Nibleying on Mustard Seed
Nibleying on Mustard Seed
From MS (referring to Nibley’s science and credentials):
Can you counter what he said rather than bash credentials he doesn't claim to have?
I don’t know if I can or not. You see, there is an endless precession of religious zealots like Nibley, and countering each and every one could become one’s sole dedication in life. To a small extent, the fundamentalists in this forum are in that sad precession. You notice my posting rate is about 1/5th of yours, simply because I choose to shepard the amount of my limited time I have in countering nonsense.
There are a number of fascinating stories of the really great scientists, whose fame attracts an undue number of unasked-for comments challenging their ideas. They usually simply let the nuts decay away on their own, rather than distinguish them with responses to nonsense. Nibley is such a nut, his ideas are now decaying away.
I note that in the writings from Nibley that you offer, the core is not science, but the attitudes of the practitioners of science. Remember, whether scientists are saints (like Stratnerd) or scoundrels (like me), the science we develop or support will ultimately be our judge. The laws of nature care not for who expounds them. It appears that Nibley’s approach is - if you can’t disprove the science, discredit the messenger. Since the laws and the hard facts and figures that drive science are my chosen field, I will not venture far into the realm of trying to out-Nibley Nibley. He is welcome to cast discredit all he wants on my scientific cohorts (including the BYU physics staff, and the apostate evolution teaching biology staff there). When I die, I will be content to know that the microscopic corner of science that I was able to help with will not be decaying religiously motivated dogma, but concepts and facts that I had to accept because nature decreed it so.
When it comes to questions of who is right when religion makes claims that are subject to scientific verification, the adherents to religious dogma scream “blasphemers” at the scientists who see the science pointing away from the religious claim. A study of the history of science over the past 300 years is simultaneously a study of the extrication of science from the clutches of religious dogma. Concurrent with this separation is the blossoming of science into the most technologically productive field in history. Don’t you find it strange that if religion is the ultimate source of truth, that science stagnated until it broke free of that unholy yoke?
Did you know than even Newton proposed that gravitational attraction was not a natural property of matter, but rather a divinely bestowed property on matter? In so doing he was avoiding the title of “atheist” that was liberally given to any natural philosopher (the earliest scientists) who dared to invoke any claim about “material” that was not god-given and controlled. It took a century or more for the excess baggage of god bestowing gravity to gradually be scraped away from Newton’s Laws (in freshman physics classes at BYU, do they teach gravity is a property given by god to matter?) How much of Newton’s considerable theological work is the public (or the average scientist) aware of, and how much of his secularized science is in the scientific world? Since Nibley’s science is zero, and his theology is his life work, just like Newton, the silly religious ideas will die away over the years, and Nibley will take his place as another example of an intelligent life wasted on defending emotionally gratifying nonsense.
And you have avoided giving any justification for your inference that Newton’s Laws are a “primrose dead end”. Avoiding it, are you?