Homosexuality is designed?


New member
Clete said:
Is it "conceivable"? Sure, or else you couldn't have formulated the question. Does that happen? That would be a more germane question. I think the evidence clearly shows that it does not. There is exactly zero evidence that there is any genetic component to homoism. On the contrary, the evidence shows clearly that homoism is a result of the sexual abuse of children. In effect, homos reproduce by molesting children. Most homos do not molest children but nearly of them had been molested themselves before the age of eight by a member of the same sex. If there were no homos, there would be no child molestation and vise-versa (generally speaking). This is less true for fomos (female homos) than it is for regular homos but the point is, they aren't born that way. It is a perversion that destroys lives by the millions and it should be recriminalized as soon as possible.

Resting in Him,

I was never molested. Most people I know were never molested.
But that is your response to someone who was molested as a kid? Execution as an adult?


New member
beanieboy said:
But that is your response to someone who was molested as a kid?
That's like executing the victim of a rape. Of course not. If they continued in homosexual behavior then they would be executed.


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beanieboy said:
I was never molested. Most people I know were never molested.
But that is your response to someone who was molested as a kid? Execution as an adult?

I very simply do not believe you, although I don't necessarily think you are lying. To make such a claim is essentially the same as an emphysema patient claiming that they were never exposed to cigarette smoke. Does it happen? Sure, but not very damn often. Chances are you were indeed molested and perhaps do not remember the assault.
Either way, most children who are molested do not become homos (thank God!). And so no, you don't punish a person for being a victim of a violent crime. The abuse only sets them up for falling into the homo lifestyle by confusing their minds and emotions at such a fragile and formative time in their lives. It is only if they choose to become a homo themselves that they should be executed. In other words, molestation is not a direct cause like flipping a switch causes electricity to flow through a light bulb. Molestation is merely the primary contributing factor.

Resting in Him,


Well-known member
Clete said:
Oh yes, "sore loser", the cry of all idiots who wouldn't know a sound argument if it bit them in the butt. You're so pathetic it's almost funny.

So you say. I guess God will be the judge of that. Since I feel exactly the same about you.

Clete said:
I give bad rep to those who are intellectually dishonest and/or stupid and/or whatever else I feel is deserving of bad rep, that's what rep points are about. You are as good an example of what makes TOL as agonizing as it is fun as anyone I can think of off the top of my head and so you get bad rep, and as much of it as I can give (which isn't enough in this case).

So what is it am I intellectually dishonest, am I stupid, or is it that you just feel I am

Well I haven't given you any bad rep points, because I respect the fact that you might disagree with me.

I know it must be agonizing to take yourself so seriously as a compensation for your lack of logical aptitude.

Clete said:
Also, I did indeed put you on my ignore list, or at least I thought I did, but I can still see your posts! :think:)

Actually putting me on your ignore list fits your character. Keep your head in the sand Clete. Then we can all see how cowardly and foolish you are.

Clete said:
I guess I'll have to try again! :wave2::)

So I guess your not going to show us your evidence that makes the CDC certain that HIV started from a gay person having sex with a monkey. :shocked:


Clete said:
This is incorrect. The image of God has little or nothing to do with gender except from a symbolic stand point. This error comes from a propensity to create God in our image rather than trying to understand that we are made in His. God has personality, intelligence, independent will, emotions, etc and God is spiritual and triune as well. It is in these ways that we are made in God's image. God is not physical He is a Spirit (Jesus has a physical body but that is a separate issue) and so gender in its literal physical sense is meaningless in reference to God. God is masculine but He is not a male, if you get my meaning. In other words, He is in a position of authority which all created things should and will submit themselves too just as a wife should submit herself to her husband.

Resting in Him,

P.S. I think you (Beanieboy) have asked a descent question but I resent the implication that God is somehow a homo. I will not continue this conversation if such a idea can even possibly be inferred by anything else you say on this thread. You complain that you don't get straight answers from Christians on this site and so I have tried to give you one but I will not tolerate such blasphemy, intentional or otherwise.
Well said, Clete!!!! :BRAVO:
Just what I have tried to say. In everything there is order. For example, a lion is an animal, but it has power over the antelope. Wait....where am I going with this? :doh: Scratch that.
The order as God designed it goes like this; God, Man, woman, child. Or in a family order; God, husband, wife and children. In a (Godly) business; God, boss or senior, employee.
In a national (Godly) order; God, President, Legislators, judicials, then citizens. That's not exhaustive, but you get the idea.


New member
Clete said:
Is it "conceivable"? Sure, or else you couldn't have formulated the question. Does that happen? That would be a more germane question. I think the evidence clearly shows that it does not. There is exactly zero evidence that there is any genetic component to homoism. On the contrary, the evidence shows clearly that homoism is a result of the sexual abuse of children. In effect, homos reproduce by molesting children. Most homos do not molest children but nearly of them had been molested themselves before the age of eight by a member of the same sex. If there were no homos, there would be no child molestation and vise-versa (generally speaking). This is less true for fomos (female homos) than it is for regular homos but the point is, they aren't born that way. It is a perversion that destroys lives by the millions and it should be recriminalized as soon as possible.

Resting in Him,

Got any citations to this "evidence"?


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Silver Subscriber
Jukia said:
Got any citations to this "evidence"?


Here is a old thread of mine with some info.

I have more but its all in boxes and I don't have the time to dig through the attic to find them. They aren't difficult to find though. Most homo publications are proud to spout the evidence of their own perversion. You have to learn to look past the spin (which isn't difficult either) but the point is that if you want to find this sort of thing out, it isn't hard.

Resting in Him,


New member
This is worth repeating - there was no response - it is so important to understand this post
All in all sin is trying to do something good - but falling short, or missing the target. The concept of sin as portrayed concerning homosexuality is simply a non-beneficial prognosis that more or less entraps a person to sin continually.

What is beneficial to all of us, is to live in harmony with the Universe, which takes every fiber of our being, with nothing held back - so lust is what? - lust is wanting to show and receive pleasure, but have we not been duped in believing that this activity of lusting will actually bring the pleasure we desire? I think so anyways, that lust is simply a distraction, something that keeps us from being able to focus and concentrate, and it also keeps us from viewing the opposite sex, or the same sex with pure intent. I personally do not make a big deal out of it though, and it is easy to get rid of if one is not inflicted with a guilt trip over one's lust. There are consequences to our behavior, consequences that cause us pain, and the pain is only there because if we cannot be motivated by good sense - what is the best, then we can either look around us and see other people doing certain things, and see what happens to them, or we can endure the pain ourselves, which is sometimes so severe that we do not recover, and we loose the "body" that we are presently in.

Anyways - yes God did make us this way, it is by Divine Design that if we do not seek a Spiritual Divine Connection with the "Cosmos" or God or some form of Spirituality that we seek something else, something less perfect, and that seeking something less perfect is missing the mark or falling short - other wise known as sin.

With Christ's Love



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Silver Subscriber
Jukia said:
I'll bet that most kids who are molested wind up heterosexual, or to be consistent, hetero.

Umm, I think I already said that. Yeah! Yeah I did! Here's the quote....

From post 123
clete said:
Either way, most children who are molested do not become homos (thank God!). And so no, you don't punish a person for being a victim of a violent crime. The abuse only sets them up for falling into the homo lifestyle by confusing their minds and emotions at such a fragile and formative time in their lives.

Resting in Him,


servent101 said:
This is worth repeating - there was no response - it is so important to understand this post

With Christ's Love

Servent 101........
Your quote from WW.....is laughable! How would she know Christ? She hasn't met Him! And for you to quote her.... :chuckle:

Perhaps you have not met Christ either? :think:


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Silver Subscriber
servent101 said:
Anyways - yes God did make us this way, it is by Divine Design that if we do not seek a Spiritual Divine Connection with the "Cosmos" or God or some form of Spirituality that we seek something else, something less perfect, and that seeking something less perfect is missing the mark or falling short - other wise known as sin.

Your thinking this worth repeating is what landed you the reputation you have.

I know I'm going to regret asking this question but here goes nothing...

By what authority do you make the above quoted definition of sin?
It certainly isn't Biblical. Did you just make this up yourself, did your god tell you, were you visited by hyper-intelligent, pan-dimensional beings that manifest in this existence as little white mice or what?

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Agape4Robin said:
Servent 101........
Your quote from WW.....is laughable! How would she know Christ? She hasn't met Him! And for you to quote her.... :chuckle:

Perhaps you have not met Christ either? :think:

That quote was from Wickwoman! :doh:

No wonder! :hammer:


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Silver Subscriber
Lighthouse said:
Were most fomos molested by males? I know one who was.
No I don't think so. They usually had a father who was either absent for no good reason (i.e. he wasn't away at war or killed fighting a fire or anything like that, he just left because he was a slime ball) or was very emotionally distant and usually harshly abusive in other ways. Chances are the father had wanted a son and treated his daughter as much like a boy as possible and probably did things that made his daughter think that there was something wrong with being a girl and that it was her fault that she wasn't a boy.
I honestly don't remember what the deal is with the mothers of fomos but I seem to recall that there were major disfuctions happening in the mother-daughter relationship as well, I'll have to look it up. But no, I don't recall reading anything that said the fomos are usually victims of sexual abuse as children. Emotional abuse is present to be sure, but not necessarily sexual, at least not nearly to the degree that sexual abuse is present in the childhood of their male counterparts.

Resting in Him,


Merely Christian
In personal experience, that is what I have seen from fomos, dysfunctional families (no father, abusive mother). Within their fomo relationship itself, a high degree of emotional and physical abuse. In one instance there was a highly abusive preceding marriage/divorce at an extremely young age as well.


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Silver Subscriber
Nineveh said:
In personal experience, that is what I have seen from fomos, dysfunctional families (no father, abusive mother). Within their fomo relationship itself, a high degree of emotional and physical abuse. In one instance there was a highly abusive preceding marriage/divorce at an extremely young age as well.
You really hit the nail on the head with this sentence.
I don't know if this is still the case but at one time domestic violence was the #1 killer of fomos. All the lezbos were killing each other off! Obviously there is a lot of anger and frustration in the hearts of fomos. It would be sad if they weren't such perverts.

On a personal note, I found it surprising to find out the degree to which women define their femininity based on their relationship with their father. As a father of two daughters myself, I found that to be a sobering thought and it brought a different light to my responsibilities as a father and a husband. It really is true that I strive to be a great daddy to my daughters by being a great husband to my wife. I think that one thing is a primary key issue in the proper raising of children. It is also an issue that goes overlooked all too often in this society.

Resting in Him,


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Clete said:
You really hit the nail on the head with this sentence.
I don't know if this is still the case but at one time domestic violence was the #1 killer of fomos. All the lezbos were killing each other off! Obviously there is a lot of anger and frustration in the hearts of fomos. It would be sad if they weren't such perverts.

On a personal note, I found it surprising to find out the degree to which women define their femininity based on their relationship with their father. As a father of two daughters myself, I found that to be a sobering thought and it brought a different light to my responsibilities as a father and a husband. It really is true that I strive to be a great daddy to my daughters by being a great husband to my wife. I think that one thing is a primary key issue in the proper raising of children. It is also an issue that goes overlooked all too often in this society.

Resting in Him,
