Hillary Is In Bad Shape - Unfit For President


New member
Hillary has SERIOUS medical issues beyond pneumonia. She has neurological problems as well -
1. Her pneumonia may be minor (and is a very common illness
2. She has so far as I have seen shown no signs of serious neurological illness, certainly not from the videos you have shown in this thread
a. Seizures. You and others have tried to make this claim based on a brief video. To anyone who has even the slightest understanding of what on earth a seizure actually is or what it looks like it is obvious that what is shown is not a seizure.
b. One of your videos is labelled "Hillary Clinton has Psychotic Episode? ?seizure Live", which on watching is a bit like holding a pen and saying it looks like either a truck or an apple. Not only does what is shown not look like either, neither condition looks like each other in the slightest anyway.
c. Parkinson's. Some (particularly a dodgy pharmaceutical CEO) have made the claim she has Parkinson's based on their extensive knowledge of the condition despite having no history of studying, diagnosing or treating Parkinson's, even attempting to apply the actual diagnostic criteria of the condition to Clinton or Clinton ever showing the videos the common and characteristic signs of the condition.​

What we do know is that Clinton has a history of venous thromboembolisms including having previously had a central venous thrombus. We know because of this she is on anticoagulants probably life long (like millions of other people and the risks of complications with this are low). She has not shown any long-term impairment because of this.

She also apparently has hypothyroidism - generally one of the most easily managed chronic conditions on the planet.

She has also had some broken bones.

If she walked into a hospital with that history and her level of activity a doctor would typically label her as fit and well with the above past medical history.

So sure hate her because you think her policies suck and she is untrustworthy as that's all a matter of opinion and there are legitimate reasons not to like her as a candidate, but Clinton's health is not one of those legitimate reasons.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
......She has so far as I have seen shown no signs of serious neurological illness.........

Her illness is that she's a friggin' congenital liar, and this episode once again demonstrates that all she knows how to do is lie.

After the slimy scum left the 9/11 ceremony, her campaign said she had gotten “overheated” — even though the temperature in New York was in the 70s. Ninety minutes later, she exited Chelsea Clinton’s apartment and told the press she was “feeling great.” Why Chelsea Clinton’s apartment and not a hospital? TO AVOID THE PRESS! More rotten judgement. Hours later, Clinton’s doctor revealed she had been diagnosed with pneumonia Friday.

The woman eats and breaths lies and cover-ups. Is this the judgement we want in a president? No way.

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New member
Her illness is that she's a friggin' congenital liar, and this episode once again demonstrates that all she knows how to do is lie.
Ummmm.... OK....... That's a dumb way to justify saying someone has a neurological illness but OK....... Something tells me you dislike her a bit? :eek:
After the slimy scum left the 9/11 ceremony, her campaign said she had gotten “overheated” — even though the temperature in New York was in the 70s.
To be fair maybe she did overheat (from a fever)......? :plain:
Ninety minutes later, she exited Chelsea Clinton’s apartment and told the press she was “feeling great.” Why Chelsea Clinton’s apartment and not a hospital?
Or because she felt OK and really only needs to see a GP instead of clog an emergency department for a condition that clearly doesn't require admission? See she was actually doing the health system a favour! :carryon:

She woman eats and breaths lies and cover-ups. Is this the judgement we want in a president? No way.
Maybe. Maybe not.

My only point is that in judging her fitness for President her health should not be a significant factor.


New member
Hillary Clinton was headed to an emergency room following her frightening collapse at the Sept. 11 memorial ceremony — but detoured to daughter Chelsea Clinton’s apartment to keep details of her medical treatment under wraps, The Post has learned.

Secret Service protocol called for the Democratic presidential nominee to be rushed to a state-designated Level I Trauma Center in the wake of her Sunday-morning health crisis, sources said. In Manhattan, that would be Bellevue Hospital.

But a campaign operative decided to change course to avoid having Clinton seen by doctors, nurses and other medical workers who could leak details to reporters, according to a source.

In addition, Clinton’s van was supposed to be escorted by an NYPD detail, but the Secret Service whisked her away from Ground Zero before cops could accompany her, another source said.

The former secretary of state had told police officials that she didn’t want the escort at all, but the NYPD overruled that request, the source added.

“There was no lack of communication, nor diminution of security,” he added.

The campaign initially claimed that Clinton left the 15th annual observance at Ground Zero because she “felt overheated” — before revealing hours later that she was actually suffering from a bout of pneumonia diagnosed Friday.

it's clear that hillary is driven by intense paranoia of any type of criticism.


New member
Are you a doctor?
Would the answer to that question matter?
I never said she has a neurological illness Einstein.
You quoted me saying "She has so far as I have seen shown no signs of neurological issues" where I was responding to Patrick saying "she has neurological problems", you then responded that her illness is lying(which is a conscious act i.e. brain related) .....

Sorry I made a reasonable assumption. :plain:
Next time I won't assume you are actually responding to what I am saying rather than just using me as an excuse to talk about something tangential. (Or you could just say what you think without quoting me to avoid confusion)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
she's just laying the groundwork for the debates - when trump makes her cry on camera, she'll blame it on meds

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
She has so far as I have seen shown no signs of neurological issues


Physical symptoms of neurological problems may include the following:

Partial or complete paralysis.
Muscle weakness.
Partial or complete loss of sensation.
Difficulty reading and writing.
Poor cognitive abilities.
Unexplained pain.
Decreased alertness.

Muscle weakness:


Decreased alertness:


Poor cognitive abilities:


patrick jane

Would the answer to that question matter?
You quoted me saying "She has so far as I have seen shown no signs of neurological issues" where I was responding to Patrick saying "she has neurological problems", you then responded that her illness is lying(which is a conscious act i.e. brain related) .....

Sorry I made a reasonable assumption. :plain:
Next time I won't assume you are actually responding to what I am saying rather than just using me as an excuse to talk about something tangential. (Or you could just say what you think without quoting me to avoid confusion)
Worry about your own government in Australia and stop kissing up to Clinton

patrick jane

Hellary denounced and betrayed half of all Americans by calling us irredeemable and deplorable. She called us every kind of phobe and in so doing insulted and alienated half the country. She has yet to apologize and it's just one more reason she can't serve in the highest office in the land. Meanwhile, in the Congressional hearing to question Hellary's server provider, Platte River and all of her aides and associates are all pleading the 5th and refuse to answer any question about the liar's emails. Secrecy and deception is what Hellary will bring to the White House if elected.
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Are you a doctor?
Would the answer to that question matter?........
Yes, because in post #62 you gave a medical opinion ("She has so far as I have seen shown no signs of serious neurological illness") and in another you said that what I said was dumb. I'm just wondering if you're a doctor or just a another leftwing moron like the other leftwing morons here.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Worry about your own government in Australia and stop kissing up to Clinton

Oh, he's a Dingo-Eater? Why are those people always butting in to our politics. That's annoying.

she's just laying the groundwork for the debates - when trump makes her cry on camera, she'll blame it on meds
I doubt that Hillary is capable of producing genuine tears anymore, which is a consequence of severing off her conscious.

If the slime keeled over and died right in the middle of the debate I think that would be so awesome I would barbeque for the whole neighborhood. I know that's not a Christian thing to say, but that's how I feel. The death of Satan's Queen would be fine with me.


Hellary denounced and betrayed half of all Americans by calling us unredeemable and deplorable. She called us every kind of phobe and in so doing insulted and alienated half the country. She has yet to apologize and it's just one more reason she can't serve in the highest office in the land. Meanwhile, in the Congressional hearing to question Hellary's server provider, Platte River and all of her aides and associates are all pleading the 5th and refuse to answer any question about the liar's emails. Secrecy and deception is what Hellary will bring to the White House if elected.
There is certainly no shortage of Trump supporters in this forum of those who would fall into the "unredeemable and deplorable" category!

"Secrecy and deception" wil be the least of our worries if we were to elect a presidential candidate who has chosen Vladimir Putin as a "role model!"