Homosexuality is designed?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
noguru said:
Cool thanks. Can't take what you dish out, hah. :chuckle:

And I noticed you bad repped me also. You started the insults, I stayed within the bounds of politeness. You put me on the ignore list and bad repped me.

I guess one could say you're a sore loser.
Oh yes, "sore loser", the cry of all idiots who wouldn't know a sound argument if it bit them in the butt. You're so pathetic it's almost funny.

I give bad rep to those who are intellectually dishonest and/or stupid and/or whatever else I feel is deserving of bad rep, that's what rep points are about. You are as good an example of what makes TOL as agonizing as it is fun as anyone I can think of off the top of my head and so you get bad rep, and as much of it as I can give (which isn't enough in this case).

Also, I did indeed put you on my ignore list, or at least I thought I did, but I can still see your posts! :think:

I guess I'll have to try again! :wave2:

Resting in Him,


New member
Hall of Fame
Clete said:
I missed this yesterday!

Yes! If given the legal apportunity I wouldn't hesitate to participate in the execution of capital criminals, especially if that criminal had in some way victimized my family. That having been said however, with such laws in place, there would almost certainly never come the opportunity to do so. A death penalty with teeth is a remarkably effective deterant to crime.

Resting in Him,

Talk is cheap.

Although on the other hand personally participating in the execution of someone who's harmed my family would definitely not keep me up nights.


New member
Hall of Fame
noguru said:
Cool thanks. Can't take what you dish out, hah. :chuckle:

And I noticed you bad repped me also. You started the insults, I stayed within the bounds of politeness. You put me on the ignore list and bad repped me.

I guess one could say you're a sore loser.


They're watching...:noid:


New member
Lighthouse said:
I see that those who brought the woman to Jesus were in sin in that exact moment by bringing her to Him, in the first place. Especially since they didn't bring the man, as well.

So, in your little world, if they had brought the man also, Jesus would have been at the front of the line, chucking rocks at them?


New member
beanieboy said:
I find it interesting that God is considered male, has no female counterpart, and is a designer.

Kind of makes you go hmmm.
Actually it kind of makes me go: Huh? Is this guy a homo or somthing?

Then I remmember that :beanboy: posted it.


New member
Dread Helm said:
Actually it kind of makes me go: Huh? Is this guy a homo or somthing?

Then I remmember that :beanboy: posted it.

It was only meant as a joke.
And was probably out of line. "I'm thinking starsss, I'm thinking greens and blues...."
There are many a gay designer.

But it is curious, isn't it?
That there is a (in human terms) Heavenly Father, but no Heavenly Mother.
Well, Mary, but I don't know if that counts.

In Gen., God even creates a man, and after a while, the man is lonely, so he creates a woman.

But there is no procreation from God.
He creates with no female counterpart. There is no "female" aspect of God.
And the woman was in response to the man.
And Matthew 1 lists the lineology, but it's, again, all men, not a family tree.

I've never really understood that about Christianity.


New member
beanieboy said:
That there is a (in human terms) Heavenly Father, but no Heavenly Mother.
Well, Mary, but I don't know if that counts.
Catholics are into that with Mary, but having a Queen of Heaven, is mostly pagan.


New member
Dread Helm said:
Catholics are into that with Mary, but having a Queen of Heaven, is mostly pagan.

But why is that?
Why is there no "female" counterpart to God, if "one man/one woman is so sacred, and "there is no male or female in Christ"? If I'm not mistaken, there is no male/female sex in heaven.

So, why is God considered male?
Why is their no female complement to God?
Why did God start out with Adam, and not make Adam and Eve in a pair?


New member
beanieboy said:
But why is that?
Why is there no "female" counterpart to God, if "one man/one woman is so sacred, and "there is no male or female in Christ"? If I'm not mistaken, there is no male/female sex in heaven.

So, why is God considered male?
Why is their no female complement to God?
Why did God start out with Adam, and not make Adam and Eve in a pair?
Adam was made in God's image. Then when Adam got lonely, God decided to make Eve, in slightly different image.


New member
Dread Helm said:
Adam was made in God's image. Then when Adam got lonely, God decided to make Eve, in slightly different image.

But the original "design" was one man.

Interesting, no?

Then the design changes, to one man and one woman.


New member
Genesis 1:27 So God created man (human being) in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

God created human beings in his image, male and female. The image of God is male and female.


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Silver Subscriber
justchristian said:
Genesis 1:27 So God created man (human being) in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

God created human beings in his image, male and female. The image of God is male and female.
This is incorrect. The image of God has little or nothing to do with gender except from a symbolic stand point. This error comes from a propensity to create God in our image rather than trying to understand that we are made in His. God has personality, intelligence, independent will, emotions, etc and God is spiritual and triune as well. It is in these ways that we are made in God's image. God is not physical He is a Spirit (Jesus has a physical body but that is a separate issue) and so gender in its literal physical sense is meaningless in reference to God. God is masculine but He is not a male, if you get my meaning. In other words, He is in a position of authority which all created things should and will submit themselves too just as a wife should submit herself to her husband.

Resting in Him,

P.S. I think you (Beanieboy) have asked a descent question but I resent the implication that God is somehow a homo. I will not continue this conversation if such a idea can even possibly be inferred by anything else you say on this thread. You complain that you don't get straight answers from Christians on this site and so I have tried to give you one but I will not tolerate such blasphemy, intentional or otherwise.


New member
Clete said:
P.S. I think you (Beanieboy) have asked a descent question but I resent the implication that God is somehow a homo. I will not continue this conversation if such a idea can even possibly be inferred by anything else you say on this thread. You complain that you don't get straight answers from Christians on this site and so I have tried to give you one but I will not tolerate such blasphemy, intentional or otherwise.
That's the way I feel too.


I don't know about finding "gay genes", but it is conceivable that a person would be inclined to homosexual behavior. This is obvious through hormones that physical makeup could. You could argue that a person could be inclined to be an alcoholic by nature and its only through the use of reason that you can overcome this weakness.


New member
gender in its literal physical sense is meaningless in reference to God.

I agree but men and women (in general) are different beyond he physical. Wht do you think it means to be created in the image of God?


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Silver Subscriber
justchristian said:
I agree but men and women (in general) are different beyond he physical. What do you think it means to be created in the image of God?

While it is true that men and women are different beyond the physical, it is also true that Eve was created from Adam and that those differences were likely either non-existent traits or were collectively present within Adam before Eve was made.
As for what I think it means to be created in the image of God, I answered that in the previous post. We are spiritual, triune (body, soul, spirit), emotional, intelligent, willful, etc.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
nancy said:
I don't know about finding "gay genes", but it is conceivable that a person would be inclined to homosexual behavior. This is obvious through hormones that physical makeup could. You could argue that a person could be inclined to be an alcoholic by nature and its only through the use of reason that you can overcome this weakness.

Is it "conceivable"? Sure, or else you couldn't have formulated the question. Does that happen? That would be a more germane question. I think the evidence clearly shows that it does not. There is exactly zero evidence that there is any genetic component to homoism. On the contrary, the evidence shows clearly that homoism is a result of the sexual abuse of children. In effect, homos reproduce by molesting children. Most homos do not molest children but nearly of them had been molested themselves before the age of eight by a member of the same sex. If there were no homos, there would be no child molestation and vise-versa (generally speaking). This is less true for fomos (female homos) than it is for regular homos but the point is, they aren't born that way. It is a perversion that destroys lives by the millions and it should be recriminalized as soon as possible.

Resting in Him,