Homosexuality is designed?


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Hall of Fame
Ninjashadow said:
AIDS spread because of gays and AIDS is definately a killer. If gay marriage is allowed, what's next? Polygamy? Pedophilia? Beastiality? Where does it end?
AIDS is spread by alot of people
Pedophilia involves people to young to understand what's happening and give concent
beastiality happens all the time kinda hard to get the victim to talk
Polygamy, what's wrong with that?
Lighthouse said:
beefalobilly said that his dog humps anything that moves. Does that mean his dog lusts after everything that moves?:rolleyes: Does a dog who humps the couch lust after couches?:rolleyes:

Animals who "hump*" other animals are doing one thing, and one thing only... they are exerting dominance.

*When sexual reproduction is not the purpose.

Well that comment was a joke, although if you look at prison gayness, that's about dominance too, so is that ok? Rape, whether homo or hetero, is about dominance not pleasure..


New member
science and religion

science and religion

Why is it that the question of whether God “designed” homosexuality (that is only tenuously tied to the focus of this forum) generates far more responses than more purely scientific questions?

If someone asks about the historicity of Christ, the posters go nuts responding. Ask about Bible correctness, and the resulting thread gets many hits daily. But ask a solid relevant science question, and usually a core of just a few posters will modestly tackle the issue.

No wonder religion is really big business. Hasn’t done much to elevate man’s lifestyle, in spite of being a major influence in society for several millennia. In the last hundred years, science has done a hundred times more for the advance of knowledge and technology than religion has since it was crafted by primitive societies.


New member
AIDS spread because of gays and AIDS is definately a killer
Aids spread because of promiscuous unprotected sex - its just spread faster among homosexuals due to the nature of sodomy.
If gay marriage is allowed, what's next? Polygamy? Pedophilia? Beastiality? Where does it end?
This is the arguement for eroding society and leading to anarchy? It's a gateway sin...it will lead to all sorts of other immoral compromises. :bang: Anyone got anything else? Please? You're killing me here.


fool said:
AIDS is spread by alot of people
Pedophilia involves people to young to understand what's happening and give concent
beastiality happens all the time kinda hard to get the victim to talk
Polygamy, what's wrong with that?
Seriously? What's wrong with polygamy?

It undermines God's purpose for the family. In the garden of Eden, God created one man and one woman and joined them........polygamy is against God's purpose and plan for humanity.


beefalobilly said:
Well that comment was a joke, although if you look at prison gayness, that's about dominance too, so is that ok? Rape, whether homo or hetero, is about dominance not pleasure..


New member
In the last hundred years, science has done a hundred times more for the advance of knowledge and technology than religion has since it was crafted by primitive societies.
What I love about science most is it keeps proving itself wrong. While religion keeps running from one extreme to the other. Sometimes I wonder if way up we look like a bunch of overexcited mice running around aimlessly bumping into eachother.


New member
You love a fable

You love a fable

From justchristian:
What I love about science most is it keeps proving itself wrong.
This parody of science as a field that has no permanence in its conclusions has little validity. Certainly some ideas in science have been found to be in error, but the great majority of change in science is in improving old ideas, rather than in abandoning them. Newton’s concepts, even though now known to be only approximations, are still very useful. Thermodynamics has been a field strongly refined over the last couple of centuries. And, contrary to the misrepresentation some on this forum give, the core of Darwin’s ideas are now more firmly backed by data and better understood than at any time before.


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Agape4Robin said:
But it has yet to prove that homosexuality is genetic.
nor has it proven that it isn't
and the bible proves nothing other than people don't like it


fool said:
nor has it proven that it isn't
and the bible proves nothing other than people don't like it
You forgot God........you've heard of Him, haven't you? The creator? He says it's unnatural.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Agape4Robin said:
You forgot God........you've heard of Him, haven't you? The creator? He says it's unnatural.
there is no God
so how could he say anything?
what you've heard, that God said
was said by men
so why do you listen to men
and not your heart?


fool said:
there is no God
so how could he say anything?
what you've heard, that God said
was said by men
so why do you listen to men
and not your heart?
.............said the fool................... :rolleyes:
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