Hillary Is In Bad Shape - Unfit For President

patrick jane

Hilary voters:

Usually low info people, feminists, people who vote on emotion have no clue of the results of their action, people in Fed hi places with cushy jobs, staff, directors etc. the usual "swamp slugs." Then we have the freebie crowd,,,those that feel their food stamps, unemployment checks, housing, tuition assistance etc might be cut back ………

Yep the "dregs of society" are a nervous wreck with a Trump election.

Go Trump !!! Drain The Swamp !!!
WLJ regarding #195 ^^^

Hmmm——must be form of a Rorschach——let's have some fun———-a four fingered glove for a gynecologist who lost his middle finger in the Vietnam War?

Poor thing, can't respond intellectually, like a lil child has to draw pictures……,

I worked with toddlers, so i understand.

Actually, paxsinilis, that hand was not a response to you, rather to move the video up the screen, so half of it was not blocked by the ad. It so happened you posted about the same time. It’s not something you should be losing sleep over, even if anything you perceive had any nexus with reality. On the other hand, I do have every confidence you will soon be tipping the communion wine, and mercifully, for all, a few more disoriented posts, and you’ll be in a coma until tomorrow, liver willing. By the way, when did you Catholics change Paul’s admonition to, “Drink no longer water, but use a magnum of wine for thy stomach's sake...”?

patrick jane

Don't forget, Hellary proudly shared the stage with JayZ the woman abusing rapper and fornicator, along with Beyonce. Both performers use the B word frequently and sing about crime and corruption, no wonder Hellary accepts their endorsement

patrick jane

Meanwhile, our president quit his job and is relentlessly campaigning for Hellary, actually telling Americans that she will continue HIS presidency !!!
Don't forget, Hellary proudly shared the stage with JayZ the woman abusing rapper and fornicator, along with Beyonce. Both performorers use the B word frequently and sing about crime and corruption, no wonder Hellary accepts their endorsement

And this an important point. All the usual suspects, that you know are Satanic, some making no bones about it, and long before the election was an issue, are all for Hillary. Time and again, I just see these names and don't need the article to go on to say they're for Hillary. She has the devils' endorsements, across the board, a veritable choir of the biggest degenerates.
Wonderfullovingjesu??// well what ever—

You may accuse me of sipping wine, alcohol, or something and find me disgustingly intoxicated, inebriated whatever when I post, but you know I find you disgustingly ugly.

The difference Tootsie……..I wake up nice and sober and you still wake up disgustingly ugly.

Tit for tat is OK on the board but mocking some one's religious beliefs, practices, ceremonies, that's another thing but then you are of the low info type and I am a good Catholic———-I am sympathetic to your,angry condition, and……… we pray for the misguided and lost souls after every Mass.


Alright, alright, then. If sometimes, looking at your posts, it seems you're sipping through a garden hose, I'll try not to sound ugly, in the course of trying to parse what you may be saying. And I haven't found you disgusting ugly, as well everybody knows a Catholic would never slander the faith of a Protestant, perish the thought! So, do pray for all us wretched, lost souls to come to Papa, or is that Mama?

Anyhow, if I may make a personal request, this for sometime when you're exuding all your sympathy and on a full tank of merlot, please pray for me before both alters, or do a little bead mumbly. Maybe, with your help, I'll manage a few toes, or even an entire foot into purgatory?