Homosexuality is designed?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
fool said:
thank you for your time

I'm sure it was quite wasted on you. However, there are others here who might find what I've said worthwhile.

By the way, if you do decide to try to inform yourself more on the actual facts of this issue, I recommend staying away from Google. All you'll find with it is the stuff that people with money are willing to pay to have you find (like Wickopedia for example).
Get creative and use the mind God gave you for something besides a hat rack. The truth is findable if you are willing to see it and to really look for it.

Proverbs 8:17
I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me.​

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
fool said:
this fool must have missed it could you do it again for me and our audiance?
Post 173 and just about every other post I've made on this thread.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Clete said:
I'm sure it was quite wasted on you. However, there are others here who might find what I've said worthwhile.

By the way, if you do decide to try to inform yourself more on the actual facts of this issue, I recommend staying away from Google. All you'll find with it is the stuff that people with money are willing to pay to have you find (like Wickopedia for example).
Get creative and use the mind God gave you for something besides a hat rack. The truth is findable if you are willing to see it and to really look for it.

Proverbs 8:17
I love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me.​

Resting in Him,
I corinthians 3;18-19
Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world,
let him become a fool, that he might be wise.
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
fool said:
I corinthians 3;18-19
Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world,
let him become a fool, that he might be wise.
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Clete said:
It does not manifest itself in other species. You're buying a lie.
The 2-4% figure is in the human population where being a homo is actually possible. It is precisely ZERO in the animal population. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN because it cannot happen. You cannot even show that animals understand what they are doing much less that they have an understanding of gender. There is simply no way for an animal to be a homo regardless of what they may accidently be tricked into doing by whatever means.

On this issue, just about any of them would have to be better. The writer of that article is very clearly either biased or misinformed.

Resting in Him,
this post is your evidence that it dosen't happen with other species?


billwald said:
The unnamed designer coded for random homosexual expression?

I wonder how many prisoners who would never have committed homosexual acts outside of prison commit them inside prison.


New member
Clete said:
Not in the way I am attracted to my wife, no. This is rediculous. Your dogs are not enamoured with one another. They are driven by instinct to reproduce via sexual behavior it is not at all the same thing as lusting after someone.

Resting in Him,

Really? Then you have never seen 125 pound Noah, the dog, attempting to get to a female in heat. Comes as close to animal lust as I want to be around.
And we are not "driven by instinct to reproduce via sexual behavior"?


New member
Clete said:
Get creative and use the mind God gave you for something besides a hat rack. The truth is findable if you are willing to see it and to really look for it.


Clete: Problem with trying to use my mind for something other than a hat rack is that when I do that I come up with information that seems to contradict what you and many others here seem to say. How can that be?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Jukia said:
Clete: Problem with trying to use my mind for something other than a hat rack is that when I do that I come up with information that seems to contradict what you and many others here seem to say. How can that be?
Because fool took your first choice of screen names?

Proverbs 1:20Wisdom calls aloud outside;
She raises her voice in the open squares.
21She cries out in the chief concourses,
At the openings of the gates in the city
She speaks her words:
22"How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity?
For scorners delight in their scorning,
And fools hate knowledge.
23Turn at my rebuke;
Surely I will pour out my spirit on you;
I will make my words known to you.
24Because I have called and you refused,
I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded,
25Because you disdained all my counsel,
And would have none of my rebuke,
26I also will laugh at your calamity;
I will mock when your terror comes,
27When your terror comes like a storm,
And your destruction comes like a whirlwind,
When distress and anguish come upon you.
28"Then they will call on me, but I will not answer;
They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me.
29Because they hated knowledge
And did not choose the fear of the LORD,
30They would have none of my counsel
And despised my every rebuke.
31Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way,
And be filled to the full with their own fancies.
32For the turning away of the simple will slay them,
And the complacency of fools will destroy them;
33But whoever listens to me will dwell safely,
And will be secure, without fear of evil."

Resting in Him,
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Clete said:
It does not manifest itself in other species. You're buying a lie.
The 2-4% figure is in the human population where being a homo is actually possible. It is precisely ZERO in the animal population. IT DOES NOT HAPPEN because it cannot happen. You cannot even show that animals understand what they are doing much less that they have an understanding of gender. There is simply no way for an animal to be a homo regardless of what they may accidently be tricked into doing by whatever means.

I don't know, I've seen dogs that will hump anything that moves :noway:
And actually what you said about animals not understanding what they're doing, and having no concept of gender is actually a good argument for animal gayness, because they just will try to mate with anything and not understand what they're doing. I guess the human differnce is that humans can try to repress their desires if they're gay.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the wikipedia article mentioned that the penquins mated for life and raised an adopted egg together
they had been using a rock befor that
I realize that Clete thinks it's made up
but I've heard of this before
suppose any source I find will just be dimissed by someone who's mind is made up
Yeah, I'm not even sure why some christians don't believe gay animals exist.

Since most christians see gayness as wrong, and apparently some see it as a strictly human phenomenon, than I guess murdering your children is strictly a human phenomenon as well...(of course we all know it DOES happen in the animal kingdom)

So my point is animal gayness shouldn't even be a problem for christians. Just because an animal does something doesn't make it standard, common, or OK for humans to do.


New member
Well, the argument is pointless.

They tell you that it doesn't happen in nature, so there is proof.
You show them that it does happen in nature, and they contradict themselves, and argue that we are not animals.

People believe what they want to believe.
yeah, the argument that it doesn't happen in nature can almost be considered anti-christian since it equates human activity with animal activity, and turns humans into just another animal


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
beefalobilly said:
yeah, the argument that it doesn't happen in nature can almost be considered anti-christian since it equates human activity with animal activity, and turns humans into just another animal
unfortunatly we are animals
and I think that it's the hieght of bigotry to channel so much hate at people who are born a certain way
I don't understand it personally but the fact that it's present in the animal kingdom should go to show that it's not just hate for God, or love of sin that make homos homo
at the very least, in this day and age, we should try to treat the homos like human beings and put away all this talk of execution