Homosexuality is designed?


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Zakath said:
I believe it's a nickname, popularized here, designating a female homosexual, i.e. a lesbian.
thanks Zak the evolution was so smooth I missed the transitional type


Clete, the physical makup is just one factor that could be a cause of homosexuality. Of, course there are psychological and environmental factors as well, but we know hormones play into our sexual roles.


New member
nancy said:
Clete, the physical makup is just one factor that could be a cause of homosexuality. Of, course there are psychological and environmental factors as well, but we know hormones play into our sexual roles.
Lust of the flesh is problem. Sin is the problem. Not physical makeup.


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Dread Helm said:
Lust of the flesh is problem. Sin is the problem. Not physical makeup.
I can understand lust
but how do you explain a male lusting after another male when the vast majority lust after females?
seems like some people are just wired diferent


New member
fool said:
but how do you explain a male lusting after another male when the vast majority lust after females?
seems like some people are just wired diferent
Sin. People hate God. Whatever God says not to do, people do.

I mean, seriously. Who would actually want to have sex with an animal? It's disgusting! It's the flesh.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Dread Helm said:
Sin. People hate God. Whatever God says not to do, people do.

I mean, seriously. Who would actually want to have sex with an animal? It's disgusting! It's the flesh.
I really don't think the homos are doing it to spite God
besides other species get "confused" to


New member
Dread Helm said:
Sin. People hate God. Whatever God says not to do, people do.

I mean, seriously. Who would actually want to have sex with an animal? It's disgusting! It's the flesh.

So I take it that all those people on here who claim to love God never sin. And those of us who do sin hate God by your definition? Must be nice to be perfect.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
nancy said:
Clete, the physical makeup is just one factor that could be a cause of homosexuality. Of, course there are psychological and environmental factors as well, but we know hormones play into our sexual roles.
Our sexual identity is usually cemented in (for the most part) by the time we are 9 years old. This is why NABLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) has the slogan, "Sex before eight or it's too late!" Make no mistake about it, homo pedophiles know very well how to turn kids into homos and child molesters. They know, and they use that knowledge to their political advantage by intentionally trying to create as many of their perverted kind as they can so as to gain political power in hopes of making their perversion legal as the homos have already succeeded in doing.
Mark my words, the age of consent will be progressively lowered, first abroad and then in California and then in the rest of the nation. It will happen because there is simply nothing to stop it from happening. This country has now degraded to a point that it is no longer governed by a code of laws but by the whim of the majority. No law is permanent, including constitutional law and so there is simply nothing standing in the way of the pedophiles making it legal to have sex with anyone whom they can convince to give consent to it except for the current social stigma that is attached to the behavior, which can and will easily be eroded away in time.

Resting in Him,


Clete said:
Our sexual identity is usually cemented in (for the most part) by the time we are 9 years old. This is why NABLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) has the slogan, "Sex before eight or it's too late!" Make no mistake about it, homo pedophiles know very well how to turn kids into homos and child molesters. They know, and they use that knowledge to their political advantage by intentionally trying to create as many of their perverted kind as they can so as to gain political power in hopes of making their perversion legal as the homos have already succeeded in doing.
Mark my words, the age of consent will be progressively lowered, first abroad and then in California and then in the rest of the nation. It will happen because there is simply nothing to stop it from happening. This country has now degraded to a point that it is no longer governed by a code of laws but by the whim of the majority. No law is permanent, including constitutional law and so there is simply nothing standing in the way of the pedophiles making it legal to have sex with anyone whom they can convince to give consent to it except for the current social stigma that is attached to the behavior, which can and will easily be eroded away in time.

Resting in Him,
:noway: :noid:


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

Homosexuality in animals is a myth; it does not happen, ever! There may be the occasional animal who is so set on having sex that he goes for the first thing he sees, but that isn't what homoism is. The animal is not attracted by members of the same gender and therefore seeks out such sexual encounters; that just simply does not happen in the animal kingdom. And even if it did, such animals could not reproduce and therefore such oddities would be weeded out naturally. But even given that, I don't believe that there has ever been a single case of an animal which consistently sought out sexual encounters with members of its same gender. Such behavior is definitely a myth propagated by homos who know intuitively that they are perverts and are looking for any reason at all to say that they are not.

Resting in Him,


Clete said:

Homosexuality in animals is a myth; it does not happen, ever! There may be the occasional animal who is so set on having sex that he goes for the first thing he sees, but that isn't what homoism is. The animal is not attracted by members of the same gender and therefore seeks out such sexual encounters; that just simply does not happen in the animal kingdom. And even if it did, such animals could not reproduce and therefore such oddities would be weeded out naturally. But even given that, I don't believe that there has ever been a single case of an animal which consistently sought out sexual encounters with members of its same gender. Such behavior is definitely a myth propagated by homos who know intuitively that they are perverts and are looking for any reason at all to say that they are not.

Resting in Him,


New member
Clete said:

Homosexuality in animals is a myth; it does not happen, ever! There may be the occasional animal who is so set on having sex that he goes for the first thing he sees, but that isn't what homoism is. The animal is not attracted by members of the same gender and therefore seeks out such sexual encounters; that just simply does not happen in the animal kingdom. And even if it did, such animals could not reproduce and therefore such oddities would be weeded out naturally. But even given that, I don't believe that there has ever been a single case of an animal which consistently sought out sexual encounters with members of its same gender. Such behavior is definitely a myth propagated by homos who know intuitively that they are perverts and are looking for any reason at all to say that they are not.

Resting in Him,
Really? I have 3 dogs, 1 male 2 females, none neutered. We keep the male away from the females when they are in heat but on occasion the female not in heat will mount the female in heat. So explain that please, seems like behavior that could be called homosexual, does it not?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Jukia said:
Really? I have 3 dogs, 1 male 2 females, none neutered. We keep the male away from the females when they are in heat but on occasion the female not in heat will mount the female in heat. So explain that please, seems like behavior that could be called homosexual, does it not?
Do you really think that your dogs are sexually attracted to one another? Give me a break. :kookoo: