Hillary Is In Bad Shape - Unfit For President

patrick jane

Oh expert can you tell us which cardinal features of parkinsons she has? Or have you not even bothered to read Wikipedia to even know what Parkinsons actually is...?

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Watch the video in post 115 in this thread. I'm a Parkinson's expert now, you will be too if you watch, it's only 16 minutes


New member
Watch the video in post 115 in this thread.
Ok this should be entertaining.

*** TLDR version: The doctor in the video is a retired anaesthetist who has never diagnosed much in his life let alone Parkinson's and largely misrepresents the clinical signs, even getting the most well known signs such as the classic parkinsonian tremor wrong.***

First point: He tell us all "I'm a medical doctor with 36 years of experience"
This should have been the first red flag right here. To be a meaningful credential he should mention his specialty. In his case unfortunately he is a retired anaesthetist meaning he has about as much experience diagnosing Parkinson's as Neurologist.does intubating. Anaesthetists rarely do much diagnosis, especially not movement disorders, so what little he knows probably comes from med school and internship (36 years ago). So his "i'm a doctor of 36 years" isn't nearly as impressive as it sounds as int hat 36 years he has probably NEVER diagnosed Parkinson's or anything similar.

This problem comes across in his entire method. He essentially tries to see if a single story can explain all the things he is concerned with without considering differential diagnoses or negative findings (what you don't find is often just as important as what you do).

Next he puts a lot of stock into the info wars claims about the secret service saying Hilary has Parkinson's. He comments that this is highly unsual but doesn't consider that this is because of a very common medical problem - the false positive (Something info wars is well known for. Why the secret service would leak to one of the least reputable news sources on the internet is beyond me)

He then goes on about Clinton fainting and that her striking her head is inconsistent with faints. That is just simply and obviously wrong, yes most people who faint manage to break their fall but some don't and many people on this forum would probably have seen this (or even experienced it), I have.

He then tries to attribute it to gait freezing, a late sign of Parkinsons and unlikely to be present at diagnosis (since you'd see sooo much else first, in fact if you look up diagnostic criteria many will suggest that it's presence early is likely a sign that the diagnosis is something other than Parkinson's. Not to mention that there are literally thousands of other explanations for falls.

He then goes on to try and attribute her nodding at people as a parkinsonian tremor. What he fails to say (though quotes it) is that the Parkinsonian tremor is so distinctive it even has it's own name known as the "pill rolling tremor". It is generally a tremor of the limbs and tremors of the head are generally uncommon. It also has a rate of 3-7 Hz (her nodding in the video is about 0.5-1 Hz) and this rate remains constant even as the disease progresses and tremors become larger and affects more proximal muscles.

His comments about the painful position of her hand to hide her tremor is just stupid. Maybe he has arthritis but I can achieve that hand positioning with ease (oh and her left hand is resting holding the mic while she is distracted with talking the entire time - yet no tremor)

He then tries to blame other head nodding episodes on Levodopa induced dyskinesia, which are typically choreoform and to call those head ovements choreoform is a stretch (look up some videos of real patients it if you don't believe me, they're all over youtube)

Next he goes on about the "bug-eyed look", which is simply a huge misunderstanding of decreased eye blinging rate and/or masked fascial expression (neither of whcih are demonstrated in the example and the Michael J Fox example he is trying to use as an example is something presistent versus the Clinton example of something extremely transient.If nything the example he gave was a clear example of something inconsistent with parkinsons (she has exaggerated facial expressions, which Parkinson's should inhibit. Evidence more she is a bad actor than has Parkinon's.)

The example with her "freezing" due to a disturbance in the rally and the being told to "keep talking we're here" by the secret service is uncharacteristic of Parkinson's (some reasurrance doesn't make it easy for them to talk and overcome symptoms). It's evidence of her seeing something that deeply worried her for her security (rightly or wrongly) and the secret service reassuring her they have it under control. Repeating what you just said after is just a very common public speaking technique for recovering from a pause, fumble, distraction, etc (gives you time to think of what to say next).

THen the coughing.... Spontaneous coughing has never been a way to diagnose Parkinsons or dysphagia. If anything if it were dysphagia the LAST thing she should do is try and swallow water!

The decision fatigue is simply talking about... *drumroll....* decision fatigue..... It is a real thing and studied issue particularly pertinent for all people in leadership positions.

At no point does he actually go through the actual clinical signs and tries to match them with examination findings, he has examination findings and tries to match them to Parkinson's.
I'm a Parkinson's expert now, you will be too if you watch, it's only 16 minutes
Hahahahahahaha..... awwwwww..... Aren't you cute thinking you are an expert on Parkinson's after watching a short video by a guy that has probably never diagnosed Parkinsson's in his entire life.... All you're really showing is the Dunning-Kruger effect. I know enough to know I'm NOT an expert, so I double checked most of what I said with UpToDate.

FYI this is the clinical signs:

Cardinal Manifestations (without some of these there is no diagnosis):
- Tremor (Features described earlier)
- Bradykinesia (general slowness movements)
- Rigidity of muscles
- Impairment of posturally mediated central reflexes

Other motor features (might be present but a couple of these without cardinal manifstations is not a diagnosis):
- Craniofascial
> Masked facies
> Decreased spontaneous blinking
> Speech impairment
> Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
> Excessive drooling
- Visual
> Blurred vision
> Impaired contrast sensitivity
> Hypometric saccades (I'm not sure how to summarize that briefly)
> Impaired vestibulo-ocular reflex
> Eyelid opening apraxia (difficulty opening eyes once closed)
- Musculoskeletal
> Micrographia (abnormally small cramped handwriting)
> Dystonias (muscle spasms and abnormal posture)
> Myoclonus (easiest way to describe this is muscle jerking though that is a simplification)
> Stooped posture
- Gait
> Shuffling with short steps
> Freezing
> Parkinsonian gait

Nonmotor symptoms
> Cognitive decline and dementia
> Psychosis and hallucinations
> Mood disorders (eg depression)
> Sleep disturbance
> Autonomic dysfunction
> Olfactory dysfunction
> Pain and sensory disturbance

(I plagiarised this mostly from UpToDate)

patrick jane

FYI this is the clinical signs:

Cardinal Manifestations (without some of these there is no diagnosis):
- Tremor (Features described earlier)
- Bradykinesia (general slowness movements)
- Rigidity of muscles
- Impairment of posturally mediated central reflexes

Other motor features (might be present but a couple of these without cardinal manifstations is not a diagnosis):
- Craniofascial
> Masked facies
> Decreased spontaneous blinking
> Speech impairment
> Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
> Excessive drooling
- Visual
> Blurred vision
> Impaired contrast sensitivity
> Hypometric saccades (I'm not sure how to summarize that briefly)
> Impaired vestibulo-ocular reflex
> Eyelid opening apraxia (difficulty opening eyes once closed)
- Musculoskeletal
> Micrographia (abnormally small cramped handwriting)
> Dystonias (muscle spasms and abnormal posture)
> Myoclonus (easiest way to describe this is muscle jerking though that is a simplification)
> Stooped posture
- Gait
> Shuffling with short steps
> Freezing
> Parkinsonian gait

Nonmotor symptoms
> Cognitive decline and dementia
> Psychosis and hallucinations
> Mood disorders (eg depression)
> Sleep disturbance
> Autonomic dysfunction
> Olfactory dysfunction
> Pain and sensory disturbance

(I plagiarised this mostly from UpToDate)

Hellary has most of those symptoms, thanks for affirming her full blown Parkinson's


New member
I would certainly agree that crooked Hilliary is unfit, medically, mentally, and morally to run for president. This may be the best thing that's ever happened to America.

I hope she totally falls apart during the upcoming debate so that America can see what she really is. I haven't heard the "owned" media mention her seizures that we all have seen on youtube, etc.

patrick jane

I would certainly agree that crooked Hilliary is unfit, medically, mentally, and morally to run for president. This may be the best thing that's ever happened to America.

I hope she totally falls apart during the upcoming debate so that America can see what she really is. I haven't heard the "owned" media mention her seizures that we all have seen on youtube, etc.

Right, the media is pro Hellary and it shows every time they ask her questions; all soft balls.


New member
Hellary has most of those symptoms, thanks for affirming her full blown Parkinson's
She doesn't have the parkinsons tremor, bradykinesia, or rigidity. Any video of her onstage shows that. The only one we can't tell is if she has a mild version of the particular type of balance disturbance since it can be subtle and ony detectable with a specific test.

She not only doesn't have many of the other symptoms she actually shows the opposite. She has prominent facial expressions, can look up, has no trouble with eyelid movement and is fluid and rapid in her speech. These are the opposite of what you'd expect to find and thus suggest against Parkinsons.

Your "nuh uh is too" argument is childish Mr self professed expert.

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New member
I haven't heard the "owned" media mention her seizures that we all have seen on youtube, etc.
Maybe because the seizures look nothing like seizures and they could never find a reputable doctor to say they are? They have a reputation to hold up and doing crying seizures against medical opinions would trash that.

FYI conscious head nodding is not a sign of seizure.

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like marbles on glass
Ok this should be entertaining.

*** TLDR version: The doctor in the video is a retired anaesthetist who has never diagnosed much in his life let alone Parkinson's and largely misrepresents the clinical signs, even getting the most well known signs such as the classic parkinsonian tremor wrong.***

First point: He tell us all "I'm a medical doctor with 36 years of experience"
This should have been the first red flag right here. To be a meaningful credential he should mention his specialty. In his case unfortunately he is a retired anaesthetist meaning he has about as much experience diagnosing Parkinson's as Neurologist.does intubating. Anaesthetists rarely do much diagnosis, especially not movement disorders, so what little he knows probably comes from med school and internship (36 years ago). So his "i'm a doctor of 36 years" isn't nearly as impressive as it sounds as int hat 36 years he has probably NEVER diagnosed Parkinson's or anything similar.

This problem comes across in his entire method. He essentially tries to see if a single story can explain all the things he is concerned with without considering differential diagnoses or negative findings (what you don't find is often just as important as what you do).

Next he puts a lot of stock into the info wars claims about the secret service saying Hilary has Parkinson's. He comments that this is highly unsual but doesn't consider that this is because of a very common medical problem - the false positive (Something info wars is well known for. Why the secret service would leak to one of the least reputable news sources on the internet is beyond me)

He then goes on about Clinton fainting and that her striking her head is inconsistent with faints. That is just simply and obviously wrong, yes most people who faint manage to break their fall but some don't and many people on this forum would probably have seen this (or even experienced it), I have.

He then tries to attribute it to gait freezing, a late sign of Parkinsons and unlikely to be present at diagnosis (since you'd see sooo much else first, in fact if you look up diagnostic criteria many will suggest that it's presence early is likely a sign that the diagnosis is something other than Parkinson's. Not to mention that there are literally thousands of other explanations for falls.

He then goes on to try and attribute her nodding at people as a parkinsonian tremor. What he fails to say (though quotes it) is that the Parkinsonian tremor is so distinctive it even has it's own name known as the "pill rolling tremor". It is generally a tremor of the limbs and tremors of the head are generally uncommon. It also has a rate of 3-7 Hz (her nodding in the video is about 0.5-1 Hz) and this rate remains constant even as the disease progresses and tremors become larger and affects more proximal muscles.

His comments about the painful position of her hand to hide her tremor is just stupid. Maybe he has arthritis but I can achieve that hand positioning with ease (oh and her left hand is resting holding the mic while she is distracted with talking the entire time - yet no tremor)

He then tries to blame other head nodding episodes on Levodopa induced dyskinesia, which are typically choreoform and to call those head ovements choreoform is a stretch (look up some videos of real patients it if you don't believe me, they're all over youtube)

Next he goes on about the "bug-eyed look", which is simply a huge misunderstanding of decreased eye blinging rate and/or masked fascial expression (neither of whcih are demonstrated in the example and the Michael J Fox example he is trying to use as an example is something presistent versus the Clinton example of something extremely transient.If nything the example he gave was a clear example of something inconsistent with parkinsons (she has exaggerated facial expressions, which Parkinson's should inhibit. Evidence more she is a bad actor than has Parkinon's.)

The example with her "freezing" due to a disturbance in the rally and the being told to "keep talking we're here" by the secret service is uncharacteristic of Parkinson's (some reasurrance doesn't make it easy for them to talk and overcome symptoms). It's evidence of her seeing something that deeply worried her for her security (rightly or wrongly) and the secret service reassuring her they have it under control. Repeating what you just said after is just a very common public speaking technique for recovering from a pause, fumble, distraction, etc (gives you time to think of what to say next).

THen the coughing.... Spontaneous coughing has never been a way to diagnose Parkinsons or dysphagia. If anything if it were dysphagia the LAST thing she should do is try and swallow water!

The decision fatigue is simply talking about... *drumroll....* decision fatigue..... It is a real thing and studied issue particularly pertinent for all people in leadership positions.

At no point does he actually go through the actual clinical signs and tries to match them with examination findings, he has examination findings and tries to match them to Parkinson's.
Hahahahahahaha..... awwwwww..... Aren't you cute thinking you are an expert on Parkinson's after watching a short video by a guy that has probably never diagnosed Parkinsson's in his entire life.... All you're really showing is the Dunning-Kruger effect. I know enough to know I'm NOT an expert, so I double checked most of what I said with UpToDate.

FYI this is the clinical signs:

Cardinal Manifestations (without some of these there is no diagnosis):
- Tremor (Features described earlier)
- Bradykinesia (general slowness movements)
- Rigidity of muscles
- Impairment of posturally mediated central reflexes

Other motor features (might be present but a couple of these without cardinal manifstations is not a diagnosis):
- Craniofascial
> Masked facies
> Decreased spontaneous blinking
> Speech impairment
> Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
> Excessive drooling
- Visual
> Blurred vision
> Impaired contrast sensitivity
> Hypometric saccades (I'm not sure how to summarize that briefly)
> Impaired vestibulo-ocular reflex
> Eyelid opening apraxia (difficulty opening eyes once closed)
- Musculoskeletal
> Micrographia (abnormally small cramped handwriting)
> Dystonias (muscle spasms and abnormal posture)
> Myoclonus (easiest way to describe this is muscle jerking though that is a simplification)
> Stooped posture
- Gait
> Shuffling with short steps
> Freezing
> Parkinsonian gait

Nonmotor symptoms
> Cognitive decline and dementia
> Psychosis and hallucinations
> Mood disorders (eg depression)
> Sleep disturbance
> Autonomic dysfunction
> Olfactory dysfunction
> Pain and sensory disturbance

(I plagiarised this mostly from UpToDate)

Thanks for this. ^

I watched the video a couple of days ago and had the same reaction. Medical doctor of what? X number of years of experience in what? Certainly not neuroscience or neuropsychology, or he would've given his credentials. So my first thought at the time was "maybe he's a podiatrist." :chuckle: Not that I have anything against podiatrists, it's just that their specialty is at the opposite end of the body. My second thought was: "InfoWars?!" Alrighty then.

You're dead right about him trying to fit the diagnosis to the symptoms when it should be the other way around. No credible (or ethical) neurologist or neuropsychologist would consider such a thing. A clinical diagnosis is a complex, multifaceted process of inference, the opposite of what the video guy is trying to hammer out.

Last, but certainly not least to me: I lost my dad to Parkinson's disease, so I've been debating whether I even wanted to get involved in this discussion. I don't know. I do know the difference between what he experienced and what I see in Hillary, and there is no comparison.

patrick jane

She doesn't have the parkinsons tremor, bradykinesia, or rigidity. Any video of her onstage shows that. The only one we can't tell is if she has a mild version of the particular type of balance disturbance since it can be subtle and ony detectable with a specific test.

She not only doesn't have many of the other symptoms she actually shows the opposite. She has prominent facial expressions, can look up, has no trouble with eyelid movement and is fluid and rapid in her speech. These are the opposite of what you'd expect to find and thus suggest against Parkinsons.

Your "nuh uh is too" argument is childish Mr self professed expert.

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Yes, here is her vibrant facial expressions, and fluid, rapid speech -


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
hillary shoulda picked bernie for veep - at least if she breaks down before november she'd have had someone people would have voted for