Homosexuality is designed?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
granite1010 said:
I find this statement peculiar for a couple reasons: one, I wonder how the author would define a "sexually-tinged" murder, and secondly, a "mass murderer" is NOT a "serial killer." The terms are thrown around and confused pretty often.
Good point. I'm talking only about serial killers ALL of which were victims of violent abuse as children and almost all of which where homosexual (some were homosexual child molesters).

The thread I started seems to have been pruned. No surprise, it was a while back. But you can go to any good serial killer web site and read about their crimes. It's frightening the number of them that were "gay".

Resting in Him,
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Hall of Fame
Clete said:
Good point. I'm talking only about serial killers ALL of which were victims of violent abuse as children and almost all of which where homosexual (some were homsexual child molesters).

The thread I started seems to have been pruned. No surprise, it was a while back. But you can go to any good serial killer web site and read about their crimes. It's frightening the number of them that were "gay".

Resting in Him,

I'm aware of several gay serial killers--Bonin and Gacy, for example--but the lion's share that I have heard of abused women and were straight.

Even IF the majority of serial killers WERE homosexual men--and I do not believe this is true at all--I don't see how this vindicates bigotry.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
granite1010 said:
I'm aware of several gay serial killers--Bonin and Gacy, for example--but the lion's share that I have heard of abused women and were straight.
This is lie granite. Even if you are just speaking in ignorance, you know that you don't know what you are talking about and pretend like you do. That's called a lie.

Even IF the majority of serial killers WERE homosexual men--and I do not believe this is true at all--I don't see how this vindicates bigotry.
The vast majority of them were and this by itself wouldn't be sufficient to justify hating all of them but it helps to establish a patern. No one brought this single point up to justify their execution or anything else. This was brought up along with a whole list of other things for which the homo comunity is responsible in whole or in part.
Further, I do not need any more justification than the word of Almighty God. Do you think you can trump that? I don't think you can.

Resting in Him,


New member
Hall of Fame
"This is lie granite. Even if you are just speaking in ignorance, you know that you don't know what you are talking about and pretend like you do. That's called a lie."

No, Clete. Strike. Try again. Believe it or not I have done my homework on this subject. I am not aware of anyone who is an authority--Douglas, Geberth, Ressler, or others--arguing that "most" serial killers are homosexual men. If you can name one, please do.

"The vast majority of them were..."

Repeating this does not make it so.

"and this by itself wouldn't be sufficient to justify hating all of them but it helps to establish a patern."

Again: even if true, I'm not sure what the "pattern" proves or implies.

"Further, I do not need any more justification than the word of Almighty God. Do you think you can trump that? I don't think you can."

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Personally, I think the "word" you venerate is equal parts nonsense, poetry, inspiration, sickening, and myth. You keep acting as though I care.

Let's stick to the topic and not get sidetracked with your Bible shouting.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
granite1010 said:
"This is lie granite. Even if you are just speaking in ignorance, you know that you don't know what you are talking about and pretend like you do. That's called a lie."

No, Clete. Strike. Try again. Believe it or not I have done my homework on this subject. I am not aware of anyone who is an authority--Douglas, Geberth, Ressler, or others--arguing that "most" serial killers are homosexual men. If you can name one, please do.
I don't have to. All you have to do is read the history. You can find this even on a simply google search. Find any half way descent (i.e. thorough) website on serial killers and simply read the case history of each of the killers. The facts will speak for themselves. I know because I have personal done just that and posted the case histories themselves on this board for all to see.

"The vast majority of them were..."

Repeating this does not make it so.
That's right! And your continuing to act as though you know something you don't doesn't make it so either.

"and this by itself wouldn't be sufficient to justify hating all of them but it helps to establish a patern."

Again: even if true, I'm not sure what the "pattern" proves or implies.
That's because you don't want to know. My 5 year old would get it.

"Further, I do not need any more justification than the word of Almighty God. Do you think you can trump that? I don't think you can."

Whatever helps you sleep at night. Personally, I think the "word" you venerate is equal parts nonsense, poetry, inspiration, sickening, and myth. You keep acting as though I care.
No I don't. I know you don't care. You simply posted something that wasn't pure spam and so I responded to it the way I would to anyone else.

Let's stick to the topic and not get sidetracked with your Bible shouting.
You will have to leave if we have any hope of staying on topic.

Resting in Him,


New member
Hall of Fame
"I don't have to. All you have to do is read the history. You can find this even on a simply google search. Find any half way descent (i.e. thorough) website on serial killers and simply read the case history of each of the killers. The facts will speak for themselves. I know because I have personal done just that and posted the case histories themselves on this board for all to see."

Clete, I don't need to rely on the web. As I've said, I am more than slightly acquainted with this topic. Some serial killers are gay men and some are not.

Again: I am not aware of a single authority on serial murder who has ever claimed "most" serial killers are homosexuals. Name one scholar or authority who has said this. That's the challenge.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
granite1010 said:
"I don't have to. All you have to do is read the history. You can find this even on a simply google search. Find any half way descent (i.e. thorough) website on serial killers and simply read the case history of each of the killers. The facts will speak for themselves. I know because I have personal done just that and posted the case histories themselves on this board for all to see."

Clete, I don't need to rely on the web. As I've said, I am more than slightly acquainted with this topic. Some serial killers are gay men and some are not.

Again: I am not aware of a single authority on serial murder who has ever claimed "most" serial killers are homosexuals. Name one scholar or authority who has said this. That's the challenge.
Well I've read the case history of every serial killer in the past 100 years (which is all of them by the way) and so you might consider me to be an expert at least in regards to this single aspect of serial killer -ology.
The point being, of course, that such a demand for an "expert" is uncalled for. It's not like there are hundreds of serial killers. I read the case history of all of them in an afternoon and I'm telling you that nearly all of them (if not every single one of them) were homos! The case histories weren't exhaustive and so I can't say that any of them were for sure not homos but the overwhelming majority of them were. That's the facts, like 'em or lump 'em.

Resting in Him,


New member
Hall of Fame
Clete said:
Well I've read the case history of every serial killer in the past 100 years (which is all of them by the way) and so you might consider me to be an expert at least in regards to this single aspect of serial killer -ology.
The point being, of course, that such a demand for an "expert" is uncalled for. It's not like there are hundreds of serial killers. I read the case history of all of them in an afternoon and I'm telling you that nearly all of them (if not every single one of them) were homos! The case histories weren't exhaustive and so I can't say that any of them were for sure not homos but the overwhelming majority of them were. That's the facts, like 'em or lump 'em.

Resting in Him,


You either don't know what you're talking about, have come across some very questionable information, or simply have blinders on.

"Every serial killer in the last 100 years"? No offense, but are you kidding me? Between solved and unsolved cases, little-known cases, and offenders the world over--not just the US--you're trying to me with a straight face that you have gone over (in detail) the case histories of ALL SERIAL KILLERS in one afternoon? Maybe you should clarify this stupendous claim of yours.

I'd also like to know where your supposed information came from. Sans documentation, you are pulling this out of thin air.

"The overwhelming majority" were not homosexual men, Clete. Can you even name one? I did. I know a thing or two about this subject. Dahlmer, Bonin, and Gacy were all gay men who preyed on teenage boys. On the other hand Richard Ramirez, Bundy, and Dennis Rader (from the looks of it) were heterosexuals. I've actually named names.

Do you know what you're talking about?

Or are you so eager to go after gays in any way you can that you've become a self-styled expert and proclaimed--to the contrary of men such as John Douglas and Richard Ressler--that "the overwhelming majority" of serial killers are homosexuals?

Please cite sources. :readthis:


New member
granite1010 said:

--you're trying to me with a straight face that you have gone over (in detail) the case histories of ALL SERIAL KILLERS in one afternoon?

Evelyn Wood speed reading course?

And my guess is that Clete like many here do not feel the need to cite sources. After all they can always fall back on God's Holy Word.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Clete said in post182
clete said:
By the way, if you do decide to try to inform yourself more on the actual facts of this issue, I recommend staying away from Google. All you'll find with it is the stuff that people with money are willing to pay to have you find (like Wickopedia for example).
Get creative and use the mind God gave you for something besides a hat rack. The truth is findable if you are willing to see it and to really look for it.
Now he says
clete said:
I don't have to. All you have to do is read the history. You can find this even on a simply google search. Find any half way descent (i.e. thorough) website on serial killers and simply read the case history of each of the killers. The facts will speak for themselves. I know because I have personal done just that and posted the case histories themselves on this board for all to see.
I did a google search like you suggested Clete this one came up #4
Internet Crime ArchivesSerial killers tend to be white, heterosexual, males in their twenties and thirties. Their killings are usually part of an elaborate sexual fantasy that ...
www.mayhem.net/Crime/serial.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages


New member
Hall of Fame
Jukia said:
Evelyn Wood speed reading course?

And my guess is that Clete like many here do not feel the need to cite sources. After all they can always fall back on God's Holy Word.

I have a book on the subjet called "hunting humans - the encyclopedia of serial killers" written in 1990 and I looked in it to find any information on gays, but they had no statistics (the opening section is mainly stats, the rest of the book is individual cases of serial killers). It's been awhile since I've read the book, but I do recall some of them being gay.

Although here's an interesting passage from the opening of the book that might be of interest.
More recent evidence establishes that child abuse and early truma to the brain may help to launch a killer on his way. At least four of the male killers considered here were subjected to identical childhood abuse, forced to dress in girl's clothing by sadistic relatives who sought to "teach them a lesson"

Also in the opening section they talk about what percentage of serial killers come from which locations, and interestingly enough, europe (which is more accepting of gays) has a lower rate of serial killers, with only 19% of serial killers located there, wheras 76% come from north america and a full 74% of those are from the USA. That leaves 2% for canada which is also more accepting of gays.

Keep in mind that the author didn't really have anything to say about gay's and serial killers except on a case-by-case basis so the inferences on gayness were my own, I'm just using some stats he has that might be of help here.
granite1010 said:
"A study of 518 sexually-tinged mass murders in the U.S. from 1966 to 1983 determined that 350 (68%) of the victims were killed by those who practiced homosexuality and that 19 (44%) of the 43 murderers were bisexuals or homosexuals."

I find this statement peculiar for a couple reasons: one, I wonder how the author would define a "sexually-tinged" murder, and secondly, a "mass murderer" is NOT a "serial killer." The terms are thrown around and confused pretty often.

Most serial killers commit "sexually-tinged" murder


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
beefalobilly said:
I have a book on the subjet called "hunting humans - the encyclopedia of serial killers" written in 1990 and I looked in it to find any information on gays, but they had no statistics (the opening section is mainly stats, the rest of the book is individual cases of serial killers). It's been awhile since I've read the book, but I do recall some of them being gay.

Although here's an interesting passage from the opening of the book that might be of interest.

Also in the opening section they talk about what percentage of serial killers come from which locations, and interestingly enough, europe (which is more accepting of gays) has a lower rate of serial killers, with only 19% of serial killers located there, wheras 76% come from north america and a full 74% of those are from the USA. That leaves 2% for canada which is also more accepting of gays.

Keep in mind that the author didn't really have anything to say about gay's and serial killers except on a case-by-case basis so the inferences on gayness were my own, I'm just using some stats he has that might be of help here.

An intellectually honest post, very nice! I would respond simply by saying that a cultures acceptance of homos has nothing to do with how many live there. It may have a lot to do with what percentage of their population is homo but not total actual population. There is a vastly larger population of homos in the U.S. than in any other country.

Resting in Him,
Clete said:
Well I've read the case history of every serial killer in the past 100 years (which is all of them by the way) and so you might consider me to be an expert at least in regards to this single aspect of serial killer -ology.
The point being, of course, that such a demand for an "expert" is uncalled for. It's not like there are hundreds of serial killers. I read the case history of all of them in an afternoon and I'm telling you that nearly all of them (if not every single one of them) were homos! The case histories weren't exhaustive and so I can't say that any of them were for sure not homos but the overwhelming majority of them were. That's the facts, like 'em or lump 'em.

Resting in Him,

I'm not calling you a liar, but there have been serial killers before the 20th century. And actually there have been hundreds of serial killers, the book I cited earlier covers over 500 of them.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
fool said:
I did a google search like you suggested Clete this one came up #4
Internet Crime ArchivesSerial killers tend to be white, heterosexual, males in their twenties and thirties. Their killings are usually part of an elaborate sexual fantasy that ...
www.mayhem.net/Crime/serial.html - 4k - Cached - Similar pages

You have to look past the end of your nose fool. The website you picked is more interested in telling grussome stories than in giving factual information about the serial killers. They list them in order of the most kills for goodness sakes. Haven't you ever had to do any real research on something before? Good grief man, this is not hard! Believe me, if I suggest you find something on google, it's because the information is so ridiculously easy to find that even google searches usually turn up good info.

I don't even know why I'm continuing this conversation anyway. I can tell none of you give a damn anyhow.

Resting in Him,
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Well-known member
Clete said:
You have to look past the end of your nose fool. The website you picked is more interested in telling grussome stories than in giving factual information about the serial killers. They list them in order of the most kills for goodness sakes. Haven't you ever had to do any real research on something before? Good grief man, this is not hard! Believe me, if I suggest you find something on google, it's because the information is so rediculously easy to find that even google searches usually turn up good info.

I don't even know why I'm continuing this conversation anyway. I can tell none of you give a damn anyhow.

Resting in Him,

Yes, that's it Clete. Whenever someone doesn't agree with you that person is either an idiot or doesn't give a damn. How convenient. Well at least it gets you off the hook from possibly being wrong.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
granite1010 said:

You either don't know what you're talking about, have come across some very questionable information, or simply have blinders on.

"Every serial killer in the last 100 years"? No offense, but are you kidding me? Between solved and unsolved cases, little-known cases, and offenders the world over--not just the US--you're trying to me with a straight face that you have gone over (in detail) the case histories of ALL SERIAL KILLERS in one afternoon? Maybe you should clarify this stupendous claim of yours.

I'd also like to know where your supposed information came from. Sans documentation, you are pulling this out of thin air.

"The overwhelming majority" were not homosexual men, Clete. Can you even name one? I did. I know a thing or two about this subject. Dahlmer, Bonin, and Gacy were all gay men who preyed on teenage boys. On the other hand Richard Ramirez, Bundy, and Dennis Rader (from the looks of it) were heterosexuals. I've actually named names.

Do you know what you're talking about?

Or are you so eager to go after gays in any way you can that you've become a self-styled expert and proclaimed--to the contrary of men such as John Douglas and Richard Ressler--that "the overwhelming majority" of serial killers are homosexuals?

Please cite sources. :readthis:

Granite, you are a real idiot. You know that you don't know what your talking about but you continue to press as though you do thinking that I don't know any more than you do. Fine. You want me to show off your ignorance, great. You asked for it.

By the way, for those reading this who are young, the following has some pretty nasty details about the some of the worst crimes ever commited on this planet. Please use discression, especially if you plan to click on some of the names which are merely links to other sites. Some of those site use very fowl language, not to mention graphic descriptions of these pervert's crimes.

Carl Panzram
A son of Prussian immigrants, born at Warren, Minnesota, in 1891, Panzram logged his first arrest age eight, for drunk and disorderly conduct. Three years later, a series of robberies landed him in reform school, and he set the place on fire at age 12, causing an estimated $100,000 damage. Paroled to his mother's custody in 1906, he ran away from home soon afterward. Life on the road meant more conflict with the law, and Panzram spent time in various juvenile institutions. He volunteered for the army while drunk, but could not adapt to the discipline. Court-martialed for theft of government property in April 1907, he served 37 months in Leavenworth before his release from prison - and military service - in 1910. Upon discharge, Panzram described himself as "the spirit of meanness personified."
Back in civilian life, Panzram launched a career of robbery and indiscriminate murder spanning two continents. After one big score, he hired a yacht and lured several sailors out with promises of liquor; once on board, the men were drugged and raped, then murdered, their bodies dumped into the sea. In Portuguese West Africa, Panzram hired eight blacks to help him hunt for crocodiles, then killed them, sodomized their corpses, and fed them to the hungry reptiles. Back in New York, he strangled a Kingston woman on June 16, 1923, "for the fun it gave me."
Five years later, on August 16, 1928, Panzram was arrested following a series of burglaries in Washington, D.C. Conviction earned him 20 years in Leavenworth, where he promised to kill the first man who "crossed" him. His victim, selected without apparent motive, was Robert Warnke, a civilian laundry foreman. Panzram crushed his skull on June 20, 1929, and was promptly sentenced to hang.
From death row, the killer wrote, "In my lifetime I have murdered 21 human beings, I have committed thousands of burglaries, robberies, larcenies, arsons and last but not least I have committed sodomy on more than 1,000 male human beings. For all these things I am not in the least bit sorry." When opponents of capital punishment fought for his life, Panzram responded with venomous letters. "I wish you all had one neck," he wrote, "and I had my hands on it." Mounting the scaffold on September 5, 1930, he seemed eager for death. "Hurry it up, you bastard," he snapped at the executioner. "I could hang a dozen men while you're fooling around."
"I sat down to think things over a bit. While I was sitting there, a little kid about elevel or twelve came bumming around. He was looking for something. He found it, too. I took him out to a gravel pit about one-quarter mile away. I left him there, but first I sodomized him and then killed him. His brains were coming out of his ears when I left him, and he will never be any deader." - Carl Panzram

Alber Fish
Born Hamilton Fish, in 1870, America's most notorious 20th-century cannibal was the product of a respected family living in Washington, D.C. A closer examination, however, reveals at least seven relatives with sever mental disorders in the two generations preceding Fish's birth, including two members of the family who died in institutions. Fish was five years old when his father died, and his mother placed him in an orphanage while she worked to support herself. Records describe young Fish as a problem child who "ran away every Saturday," persistently wetting the bed until his eleventh year. Graduating from public school at age 15, he began to call himself "Albert," discarding the hated first name, which led classmates to tease him, calling him "Ham and Eggs."
As an adult, Fish worked odd jobs, making his way across country as an itinerant house painter and decorator. In 1898 he married a woman nine years his junior fathering six children before his wife ran away with a boarder named John Straube, in January 1917. She came back once, with Straube in tow, and Fish took her back on the condition that she send her lover away. Later, he discovered that his wife was keeping Straube in the attic, and she departed after a stormy argument, never to return.
By his own account, Fish committed his first murder in 1910, killing a man in Wilmington, Delaware, but his children marked the obvious change in Fish's behavior from the date of his wife's first departure. Apparently subject to hallucinations, he would shake his fist at the sky and repeatedly scream, "I am Christ!" Obsessed with sin, sacrifice, and atonement through pain, Fish encouraged his children and their friends to paddle him until his buttocks bled. On his own, he inserted numerous needles in his groin, losing track of some as they sank out of sight. (A prison X-ray revealed at least 29 separate needles, some eroded with time to mere fragments.) On other occasions, Fish would soak cotton balls in alcohol, insert them in his anus, and set them on fire. Frustrated by agony when he began slipping needles under his own fingernails, Fish lamented, "If only pain were not so painful!"
Though never divorced from his first wife, Fish married three more time, enjoying a sex life which court psychiatrists would describe as one of "unparalleled perversity." (In jail, authorities compiled a list of eighteen sexual perversions practiced by Fish, including coprophagia - consumption of human excrement.) Tracing his sadomasochism back to the age of five of six, when he began to relish bare-bottom paddlings in the orphanage, Fish's obsession with pain was focused primarily on children. Ordered "by God" to castrate young boys, he impartially molested children of both sexes as he traveled around the country. Prosecutors confidently linked him with "at least 100" sexual attacks in 23 states, from New York to Wyoming, but Fish felt slighted by their estimate. "I have had children in every state," he declared, placing his own tally of victims closer to 400.

Ed Gein
Ed Gein may be America's most famous murderer, although his name is seldom heard and barely recognized today. Four decades have passed since he first made the headlines, but Gein is will with us, in spirit. His crimes inspired the movie Psycho and its sequels, spinning off in later years to terrify another generation as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and then even more recently, Silence of The Lambs. (The latter film, billed as "a true story," changed literally everything except the grim décor of Gein's peculiar residence.) While other slayers have surpassed Gein's body-count and notoriety, America has never seen his equal in the field of mental aberration.
Gein was born August 8, 1906, in LaCrose, Wisconsin, but his family soon moved to a farm outside Plainfield. His father held jobs as a tanner and carpenter when he wasn't working the farm, and Gein's mother emerged as the dominant parent, settling most family decisions on her own. Devoutly religious, she warned her two sons against premarital sex, but Gein recalled that she was "not as strong" in her opposition to masturbation. Ed's father died in 1940, and his brother Henry was lost four years later, while fighting a marsh fire. His mother suffered a stroke that same year, and a second one killed her in 1945, following an argument with one of her neighbors. Alone at last, Gein nailed her bedroom shut and set about "redecorating" in his own inimitable style.
From childhood, Gein had been ambiguous about his masculinity, considering amputation of his penis on several occasions. With Christine Jorgenson much in the headlines, Gein considered transsexual surgery, but the process was costly and frightening. There must be other ways, he thought, of "turning female" on a part-time basis.

Richard Speck
Richard Speck died on December 5, 1991 of a massive heart attack, having served only 19 years of his sentence. When nobody claimed his body the prison cremated him. His ashes lie at an undisclosed location. In 1996, five years after his death, a video of him surfaced. In the video, he had female breasts and was having sex with a fellow inmate. In the video Speck spoke explicitly of his murders.

Charles Manson
In February 1951, Manson and two other inmates escaped from the Plainfield "school," fleeing westward in a series of stolen cars. Arrested in Beaver, Utah, Manson was sentenced to federal time for driving hot cars across state lines. Starting off in a minimum-security establishment, Manson assaulted another inmate in January 1952, holding a razor blade to the boy's throat and sodomizing him. Reclassified as "dangerous," Manson was transferred to a tougher lock-up, logging eight major disciplinary infractions - including three homosexual assaults - by August 1952. He was moved to the Chilicothe, Ohio reformatory a month later, and suddenly turned over a new leaf, becoming a "model" prisoner almost overnight. The cunning act was rewarded by parole in May 1954.

John Gacy,
After graduation from business college, Gacy became a shoe salesman, but he had his sights on better things. He married a coworker, whose parents owned a fried chicken restaurant in Waterloo, Iowa, and Gacy stepped into a ready-made role as the restaurant's manager. He was a whiz kid on the job, belying everything his father had to say about his intellect and drive, ascending to a post of admiration and respect among the local Jaycees. His wife and friends were absolutely unprepared for John's arrest, in May of 1968, on charges of coercing a young employee into homosexual acts spanning a period of months. Those accusations were still pending when Gacy hired a teenage thug to beat the prosecution's witness, and more charges were filed. Striking a bargain, Gacy pled guilty to sodomy, and the other felony counts were dismissed. Sentenced to ten years in prison, he proved himself a "model prisoner" and was released in eighteen months.

Jeffery Dahmer
Milwaukee born in 1960, Jeffrey Dahmer moved to Ohio with his family at age six. In 1968 he was sexually molested by a neighbor boy in rural Bath Township. Unreported at the time, the childhood incident may play a pivotal role in understanding Dahmer's subsequent crimes; likewise, the ferocious arguments between his parents (later divorced) clearly demonstrated to Dahmer that home was no safe haven for a child.
Dahmer lured a Laotian boy to his flat, fondled him, and offered cash for a nude modeling session. Police were called, and Dahmer was charged with sexual assault. Convicted in January 1989, he remained free pending a formal sentencing scheduled for May. Meanwhile, on March 25, Dahmer slaughtered victim Anthony Sears.

Andrew Cananon

Ken Bianchi and Angelo Buono (Hillside Stranglers)

Henry Lee Lucas

Wayne Williams

Andrei Chikatilo

Paul Bateson

Westley Allen Dodd

David Bullock

Francisco Das Chagas

Daniel Conahan

Larry Eyler

Donald Harvey

Colin Ireland

Patrick W. Kearney

Randy Kraft

Michael Lupo

Dennis Nilsen

Michael Terry

Arthur Bishop

Pee Wee Gaskins

Fritz Haarmann

John Joubert

Johannes Mashiane

Robert Clifford Olson

Well that's plenty enough for now. Some of these I still had left over on my hard drive from my previous thread. The rest I found in about an hours time on the internet. It took longer to type up the post than it did to find the list of homo serial killers. And this is nowhere near a complete list! Also, if I had decided to list all of the serial killers who where not themselves guilty of being a homo but were homosexually molested as children I could have listed pretty much every serial killer in existence. The point being that if the world were to get rid of homos, there would be no serial killers.

Resting in Him,
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