need Calvinism?


Well-known member
If we are saved by the doing and the dying of Jesus, then why do you need Calvinism?

Calvinism simply upholds the Truth that the doing and dying of Jesus Christ was exclusively for His Elect, God's Vessels of Mercy Rom. 9:23, Chosen in Union with Him before the foundation of the world.



New member
Calvinism simply upholds the Truth that the doing and dying of Jesus Christ was exclusively for His Elect, God's Vessels of Mercy Rom. 9:23, Chosen in Union with Him before the foundation of the world.

Calvinism (and Arminianism, too) also upholds the Lie that people are born in sin, hence born lost. Are you aware of this? Can you explain how the elect could be born lost? Difficult isn't it?


TOL Subscriber
Calvinism (and Arminianism, too) also upholds the Lie that people are born in sin, hence born lost. Are you aware of this? Can you explain how the elect could be born lost? Difficult isn't it?

Conceived in sin, not born in sin. At least get it right if you're going to be an antichrist Pelagian heretic who ignores all exegesis and lexicography for a false modern concept of self-righteousness.


Well-known member
You are right, Brother. They maintain that it's their work of believing, duty faith, that makes them justified in God's sight Eph. 2:9.

But Justification is based solely on Christ's Blood Eph. 1:7; Rom. 3:24; 5:9.


Amen Sister. Beware of Nang also, she has a reformed background and will say a lot of truth, but she also denies that Christ death alone Justified the Elect even while they are enemies in the flesh. She believes sinners Christ died for are born in the world condemned !


Well-known member
Calvinism simply upholds the Truth that the doing and dying of Jesus Christ was exclusively for His Elect, God's Vessels of Mercy Rom. 9:23, Chosen in Union with Him before the foundation of the world.


Amen Sister. Pate is just hot air talking about people are saved by the doing and dying of Jesus Christ, because he turns right around and teaches sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways! Lol


New member
Conceived in sin, not born in sin. At least get it right if you're going to be an antichrist Pelagian heretic who ignores all exegesis and lexicography for a false modern concept of self-righteousness.
I just knew you're ignorant of the fact that Samie doesn't believe people are born in sin, as Calvinism and Arminianism teach. You again, as usual, get it wrong.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
I just knew you're ignorant of the fact that Samie doesn't believe people are born in sin, as Calvinism and Arminianism teach. You again, as usual, get it wrong.

If people are born "In Christ" then why do they need to be born again?

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed (Adam) but of incorruptible (Christ) by the word of God (the Gospel) which lives and abides for ever" 1 Peter 1:23.


Well-known member
Amen Sister. Pate is just hot air talking about people are saved by the doing and dying of Jesus Christ, because he turns right around and teaches sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways! Lol

Yep, that's the end result of one with a darkened understanding and a blinded heart Eph. 4:18 !



New member
If people are born "In Christ" then why do they need to be born again?

"Being born again, not of corruptible seed (Adam) but of incorruptible (Christ) by the word of God (the Gospel) which lives and abides for ever" 1 Peter 1:23.
Yes, people needed to be born again, so God already caused us to be born again through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 1 Pet 1:3


Well-known member
Amen Sister. Beware of Nang also, she has a reformed background and will say a lot of truth, but she also denies that Christ death alone Justified the Elect even while they are enemies in the flesh. She believes sinners Christ died for are born in the world condemned !

Thanks for the heads up, Brother. Yes, I'm totally aware of that.



Well-known member
Thanks for the heads up, Brother. Yes, I'm totally aware of that.


When we believe that sinners Christ died for are born into the World condemned, we're saying that Christ death alone did not satisfy for us God's law and Justice!

Robert Pate

Well-known member
When we believe that sinners Christ died for are born into the World condemned, we're saying that Christ death alone did not satisfy for us God's law and Justice!

No, were saying that ALL MEN are born sinners.

And because of Christ and his Gospel ALL MEN have an opportunity to be saved.

"For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our savior: who will have ALL MEN to be saved and to come into the knowledge of the truth" 1 Timothy 2:3, 4.


Well-known member
No, were saying that ALL MEN are born sinners.

And because of Christ and his Gospel ALL MEN have an opportunity to be saved.

"For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our savior: who will have ALL MEN to be saved and to come into the knowledge of the truth" 1 Timothy 2:3, 4.

You believe that sinners Christ died for, still wind up lost in their sins!