ECT How can there be a another Gospel based on Gal. 1:22 ? The faith Paul once destroy ?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Coming from you that is a hoot. When you are asked any question you throw a destroyed context of Greek around like you know something about Greek....

TOL is clamoring for more of your "context"s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

which you do not have a clue.

Let me jot that zinger down....Give us that cliche that again!!!!!

You dan have no clue.

Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!! More!!!! Teach us....Please?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You do understand that MANY MANY folks know MAD is a lie and nothing but a deception and diversion from the truth right?

Give us that "MAD is a lie and nothing but a deception" one more time!!!!! "More," screams all of TOL!!!!!!
...leads those that buy into MAD into ignoring the teachings of Jesus and all other Apostles except for their pope Paul.

Tell us a little more about "the teachings of Jesus," after you've sold all you have, told no one that He is the Christ, and shown yourself to a Levitical priest.

Fraud. Sophistry. That is your "ministry."

patrick jane

You do understand that MANY MANY folks know MAD is a lie and nothing but a deception and diversion from the truth right?

You act like those who know MAD to be a lie are in the minority ! Where do you live in the middle of a desert ? MAD is nothing more than as Paul said "another gospel" and leads those that buy into MAD into ignoring the teachings of Jesus and all other Apostles except for their pope Paul.
YOU are the one accursed for preaching another gospel other than Paul's !!!! Don't worry, YOU are in the majority as most folks have it all wrong !!!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Because only one other gospel gets mentioned which he opposes as the apostle of Christ, which infected some leaders, and which was resolved at the Acts 15 council.

If your club would stick to actual text details instead of inventing another phantom issue that needs to be resolved, it would really help. The above circumstance is the only circumstance the NT deals with as far as mistaken gospels. The reason you have the phantom issue is to try to prop up D'ism.

Could you repeat that?


New member
YOU are the one accursed for preaching another gospel other than Paul's !!!! Don't worry, YOU are in the majority as most folks have it all wrong !!!

You who has ZERO clue what the gospel even is ! You might want to ask some of your friends to explain it to you again.

Faith is Jesus NOT in Paul is what saves PJ YOU have it backwards.


New member
Your insistence on remaining completely ignorant is a testament to your illogical and fallacious "reasoning" and your extreme zealotry for falsehood.

Paul did NOT preach the gospel of the grace of God until he RECEIVED it.

Paul preached many things; some old and some NEW.

Are you really that obtuse ?

Scripture says that he (Paul ) who persecuted the "faith" NOW preaches the faith he once destroyed.

He did not start a new faith WD he preached the same faith he once destroyed.

Gal 1:23 But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.

How do you folks even walk without falling over from over thinking walking ?

You do understand that Paul was the LAST Apostle saved right ? The things the other Apostles HAD BEEN preaching was all brand new to Paul but Jesus got him up to speed ! That is why scripture says the "faith" he once persecuted he NOW preaches.

Gal 1:23 But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Could you repeat that?

You see, the infection exists when we presuppose the text details to be a counteractive element of the "one gospel", further resisting enlightenment, not holding the Head, as is the case with all mistaken gospels relinquishing the NHNE event and the gospel event to relative obscurity and creating a non-resolution type attitude which is prevelant in many cases with those in denial. Agreed?

Right Divider

Body part
Are you really that obtuse ?

Scripture says that he (Paul ) who persecuted the "faith" NOW preaches the faith he once destroyed.
Are you really that obtuse?

That is NOT ALL that he preached.

Paul confirmed ALL THAT CAME BEFORE and he ALSO preached the NEW REVELATION that the RISEN LORD Jesus Christ gave to HIM!

He did not start a new faith WD he preached the same faith he once destroyed.
Are you really that obtuse?

Gal 1:23 But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.
Are you really that obtuse?

How do you folks even walk without falling over from over thinking walking ?

You do understand that Paul was the LAST Apostle saved right ? The things the other Apostles HAD BEEN preaching was all brand new to Paul but Jesus got him up to speed ! That is why scripture says the "faith" he once persecuted he NOW preaches.

Gal 1:23 But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.
Are you really that obtuse?

Yes, apparently you really are that obtuse.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You see, the infection exists when we presuppose the text details to be a counteractive element of the "one gospel", further resisting enlightenment, not holding the Head, as is the case with all mistaken gospels relinquishing the NHNE event and the gospel event to relative obscurity and creating a non-resolution type attitude which is prevelant in many cases with those in denial. Agreed?
aaaaag,("The Greek' grammer/grammar). lol. You need to listen better each of you. lol you have no logic, and are too much of a simpletone, and quite obtuse. Go ahead and embrace your 'victory' there which is half of a defeat--if you are literal about the text!!! 'The sine qua non j(I think that is "The Latin") of D'ism is a real non-discussion, STP. You show that the shear bulk of presumptions is all you need to know to keep asking the same information over and over. The bulk is mistaken. Just the fact that you can write it out does not make it true. It is grammatically ridiculous to try not to make justification and personal transformation operate two different ways.

What was the subject again?


Well-known member
I know the drill any and all scripture that proves MAD is a man made lie is false. You really need to learn HOW to read, dan.

Hi and not a good try !!

If you can not explain Gal 1:23 , so which FAITH was Paul DESTROYING ?? Acts 8:1-3 was DEVASTATING Jesus follwers and the 12 apostles and this a hard one for the HARD HEADED !!

In Gal 2:18 the things that I TORN DOWN ,these thing I REBUILD AGAIN , I prove my self a TRANSGRESSOR !!

You are just proving your self A FAKE NEWS PREVARICATER before God !!

dan p


New member
Hi and not a good try !!

If you can not explain Gal 1:23 , so which FAITH was Paul DESTROYING ?? Acts 8:1-3 was DEVASTATING Jesus follwers and the 12 apostles and this a hard one for the HARD HEADED !!

In Gal 2:18 the things that I TORN DOWN ,these thing I REBUILD AGAIN , I prove my self a TRANSGRESSOR !!

You are just proving your self A FAKE NEWS PREVARICATER before God !!

dan p

It is not rocket science dan Paul began preaching the same faith he once destroyed.

Now start your diversion, twisting, and absolute removal to the meaning of what that verse says. You and your ilk are following the same spirit as the Roman Catholic Church where scripture is concerned , which is it does not mean what it actually says it means what I say it means, and you get the same results as the RCC as in you are wrong and deceived.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
It is not rocket science dan Paul began preaching the same faith he once destroyed.

RD: "It's not rocket surgery, or brain science."

Matthew 16
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Acts 9
20 And straightway he preached Christ in the synagogues, that he is the Son of God.


New member
Geometry and obtuse triangles?
Geometry sure is some fancy cipherin', ain't it?

Posted to help the OBTUSE out of their own IGNORANCE:

annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.
"he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse"
synonyms: stupid, slow-witted, slow, dull-witted, unintelligent, ignorant, simpleminded, witless; More


Well-known member
It is not rocket science dan Paul began preaching the same faith he once destroyed.

Now start your diversion, twisting, and absolute removal to the meaning of what that verse says. You and your ilk are following the same spirit as the Roman Catholic Church where scripture is concerned , which is it does not mean what it actually says it means what I say it means, and you get the same results as the RCC as in you are wrong and deceived.

Hi and Gal 2:18 is made for all to understand and I do not have to use VERBS to explain though who have a VAIL over there HEARTS as do the Jews in 2 Cor 3:13-16 and this also points to those , not believeing 1 Cor 11:1 !!

This is the reason for your DEFICIENCY and are just a BABE !!

Work out of your diapers and grow up !!\

dan p

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Posted to help the OBTUSE out of their own IGNORANCE:

annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.
"he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse"
synonyms: stupid, slow-witted, slow, dull-witted, unintelligent, ignorant, simpleminded, witless; More

I prefer the mathematical aspect, seeing as how I majored in Math over at Mt Pilot Tech.

Right Divider

Body part
Posted to help the OBTUSE out of their own IGNORANCE:

annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.
"he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse"
synonyms: stupid, slow-witted, slow, dull-witted, unintelligent, ignorant, simpleminded, witless; More
You describe yourself.