Hollywood pedophiles


New member
Non responsive to whether she was a creep for covering him.

I think it makes all the difference in the world whether you're covering for someone you think is innocent or someone you know is guilty.

As to that last part, you dont believe the mass numbers of allegations against him? They were made at the time not years down the road.

I'm not sure I'd call it "mass numbers". But as to whether I believe them, it depends on which one you're talking about. He definitely had a few affairs. Did he rape anyone? I'm not sure. Also worth noting, it's never been especially relevant to me because I've never been old enough to vote for or against him for any office he's run for.


like marbles on glass
I think it makes all the difference in the world whether you're covering for someone you think is innocent or someone you know is guilty.

It's fascinating, all the faux moral outrage being worked up by people here who either voted for the groper-in-chief or didn't vote for him, but are still glad he's president. One here said he'd vote for the devil himself before he'd vote for Hillary, and I just saw a Trump voter on a CNN panel say that if Jesus came down off the cross and told him Trump was with Russia, he'd say "l need to check with the president if it is true."

That kind of says it all, the evangelical who will listen to Trump's minion Kellyanne Conway say "we want the votes in the senate for the tax bill," which means: vote power over principle because the mall-stalking predator will always be more moral and upstanding than a Democrat. Trump voters already crossed that bridge anyway, so what do they have to lose that they haven't already lost?

I'm not sure I'd call it "mass numbers". But as to whether I believe them, it depends on which one you're talking about. He definitely had a few affairs. Did he rape anyone? I'm not sure. Also worth noting, it's never been especially relevant to me because I've never been old enough to vote for or against him for any office he's run for.

I didn't vote for Bill either time, I was a straight ticket Republican until 2012, so any argument based on who I voted for would be moot for me also. But the "outrage" by the alt-righters regarding Clinton and Franken while giving Trump and Moore a pass (because Hillary, because tax bill) is crocodile tears.
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Hall of Fame
I think it makes all the difference in the world whether you're covering for someone you think is innocent or someone you know is guilty..

I think it is harder for people close to the aggressor (spouses, parents, children, etc.) to accept that the person they love could do such a thing. The gut instinct is to defend your loved one and attack those who are attacking him/her.


Well-known member
I will believe Leftists are sincere when they demand Democrats lose their jobs for allegedly committing the same (or worse) offenses that they want Republicans fired for.

I will believe they are sincere when they stop making excuses for Democrat offenders that they won't make for Republican offenders.

I will believe they are sincere when they take the assault and rape accusations of all women seriously in a timely fashion, not just those allegedly victimized by Republicans.


like marbles on glass
I will believe alt-righters when they stop talking out of both sides of their mouths.

Church on Sunday, vote for a predator on Tuesday...


Hall of Fame
Yes, she made him remain married to her. :)

Like most cheaters, he CHOSE her ... any others were simply flings. I will never understand why women on either side think so little of themselves they allow/participate in such relationships.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Sigh, if only you could take that up with the LGBTQ movement, whose 'leaders' were child rapists who believe that children (as young as 9 years old) "enjoy it".

:plain: I don't need to. Anyone with adequate reading comprehension would understand my comment was towards ALL child rapists. That also goes for predatory creeps like Roy Moore who pursued and harassed teenagers ...

I see that you're having a friendly conversation (and Patrick jane thanked her for her recent comments) with someone (Eeset) who questioned in a thread why age of sexual consent laws are necessary, and then when invited into another thread to explain what she meant, continued to question the necessity of those laws.


What would you call someone who wants to abolish age of sexual consent laws Sandy?

LGBTQ flag wavers call that person an "ally".

I'm practicing typing the word "bump" until I get an answer.

patrick jane

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Sigh, if only you could take that up with the LGBTQ movement, whose 'leaders' were child rapists who believe that children (as young as 9 years old) "enjoy it".

I see that you're having a friendly conversation (and Patrick jane thanked her for her recent comments) with someone (Eeset) who questioned in a thread why age of sexual consent laws are necessary, and then when invited into another thread to explain what she meant, continued to question the necessity of those laws.

What would you call someone who wants to abolish age of sexual consent laws Sandy?

I'm practicing typing the word "bump" until I get an answer.
Why do you lie? Do you even know you do it? Nobody said they want to abolish consent laws.


Hall of Fame
I see that you're having a friendly conversation (and Patrick jane thanked her for her recent comments) with someone (Eeset) who questioned in a thread why age of sexual consent laws are necessary, and then when invited into another thread to explain what she meant, continued to question the necessity of those laws.

My comment wasn't about age of consent laws. I don't agree with anyone who says we should do away with age of consent laws.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that you're having a friendly conversation (and Patrick jane thanked her for her recent comments) with someone (Eeset) who questioned in a thread why age of sexual consent laws are necessary, and then when invited into another thread to explain what she meant, continued to question the necessity of those laws.

My comment wasn't about age of consent laws.

Would you not agree that abolishing age of consent laws is 'legalized' child rape?

I don't agree with anyone who says we should do away with age of consent laws.

Oh goodie, now you can answer the 2nd part of my question:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
What would you call someone who wants to abolish age of sexual consent laws Sandy?


Hall of Fame
Would you not agree that abolishing age of consent laws is 'legalized' child rape?

Of course. That has always been my position ... which includes condemnation of Phil "you got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16" Robertson. There is no such thing as consensual sex for underage children or teens with ADULTS.

Oh goodie, now you can answer the 2nd part of my question:

What would you call someone who wants to abolish age of sexual consent laws Sandy?

An enabler for adults looking to prey on children and teens.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Would you not agree that abolishing age of consent laws is 'legalized' child rape?

Of course. That has always been my position ... which includes condemnation of Phil "you got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16" Robertson. There is no such thing as consensual sex for underage children or teens with ADULTS.

Now that you've smeared both Judge Roy Moore and Phil Robertson (but then that's what the rainbow flag waving left does), how about you denounce the homosexual movement whose icons founded the child rapist organization known as NAMBLA, marched with them, indoctrinate children to the ways of perversion, and have openly stated that their goal is to abolish all age of consent laws?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Oh goodie, now you can answer the 2nd part of my question:

What would you call someone who wants to abolish age of sexual consent laws Sandy?

An enabler for adults looking to prey on children and teens.

Come on Sandy, you can be more descriptive than that, after all we're talking about people who condone child rape through legislation.

Since we're in a thread about pedophilia, let's call "enablers for adults looking to prey on children and teens" what they really are:

Say it Sandy...


Hall of Fame
Now that you've smeared both Judge Roy Moore and Phil Robertson (but then that's what the rainbow flag waving left does),

And with Phil's own words even ... you're welcome. :D

how about you denounce the homosexual movement whose icons founded the child rapist organization known as NAMBLA, marched with them, indoctrinate children to the ways of perversion, and have openly stated that their goal is to abolish all age of consent laws?

I will continue to denounce ANYONE who promotes predatory behavior towards children. That includes the actions of your hero, Roy Moore, who we KNOW hung out at the local mall in order to pick up teenage girls.

Come on Sandy, you can be more descriptive than that, after all we're talking about people who condone child rape through legislation.

Since we're in a thread about pedophilia, let's call "enablers for adults looking to prey on children and teens" what they really are:

Say it Sandy...

I already did. The actions of Moore is that of a child predator. Robertson ENCOURAGES adults to prey on teenage girls under the guise of marriage. What part of that do you not understand?


Doesn't matter what anyone actually said.

Originally Posted by musterion
What should the age of sexual consent be, in your opinion? Name an age.

Originally Posted by Eeset
Why do we need one?

When it comes to condoning child rape, it "matters" to people who embrace God's Word and decency.

I've made my point, i.e. I'm done here.