Hollywood pedophiles


Hall of Fame
When it comes to condoning child rape, it "matters" to people who embrace God's Word and decency.

Promoting *decency* would mean rejecting Moore ... and Trump. You are half-way there!

Also, if your *point* is that your reading comprehensive skills are selective, you are correct.



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Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by musterion
What should the age of sexual consent be, in your opinion? Name an age.

Originally Posted by Eeset
Why do we need one?

When it comes to condoning child rape, it "matters" to people who embrace God's Word and decency.

I've made my point, i.e. I'm done here.
Yes, you have made your point that you do spin what people say.

She did not say there should not be a consent law.
"Why do we need one?" can mean all sorts of things, but you only jump to the worst conclusion to make it fit your agenda.


New member
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
(1) To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
(2) A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
(3) A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
(4) A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
(5) A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
(6) A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
(7) A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
(8) A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.

Hate is not always wrong.
Love is not always right.

Go read my post again because you obviously have not


New member
Propensity to chop someone to pieces with an axe is also a normal variation in humans. I would not call it normal behavior in the sight of a righteous God however.

are you really dumb enough to think that or are you just saying or lying about it...(which is one of those other 90 abominations the bible lists) so you can pretend its ok to hate?


New member
The desire to demand all agree with you on what is good and bad behavior is also a normal variation within humans.
You don't know what a normal variation is do you?

It's also a major cause for the removal of many rights and liberties granted to us in the Constitution. You seem to be one of that particular variation.

rights like marriage?
freedom from discrimination in housing and employment?


New member
I will believe Leftists are sincere when they demand Democrats lose their jobs for allegedly committing the same (or worse) offenses that they want Republicans fired for.

I will believe they are sincere when they stop making excuses for Democrat offenders that they won't make for Republican offenders.

I will believe they are sincere when they take the assault and rape accusations of all women seriously in a timely fashion, not just those allegedly victimized by Republicans.

I really don't see how you think that's not happening. And aren't you now making excuses for your own side?


New member
I will believe Leftists are sincere when they demand Democrats lose their jobs for allegedly committing the same (or worse) offenses that they want Republicans fired for.

I will believe they are sincere when they stop making excuses for Democrat offenders that they won't make for Republican offenders.

I will believe they are sincere when they take the assault and rape accusations of all women seriously in a timely fashion, not just those allegedly victimized by Republicans.

I really don't see how you think that's not happening. And aren't you now making excuses for your own side?


New member
That's just two, honey bunny.
We need to investigate everyone's past and get them all out.

You want to start investigations? I think what is going on now is working just fine. Women are victimized and they speak out rather than remain silent. That way the truth comes to light.

I don't think we need to investigate every politician without a reason to do so.

Pay attention.
I said the growing list of unacceptable behavior has grown into a monster with petty stuff.
I did NOT say everything on the list was petty.

Of all these accusations, which is petty, in your estimation?

If you have women that stop them in their tracks as soon as they start getting creepy, then there is nothing to punish.

That doesn't make it OK or even legal for men to grab women without consent or shove their tongue down their throat.

What the hell are you talking about?????
When have I said there should be no retaliation for anything????

Who is not paying attention? I said 'punishment' not 'retaliation'.

What punishment should Clinton have received?
What punishment should Franken receive?
What punishment should Trump receive?
What punishment should Moore receive?


New member
There are a lot more pedophiles and sexual predators in the Republican party , both in Washington and in political office all over the country than in Hollywood .
It's the height of hypocrisy for conservatives to scream about creeps like Harvey Weinstein and other famous actors, directors and producers while remaining silent about the rampant sexual misconduct among GOP politicians, especially Donald Trump .
I'm not condoning the behavior of individuals like Harvey Weinstein and other Hollywood bigwigs in any way . But they're private citizens, not politicians , who are theoretically supposed to know better and are expected to set a good example for the American public .
Former GOP bigwig Dennis Hastert was recently convicted of molesting young boys . And there are more than a few others in the Repugnican party (my spelling) who haven't been caught - yet .
Donald Trump is a notorious sexual predator - and he's the leader of the free world . So why do so many prominent Christian leaders in America support him enthusiastically ?
It's funny how the same Americans who think former president Obama is actually a Muslim also believe that Trump is actually a Christian . Go figure .
So much for Republican party "family values ". At least the democrats and liberal celebrities condemned Weinstein in no uncertain terms after the awful news abut him was revealed .
It doesn't have anything to do with whether someone is Democrat or Republican. It has to do with what kind of person they are deep inside and what kind of heart they have and their character. That's what defines them not their political party.


New member
Wiz's post of four or five accusations from decades ago leveled against a famous billionaire? That proves everything.

Should anything at all be done, in your opinion? Or should this all be ignored with a dismissive wave of the hand?
Wiz's post is the evidence? Im not sure which one you refer to but it may be the one with a list of accusers. It's doesn't seem hard these days to enlist a whole host of accusers in the span of a day or two. If that doesn't smell fishy to you then you have a distorted perception that believes what it wants to believe. If there is any solid, corroborating evidence to any of the charges these accusers made, then you might have a point. Everyone being in sync and saying the exact kinds of things is not corroborating evidence. All you have to do is get a group of women together and get them all to memorize a story line with each one being similar to the other.

That's more likely than a pattern of Trump thinking he can force himself on and put his hands all over women exactly how he described himself doing on an audio recording? You really do prefer your head in the sand.

You have to consider that possibility when the charges are decades old and regarding a powerful or political person and brought forward at the most opportune time to do the most damage.

Many of these accusations were made well before he decided to run. If you had an ounce of sincerity as to determining the actual truth of what happened, you would already have known that.

Have you ever wondered why every time a flock of women show up right before election time with old accusations, they always drop the issue when the accused drops out of the race?

Have you ever wondered why all of Trump's accusers dropped their charges when he threaten to sue them????

Who did? Name names...

Could it be their stories would never stand up under cross examination?

Could it be that you are in denial and have no idea what the accusations are, who they are being made by or when they have been made?

A second victim has come forward to accuse Al Franken of sexual misconduct.
Lindsey Menz says Franken grabbed her butt and squeezed it (WHILE THEY WERE TAKING A PHOTO) at the Minnesota State Fair in 2010.
(Something about cameras makes Franken be creepy to women.)
It is reported that she actually told her friends about the incident on facebook shortly after it happened.

Uh oh.

Uh oh is right. Franken is in trouble as he should be.

This sounds very similar to accusation against Trump made by Cathy Heller and Mindy McGillivray, doesn't it? These accusations were also corroborated by people who were told at the time (1997 and 2003, respectively).


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Hall of Fame
Over 700 posts later, have we seen anyone be arrested????
Think we will?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
He doesn't want to disarm us and make us like you, subject.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And with Phil's own words even ... you're welcome. :D

I will continue to denounce ANYONE who promotes predatory behavior towards children. That includes the actions of your hero, Roy Moore, who we KNOW hung out at the local mall in order to pick up teenage girls.

I already did. The actions of Moore is that of a child predator. Robertson ENCOURAGES adults to prey on teenage girls under the guise of marriage. What part of that do you not understand?

And lo and behold, he's 'left the building'...

That was a surprise wasn't it?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by musterion
What should the age of sexual consent be, in your opinion? Name an age.

Originally Posted by Eeset
Why do we need one?

When it comes to condoning child rape, it "matters" to people who embrace God's Word and decency.

I've made my point, i.e. I'm done here.

What "point" was that? That you have no problem with folk advocating getting girls when they're fifteen as long as they're fundamentalist cranks with a hangup on homosexuality?
