Homosexuality is designed?

fool said:
unfortunatly we are animals
and I think that it's the hieght of bigotry to channel so much hate at people who are born a certain way
I don't understand it personally but the fact that it's present in the animal kingdom should go to show that it's not just hate for God, or love of sin that make homos homo
at the very least, in this day and age, we should try to treat the homos like human beings and put away all this talk of execution

yeah i agree with putting the execution behind us, and I'm not really sure being homo is something you choose to do, i mean how can you choose a hairy smelly dude over a woman of your own free will, and not be born into that ;)


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beefalobilly said:
yeah i agree with putting the execution behind us, and I'm not really sure being homo is something you choose to do, i mean how can you choose a hairy smelly dude over a woman of your own free will, and not be born into that ;)


beefalobilly said:
yeah i agree with putting the execution behind us, and I'm not really sure being homo is something you choose to do, i mean how can you choose a hairy smelly dude over a woman of your own free will, and not be born into that ;)

So is it of their own free will or are they born into it?


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wholearmor said:
So is it of their own free will or are they born into it?
Wholearmor; I think we've shown that there can be a predisposition to it.
so the question is now what?
what should these people do?
live a lie, or stay celibate,
and why your answering that question
answer this
why do you get to decide?
wholearmor said:
Y'all skipped over this post:

I didn't see that, but that's a good question, although I'm pretty sure most prisoners into that kind of thing are into it for power, not sexual pleasure. They do it to keep those around them in line, I mean it's not like they're doing it out of "love."
wholearmor said:
So is it of their own free will or are they born into it?

It's certainly not of their free will in that one day someone says "I'm going to start having sex with men." I don't think someone just wakes up one day and says "i'm going to stop being attracted to girls and start seducing men."

Yes, I think that some are born into it, but I'm not entirely sure. And the argument that gays are molested to become gay isn't much different from being gay genetically, both are external forces that they have no control over, the only difference is that someone who is genetically gay wouldn't be able to change.

Funny thing is, one of the principal assumptions of christianity is that humans are born into sin, and that we're born knowing how to cheat, lie, steal etc. I'm not sure why an exception is made for gays, and it is claimed that they choose to be gay (as opposed to being born into it....like just about every other sin)
Clete said:
When did you ever show that?!

Tell me what you think about some of my thoughts on the subject that i've posted. My mind isn't really set on the subject, so tell me where you disagree with my thoughts.


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beefalobilly said:
It's certainly not of their free will in that one day someone says "I'm going to start having sex with men." I don't think someone just wakes up one day and says "i'm going to stop being attracted to girls and start seducing men."
You're right of course. Homos are made by molesting children (primarily). The resulting confusion left in the mind of a child leads to the perversion. This can be avoided and usually is but the point here is that what makes someone into a homo begins at a very early age. This is part of the reason why they universally report having always felt the way they do and thus believe that they were born that way.

Yes, I think that some are born into it, but I'm not entirely sure.
They cannot have been born that way. God commands the death penalty for being a homo. If they were born that way such a penalty would be unjust. God is not unjust thus believing that they are born that way is incompatible with being a Christian.

And the argument that gays are molested to become gay isn't much different from being gay genetically, both are external forces that they have no control over, the only difference is that someone who is genetically gay wouldn't be able to change.
There is a lot more to it than simply having been molested or else all molestation victims would become homosexual which the majority do not. Molestation is the primary contributing factor but is still only that, a contributing factor. The perverted lifestyle must still be chosen and acted upon by the individual.
There are similar major contributing factors that occur during the childhood rapists as well. Do you suppose that they should be excused because those factors were out of their control? I certainly don't. The point being obvious, just as the rapist does not have to commit his crime; neither does the homo have to commit his.

Funny thing is, one of the principal assumptions of Christianity is that humans are born into sin, and that we're born knowing how to cheat, lie, steal etc. I'm not sure why an exception is made for gays, and it is claimed that they choose to be gay (as opposed to being born into it....like just about every other sin)
This doesn't even make any sense. Are you suggesting that we excuse those who steal because they were born into it? Is that what you are getting at? If not, what in the world was your point here? It makes no sense at all. :confused:

Resting in Him,
Clete said:
They cannot have been born that way. God commands the death penalty for being a homo. If they were born that way such a penalty would be unjust. God is not unjust thus believing that they are born that way is incompatible with being a Christian.

Using this logic then, wouldn't also the concept of hell be incompatible with being a christian? After all, "the wages of sin is death." The penalty for all sin is death, none of us are righteous. That means we all deserve hell, and some will meet their end there because they were born into sin and never repented. Is this unjust as well?

Clete said:
This doesn't even make any sense. Are you suggesting that we excuse those who steal because they were born into it? Is that what you are getting at? If not, what in the world was your point here? It makes no sense at all. :confused:

Resting in Him,

Looking back on the post I made I can see how it doesn't make sense. I'm not suggesting we excuse those who steal at all. What I was trying to say was that we're all born with a sin nature, and I'm pretty sure most christians believe that. We're born with a sin nature so that we tend to lie, steal, cheat whatever. No one teaches us how to do that. We don't need external forces to teach us how to do such things.

"Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me."

And so I'm not sure why it's so adament for christians that gayness be a result of external forces but other sins are a result of a natural sin nature. If humans are allowed to go naturally then they will go down the path of sin, and yet it's argued that gayness is un-natural (these two concepts contradict each other).

If sin is the natural nature of humanity, then gayness would also be for certain people (i don't assume that all humans have the same struggles with the same sins), and the argument that gayness is wrong because "it's unnatural" is invalid because naturally some people would tend towards gayness, and un-naturally they would tend towards being straight.


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beefalobilly said:
Using this logic then, wouldn't also the concept of hell be incompatible with being a christian? After all, "the wages of sin is death." The penalty for all sin is death, none of us are righteous. That means we all deserve hell, and some will meet their end there because they were born into sin and never repented. Is this unjust as well?
Romans 5:14-16
14Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had not sinned according to the likeness of the transgression of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come. 15But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man's offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many. 16And the gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned. For the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification.​
No one will go to Hell because of Adam's sin. Christ made sure of that on the cross. If anyone goes to Hell it's because they chose to reject God. God is not unjust, period.

Looking back on the post I made I can see how it doesn't make sense. I'm not suggesting we excuse those who steal at all. What I was trying to say was that we're all born with a sin nature, and I'm pretty sure most Christians believe that. We're born with a sin nature so that we tend to lie, steal, cheat whatever. No one teaches us how to do that. We don't need external forces to teach us how to do such things.
I agree that this is a common Christian belief but it has no bearing on the issue of this thread.

"Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me."

And so I'm not sure why it's so adamant for Christians that gayness be a result of external forces but other sins are a result of a natural sin nature. If humans are allowed to go naturally then they will go down the path of sin, and yet it's argued that gayness is un-natural (these two concepts contradict each other).
So again, should we not execute the murderer because he was conceived in sin? This argument of yours just doesn't make any sense.

If sin is the natural nature of humanity, then gayness would also be for certain people (i don't assume that all humans have the same struggles with the same sins), and the argument that gayness is wrong because "it's unnatural" is invalid because naturally some people would tend towards gayness, and un-naturally they would tend towards being straight.
Being a homo is wrong because it kills people, lots of them. It also erodes a society from its base and leads to anarchy. If you swiftly execute people who commit such crimes, you will save millions of lives.
Besides, when someone says that being a homo is unnatural it is obviously in reference to the common sense notion that a male and female go together 'naturally'. What homos do, they are not designed to do, it is therefore "unnatural". It has nothing to do with original sin or the sin nature, that's a completely different issue altogether.

Resting in Him,


The Dark Knight
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Jukia said:
So I take it that all those people on here who claim to love God never sin. And those of us who do sin hate God by your definition? Must be nice to be perfect.

The only perfection any of us have is Christ.

"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
-1 John 1:8


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beefalobilly said that his dog humps anything that moves. Does that mean his dog lusts after everything that moves?:rolleyes: Does a dog who humps the couch lust after couches?:rolleyes:

Animals who "hump*" other animals are doing one thing, and one thing only... they are exerting dominance.

*When sexual reproduction is not the purpose.


New member
justchristian said:
Could you possibly explain why?

AIDS spread because of gays and AIDS is definately a killer. If gay marriage is allowed, what's next? Polygamy? Pedophilia? Beastiality? Where does it end?