Homosexuality is designed?


New member
Clete said:
Do you really think that your dogs are sexually attracted to one another? Give me a break. :kookoo:
I am just reporting what I have seen. If the male was mounting the female in heat would you not consider Noah (the dog's name) attracted to Maggie (one of the females).


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Clete said:

Homosexuality in animals is a myth; it does not happen, ever! There may be the occasional animal who is so set on having sex that he goes for the first thing he sees, but that isn't what homoism is. The animal is not attracted by members of the same gender and therefore seeks out such sexual encounters; that just simply does not happen in the animal kingdom. And even if it did, such animals could not reproduce and therefore such oddities would be weeded out naturally. But even given that, I don't believe that there has ever been a single case of an animal which consistently sought out sexual encounters with members of its same gender. Such behavior is definitely a myth propagated by homos who know intuitively that they are perverts and are looking for any reason at all to say that they are not.

Resting in Him,
did you read the link ?
here it is again


Well-known member
Clete said:
Our sexual identity is usually cemented in (for the most part) by the time we are 9 years old. This is why NABLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) has the slogan, "Sex before eight or it's too late!" Make no mistake about it, homo pedophiles know very well how to turn kids into homos and child molesters. They know, and they use that knowledge to their political advantage by intentionally trying to create as many of their perverted kind as they can so as to gain political power in hopes of making their perversion legal as the homos have already succeeded in doing.
Mark my words, the age of consent will be progressively lowered, first abroad and then in California and then in the rest of the nation. It will happen because there is simply nothing to stop it from happening.

Just to dispel any notion that I am debating unfairly; Clete chose to ignore my posts. I did not choose to ignore his.

First off, pedophilia will never be accepted by the majority. Just as homosexuality is not. The reason that pedophilia is illegal is that pedopilia is using ones power over another (that of an adult over a child) for sexual contact. Homosexuality is not illegal because and only when it is between two consulting adults. What is also so disturbing, and the reason why pedophilia exacts harsher judgement and sentences than sexual harrasment, is that it is a decisively heinous abuse of a child which leaves livelong emotional scars.

As far as I know, there is no conclusive evidence that psychologically links homosexuality with pedophilia. There is however, a logical connection with sexual harrassment. At any rate, If the nation should choose to lower the consenting age for sex then it certainly would not fall below 16. As it already is in some states. Historically, this is actually a few years older than past accepted ages for marriage.

I wonder what makes Clete think that the nation will legislate lower and lower ages of sexual consent? I have neither heard nor seen any evidence that this is or will be a trend. And I think there is plenty stopping this from happening. Namely every reasonable adult in this country.

Clete said:
This country has now degraded to a point that it is no longer governed by a code of laws but by the whim of the majority. No law is permanent, including constitutional law and so there is simply nothing standing in the way of the pedophiles making it legal to have sex with anyone whom they can convince to give consent to it except for the current social stigma that is attached to the behavior, which can and will easily be eroded away in time.

The people decide the representatives to the executive, legislative and indirectly the judicial offices of this country. This is a form of democracy.

I believe that homosexuality is wrong but prosecuting it is a greater infringement on the two consenting adults right to privacy. This is only a change in the interpretation of the Constitution that has changed for the better. There have been other interpretational shifts and amendments that have occured since the start of this nation. Many changes to our laws, like giving the write to vote to people other than land owners, and considering blacks as people and not property..... have been apart of this shift in our socio-political paradigm.

I think that Clete would like to dipense of our current form of democracy, and replace it with a theocracy. In this theocracry the only people in power (the first class citizens of this country) would be those who share Clete's specific socio-religious and political paradigm.


Well-known member
Clete said:

Homosexuality in animals is a myth; it does not happen, ever! There may be the occasional animal who is so set on having sex that he goes for the first thing he sees, but that isn't what homoism is. The animal is not attracted by members of the same gender and therefore seeks out such sexual encounters; that just simply does not happen in the animal kingdom. And even if it did, such animals could not reproduce and therefore such oddities would be weeded out naturally. But even given that, I don't believe that there has ever been a single case of an animal which consistently sought out sexual encounters with members of its same gender. Such behavior is definitely a myth propagated by homos who know intuitively that they are perverts and are looking for any reason at all to say that they are not.

Resting in Him,

This paragraph is very misleading. Whether or not an act is hetero or homo is decided by the gender of the two involved. To claim that one knows for certain the mind set and motivation of an animal in regard to a sex act is bordering on delusional.

Also if a human was driven by the same motivation that Clete claims animals are driven by, then I am pretty sure that Clete would still consider that "homoism". Or at least it seems to qualify for the Biblical defintion (when a man lies with another man as a man lies with a woman). Which says nothing about motivation. It only describes the act.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Jukia said:
I am just reporting what I have seen. If the male was mounting the female in heat would you not consider Noah (the dog's name) attracted to Maggie (one of the females).
Not in the way I am attracted to my wife, no. This is rediculous. Your dogs are not enamoured with one another. They are driven by instinct to reproduce via sexual behavior it is not at all the same thing as lusting after someone.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
fool said:

Yes, I read the link. You are being lied too, fool; the odd (perhaps trained) behavior of a handful of captive birds not withstanding. The last paragraph is proof enough for me that they are lying; perhaps intentionally and at minimum they are propagating false information. The population of homos even in societies which accept them on the whole is nowhere even close to 10%. It's closer to 2% and no more than 4%. The 10% myth has been proven fallacious many times. Whoever wrote this article is either a homo or got his information from a homo or is just really poorly informed.

Resting in Him,


I read the article too and almost laughed when it said that (paraphrasing here) "to a lesser extent Islam is against homos......." (compared to christianity and judaism)

Are you kidding me??!!!!!! They not only think its ok to kill a homo, they actually do it!!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Clete said:
Yes, I read the link. You are being lied too, fool; the odd (perhaps trained) behavior of a handful of captive birds not withstanding. The last paragraph is proof enough for me that they are lying; perhaps intentionally and at minimum they are propagating false information. The population of homos even in societies which accept them on the whole is nowhere even close to 10%. It's closer to 2% and no more than 4%. The 10% myth has been proven fallacious many times. Whoever wrote this article is either a homo or got his information from a homo or is just really poorly informed.

Resting in Him,
the article didn't talk about just birds
and even if "It's closer to 2% and no more than 4%" then the point still stands that it does manifest itself in other species.
and if you maintain that Wikipedia is "poorly informed" could you please direct me to a more "informed" encyclopedia?


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Hall of Fame
Agape4Robin said:
I read the article too and almost laughed when it said that (paraphrasing here) "to a lesser extent Islam is against homos......." (compared to christianity and judaism)

Are you kidding me??!!!!!! They not only think its ok to kill a homo, they actually do it!!
You have not adressed the premise that homosexuality manifests itself in other species
you have only admited that different cultures deal with it in different ways
read the whole article about homosexuality and you will see that some cultures make allowence for it and seem no worse off.


Well-known member
fool said:
the article didn't talk about just birds
and even if "It's closer to 2% and no more than 4%" then the point still stands that it does manifest itself in other species.
and if you maintain that Wikipedia is "poorly informed" could you please direct me to a more "informed" encyclopedia?

How could he do that? He ignores anything that might shatter his view of reality. And he wants you to as well.


Well-known member
fool said:
You have not adressed the premise that homosexuality manifests itself in other species
you have only admited that different cultures deal with it in different ways
read the whole article about homosexuality and you will see that some cultures make allowence for it and seem no worse off.

Well you see Agape4Robin or Ain'tGonnaListen is Clete's little lap dog. She is going to follow Clete's example of pointing out irrelevant errors in the text. As opposed to confronting the logic of the argument


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noguru said:
Well you see Agape4Robin or Ain'tGonnaListen is Clete's little lap dog. She is going to follow Clete's example of pointing out irrelevant errors in the text. As opposed to confronting the logic of the argument
thanks noguru
fool will keep trying
that's what fools do


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
fool said:
the article didn't talk about just birds
and even if "It's closer to 2% and no more than 4%" then the point still stands that it does manifest itself in other species.
It does not manifest itself in other species. You're buying a lie.
The 2-4% figure is in the human population where being a homo is actually possible. It is precisely ZERO in the animal population. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN because it cannot happen. You cannot even show that animals understand what they are doing much less that they have an understanding of gender. There is simply no way for an animal to be a homo regardless of what they may accidently be tricked into doing by whatever means.

and if you maintain that Wikipedia is "poorly informed" could you please direct me to a more "informed" encyclopedia?
On this issue, just about any of them would have to be better. The writer of that article is very clearly either biased or misinformed.

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Clete said:
It does not manifest itself in other species. You're buying a lie.
The 2-4% figure is in the human population where being a homo is actually possible. It is precisely ZERO in the animal population. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN because it cannot happen. You cannot even show that animals understand what they are doing much less that they have an understanding of gender. There is simply no way for an animal to be a homo regardless of what they may accidently be tricked into doing by whatever means.

On this issue, just about any of them would have to be better. The writer of that article is very clearly either biased or misinformed.

Resting in Him,
inform me


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Agape4Robin said:
I read the article too and almost laughed when it said that (paraphrasing here) "to a lesser extent Islam is against homos......." (compared to christianity and judaism)

Are you kidding me??!!!!!! They not only think its ok to kill a homo, they actually do it!!
Good point! Although it should be pointed out that they do so some times in an unjust manner. That's a separate issue though, I bring it up just to point out that even though they are very unjust in many of their punishments and jurice prudence, they nevertheless reap the benefits of those parts of their law which is just. As a consequences of their swift and public execution of homos, their societies have no AIDS, and no child molestation (which translates to very few homos ever being found in their society to begin with). In addition their strict (again sometime unjustly so) laws against adultry reap the consequences of virtually no divorce, teen suicide is unheard of as is teen pregnancy, and on and on and on. Such far reaching ramifications of individual and very simply laws is proof of their validity and just nature.

Resting in Him,
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Clete said:
Good point! Although it should be pointed out that they do so some times in an unjust manner. That's a separate issue though, I bring it up just to point out that even though they are very unjust in many of their punishments and jurice prudence, they nevertheless reap the benefits of those parts of their law which is just. As a consequences of their swift and public execution of homos, their societies have no AIDS, and no child molestation (which translates to very few homos ever being found in their society to begin with). In addition their strict (again sometime unjustly so) laws against adultry reep the consequences of virtually no divorce, teen suicide is unheard of as is teen pregnancy, and on and on and on. Such far reaching ramifications of individual and very simply laws is proof of their validity and just nature.

Resting in Him,
could you link us to this info please?