
That is not what they said. In fact, they said the opposite. The right shall not be infringed. That means you can not scale it back in any way shape or form.

Funny how you tout the original intent, then say existence today in response to my question. The answer is the people. Not the state. There is not a third party in question.
Times and people change. Most people are happier when they do not live a life that divides others as either "good" or "bad," righteous or unrighteous.
This is from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew.

The people have the right to form a citizen army and the people have the right to keep and bear arms.
Of course they do. But not ALL people. Those with mental problems or those who belong to the Black Panther Party do not have these rights.

"Back/white" or "Either/Or" thinking is bankrupt in a global culture. Labels and prejudice have no place any longer.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Times and people change. Most people are happier when they do not live a life that divides others as either "good" or "bad," righteous or unrighteous.
This is from the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew.

All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats.

Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.

If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple.

Everything you know is wrong. You must be a libtard.


So am I supposed to interrupt this any other way than, "I disagree with the constitution, so I feel justified in ignoring it"?
That is a good and valuable interpretation. When you realize that most people (especially Americans) don't always do what they are told and have to make peace with themselves and others, you can easily see how all of us have our own particular slant on the Constitution and tend to agree with parts that go along with our own beliefs.

The history of America is really interesting and the formation of our founding document needs to be known. The Revolution of 1800 was a really important cross roads in our history. Jefferson and Madison and Adams saw the ideals of the revolution they fought as young men were being betrayed by what they called "factions." These were groups of people or legislators who did things that turned against America and were out of self-interest, not the larger community.

Paul Weyrich, who was founder of the conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation, did not think people had the right to have a democracy and vote for their leaders. Here is a video of Weyrich giving that speech to a group of religious and poliltical leaders:

That is a country I do not want to live in.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
So now is not the time to post Hickok45 doing the run down on some lever action reproduction. I think they are great and want one for a toy, but can do it right now.

It is always Hickok45 time here at the GUNS thread!


So what? The right of the people to keep and bear arms is right there in the constitution. Lacking the magical power of going back in time and changing the intentions of the men who set that right into the constitution you have only two honest options. Abide by it or change it legally.

Pretending those words mean something other than what they mean is dishonest. Worse, it's a little crazy.
The prohibitions against murder and adultery are there in all three versions of the Ten Commandments. So what?

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The gun show is Dec 26-28. I will be going because they are private sales and not subject to illegal and unconstitutional transfer paperwork.

I will be looking for a Glock 21. I really want a 1911, but emotion should not make that decision.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
45 ACP

I still go with the saying, they all fall to hardball. A term that exists because of the effectiveness of the 1911A1 pistol in combat by US forces. It was easily the best and replaced a revolver that was too small. However, that is one impressive bullet in the video.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
I didn't make any deals at the show for the Glock 21. So I bought this instead.


The Glock is still a better choice. It has 13 shots, no external safety, and works like a double action revolver. Just pull it and shoot. So naturally, I bought a parkarized 1911A1 variant, sans firing pin block.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
The SA shoots quite well. Not Glock straight, but the trigger is so much better than the Glock trigger that it makes up for it.
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Just speaking on the gun rights discussion within the thread:

Pistols and shotguns are for personal and home protection. Assault rifles are for if someone decides they want to land on our soil.

When it comes down to it, a man and his gun is a man with his gun. Liberals, especially over in the UK, like to philosophize and come up with all these stupid arguments to and try and dictate that it will not protect a man or his family.

If gun ownership saves the life of even one person, it is worth having. They shouldn't have to have died because you don't want to take responsibility to defend yourself.

And it's as simple as that :up: