Green Berets in Negligees


Actually Serpent, the type of homosexual activity which is described in the Bible is not what would be meant today.
Fornication (any sex outside of marriage, which includes homosexuality) is sin. It:

Comes from evil heart*****Matt. 15:19
Sins against the body*****1 Cor. 6:18
Excludes from God’s kingdom*****1 Cor. 6:9
Disrupts Christian fellowship*****1 Cor. 5:9–11
Spiritual fornication symbolized in final apostasy*****Rev. 17:1–5

Homosexuality is:

Forbidden*****Lev. 18:22
Considered an abomination*****1 Kin. 14:24
Punishment*****Lev. 20:13
Unclean*****Rom. 1:24, 26, 27
Thomas Nelson Publishers. (1995). Nelson's quick reference topical Bible index. Nelson's Quick reference (293). Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson Publishers.


Resident Fiend
The love of God is part of who he is (2Co 13:11; 1Jo 4:8).

Have you seen that terrible movie Clash of the Titans yet? I got suckered into it. :mmph: They portray god (Greek paganism, Zeus) as a mean old man. :rolleyes:

That may be a god of man's imagination but that is not the God of scripture. The God of scripture is: living, personal, relational, good and loving.

He loves us even when we are unlovable (Ro 5:8). He proved his love by dying for us.

"Love is giving you what you need not what you deserve."

If I may use the terrible movie again as an illustration of error. The main god in the movie needed humans for his power. :rolleyes: Humans stopped loving him, he got mad, yada, yada, yada. :yawn: Again--a god of man's imagination--but no proof.

Scripture says man cannot profit God (Job 22:2; Ps 16:2). We become something special when we respond to him (2 Cor 5:17). He wants our fellowship (Ge 5:22, Ge 6:9, etc.). We were made for him and his will (Re 4:11).

In The Crucible

Out from the mine and the darkness,
Out from the damp and the mold,
Out from the fiery furnace,
Cometh each grain of gold.
Crushed into atoms and leveled
Down to the humblest dust
With never a heart to pity,
With never a hand to trust.
Molten and hammered and beaten
Seemeth it ne'er to be done.
Oh, for such fiery trial,
What hath the poor gold done?
Oh, 'twere a mercy to leave it
Down in the damp and the mold.
If this is the glory of living,
Then better to be dross than gold.
Under the press and the roller,
Into the jaws of the mint,
Stamped with the emblem of freedom,
With never a flaw or a dint.
Oh, what a joy, the refining,
Out of the damp and the mold.
And stamped with the glorious image,
Oh, beautiful coin of gold!
–Author unknown
There should be a prize awarded for being able to cram so much sentimental drivel into one post.

All this prattling about love, love, love! Yuck! :vomit:

It must be a female thing.


New member
It is the ministry of the Holy Spirit to convicts a person of sin. He withdraws from incorrigible sinners by the way (Gen. 6:3; Deut. 32:30; Psa. 51:11; Prov. 1:24–28; Jer. 7:29; Hos. 4:17, 18; Hos. 5:6; Hos. 9:12; Matt. 15:14; Luke 13:7; Rom. 1:24, 26, 28) Swanson, J., & Nave, O. (1994). New Nave's. Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems.
That has nothing to do with the fact that you continue to lie about me, seprent:duh:. I don't know what you think it has to do with ANYTHING, actually.
You don't know Christ (Jn 14:17). Bad root, bad fruits (Mt 7:16).
The opinion of a proven liar on my salvation is meaningless.
Your prescription for the "pain" kills (Jn 10:10).
What do you think I "prescribe", serpent:duh:? Or are you just making more wild assumptions based solely on your prejudices (all liberals MUST be pro-abortion, pro-gay, anti-Christian because talking head X said so...)?
You have no information you're just throwing out sweeping generalities and hoping something sticks. What has "stuck" is the obvious fact that you have no idea what you are talking about and no regard for truth or honesty whatsoever.
You claim to know truth and love when you stand in opposition to God's word? (Jn 8:31, Jn 8:44).
Please demonstrate how I stand in opposition to God's word- not your interpretation, btw (or should I say whoever you are linking to's interpretation since you seem to have no ability to think for yourself).
A true Christian is a pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist? :hammer: We all supposed to give up what we know (revelation) for your opinion (speculation)? :dizzy:
Show me where I have said those things, liar. Now. Or take back your filthy lies and choke on them.


2 Pe 3:5.

"* Cosmological argument:

• Everything that had a beginning has a cause.
• The universe had a beginning.
• Therefore, the universe had a cause.

Design argument:

• Every design has a designer.
• The universe—and life—has a highly complex design.
• Therefore, there is a Great Designer.

Moral argument

• Moral laws require a lawgiver
• Absolute moral laws exist.
• Therefore, there is an absolute Moral Lawgiver..." Evidence of God

Atheism & Agnosticism

None of that proves the existence of your god over any other god mankind has dreamed up.

It's sort of a stupid suggestion, don't you think. :dunce:
Hardly. You are the one that says they are slow on the draw, I'd like to know if you are any better. I seriously doubt it.
I've engaged in many "duels" if it makes you feel any better.
I think you are lying. What exactly are you referring to as a duel and what, if any, weapons were being used?


Resident Fiend
I think you are lying. What exactly are you referring to as a duel and what, if any, weapons were being used?
That would be spiritual dueling... :chuckle:

I doubt serpentdove has ever been on the business end of a weapon, or even another person's fist...


That would be spiritual dueling... :chuckle:

I doubt serpentdove has ever been on the business end of a weapon, or even another person's fist...
I've been on the "business" end of both numerous times. :rolleyes: Does this have something to do with religion or politics? :yawn:


"The opinion of a proven liar on my salvation is meaningless."
Let the reader decide.


Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)

You are a pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist. You want the reader to believe that you are a Christian? You stand for everything God stands against. :idunno:

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us [1 John 1:8].

"This is even worse than being a liar. When you get to the place where you say you have no sin in your life, there is no truth in you at all. This doesn’t mean you are simply a liar; it means you don’t even have the truth. You are deceiving yourself. You don’t deceive anyone else. You deceive only yourself..." McGee, J. V. (1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (5:762-763). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

When we place our trust in Christ we are cleansed from all unrighteousness (1 Jn 1:9). You are trying to convince the reader that cleansing of all unrighteousness looks like: child-killing, depravity and self-will?

Good luck. :rolleyes: You do not have a biblical worldview.


War of Worldviews

What is a Biblical Worldview?

Worldview Comparison





Modernity & Postmodernism: An excerpt from The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception by John MacArthur

"...[D]emonstrate how I stand in opposition to God's word..."
We've been over this before. :yawn: This thread is not all about you. Anyone interested in your wicked, leftist positions may review :sibbie: your posts at Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List). It's in there.
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Might I suggest you challenge a homosexual that is actively serving in the military to a duel?
You're really into this "challenging to a duel" thing? :rolleyes: Have you been watching too many action movies? Maybe you should go out an buy one of those Playmobil Jousting sets? :idunno:

I might remind you that real verily comes from God. No little blue pill will make you a man.


Praying for the Right Things 2 Thessalonians 1:11 Pt 1 by John MacArthur
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New member
Let the reader decide.


Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)

You are a pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist. You want the reader to believe that you are a Christian? You stand for everything God stands against. :idunno:

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us [1 John 1:8].

"This is even worse than being a liar. When you get to the place where you say you have no sin in your life, there is no truth in you at all. This doesn’t mean you are simply a liar; it means you don’t even have the truth. You are deceiving yourself. You don’t deceive anyone else. You deceive only yourself..." McGee, J. V. (1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (5:762-763). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

When we place our trust in Christ we are cleansed from all unrighteousness (1 Jn 1:9). You are trying to convince the reader that cleansing of all unrighteousness looks like: child-killing, depravity and self-will?

Good luck. :rolleyes: You do not have a biblical worldview.


War of Worldviews

What is a Biblical Worldview?

Worldview Comparison





Modernity & Postmodernism: An excerpt from The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception by John MacArthur

We've been over this before. :yawn: This thread is not all about you. Anyone interested in your wicked, leftist positions may review :sibbie: your posts at Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List). It's in there.
It doesn't work like that.
You brought it up, liar- if you aren't prepared to back yourself up, I suggest you retract your words. It's not my responsibility to follow you around to defend myself. Right here, right now, or drop it.


"It doesn't work like that. You brought it up, liar..."
Let the reader decide if you are a pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist.


Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)

"...if you aren't prepared to back yourself up, I suggest you retract your words. It's not my responsibility to follow you around to defend myself. Right here, right now, or drop it."
It's well established. You cannot sabotage every thread, making it all about you and your perverse beliefs. The details of your positions are well documented. When/if you change your positions, let us know.

When you say that nurses should not be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn, I'm happy to retract (Ge 9:6).

When you say that homosexuality is: an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24) and that God made us male and female (Mt 19:4), and to act otherwise disgusts God (Deut 22:5), let us know.

When you say that God created the world in six normal days (Ex 20:11; 31:17) and we are to believe God's word (revelation) not man's opinion (speculation), there is something to talk about. :idunno:
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New member
When you say that nurses should not be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn, I'm happy to retract (Ge 9:6).
When did I say that nurses SHOULD be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn, liar? Show me a quote where I said that or admit you are making stuff up.
When you say that homosexuality is: an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24) and that God made us male and female (Mt 19:4), and to act otherwise disgusts God (Deut 22:5), let us know.
So what you are actually saying is that I am not anti-gay, isn't it? That isn't the same pro-gay, serpent:duh:. I am pro-equality and so is the constution of this great nation- if you don't like it I'm sure you can find a border. North or south, liar- take your pick.
When you say that God created the world in six normal days (Ex 20:11; 31:17) and we are to believe God's word (revelation) not man's opinion (speculation), there is something to talk about. :idunno:
Ah- again you bring up YEC despite having admitted that it is not a salvation issue. Youa re as inconsistent as you are dishonest. I won't apologize for loving truth, serpent:duh:. That includes recognizing the truth about our world that God Himself created. Hiding behind a book won't change reality and it hurts Christ's cause on earth as people come to associate Christianity, not with Christ but with anti-science dogma and superstition. If you want to be a YEC, knock yourself out, but don't drag me down to Luddite Hell.


"When did I say that nurses SHOULD be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn, liar? Show me a quote where I said that or admit you are making stuff up."
You said:

"Religious freedom doesn't cover the "freedom" not to do your job...If the law requires that this service be offered to rape victims than you can bet it most certainly is a conflict."

"[R]eligious freedom doesn't include the freedom not to the job you agreed to do when you were hired."

"When they signed up for the job they agreed to do those things which the job requires- in this case dispensing emergency contraception to rape victims. Don't like the terms of employment- work somewhere else...The law trumps the religious affiliation of the hospital providing services."

Again, documented in Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)

Let's just make every thread about you. :rolleyes:

[Re: homosexuality] "I am pro-equality and so is the constitution of this great nation-- if you don't like it, I'm sure you can find a border..."

Are you opposed to homosexuality?
Is homosexuality an abomination? (1 Kin. 14:24).
Did God made us male and female? (Mt 19:4).
Is is disgusting to God to act differently than we were created? (Deut 22:5).

[Re: young earth creation] "I won't apologize for loving truth...Hiding behind a book won't change reality...[P]eople come to associate Christianity...with anti-science dogma and superstition."
Did we evolve from monkeys? (Ge 1:26; Jas 3:9).
Did God create the world in six literal days? (Ex 20:11; 31:17)

Regarding murder, your view is: "[If you] don't like the terms of employment- work somewhere else...".

Regarding homosexuality, your response is: "I am pro-equality and so is the constitution of this great nation-- if you don't like it, I'm sure you can find a border..."

Is that your solution for everything? When others disagree, they must leave? :idunno:


New member
You said:

"Religious freedom doesn't cover the "freedom" not to do your job...If the law requires that this service be offered to rape victims than you can bet it most certainly is a conflict."

"[R]eligious freedom doesn't include the freedom not to the job you agreed to do when you were hired."

"When they signed up for the job they agreed to do those things which the job requires- in this case dispensing emergency contraception to rape victims. Don't like the terms of employment- work somewhere else...The law trumps the religious affiliation of the hospital providing services."
So I didn't say "nurses SHOULD be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn," did I?
The discussion wasn't about whether or not "nurses SHOULD be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn", was it?
It was about whether or not people who have moral objections to duties expected of them in a certain position should knowingly accept that position in the first place, wasn't it?
Ready to retract your lie, yet?
Again, documented in Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)

Let's just make every thread about you. :rolleyes:
You made it about me when you decided to start lying.
Are you opposed to homosexuality?
Is homosexuality an abomination? (1 Kin. 14:24).
Did God made us male and female? (Mt 19:4).
Is is disgusting to God to act differently than we were created? (Deut 22:5).
Again- you are asking if I am anti-gay. That isn't the issue. You said I was pro-gay not that I wasn't anti-gay. Try and keep your lies straight, or better yet- try telling the truth. It might sting a little at first, but you'll be a better person for it.
Did we evolve from monkeys?
No, we share a common ancestor. :mrt::duh:
Did God create the world in six literal days? (Ex 20:11; 31:17)
Nope. Now explain how that is a salvation issue. Show me where God said "Believe in My son, and that I created the world in six literal days, an ye shall be saved" or any convincing analog.


New member
Regarding murder, your view is: "[If you] don't like the terms of employment- work somewhere else...".

Regarding homosexuality, your response is: "I am pro-equality and so is the constitution of this great nation-- if you don't like it, I'm sure you can find a border..."

Is that your solution for everything? When others disagree, they must leave? :idunno:
Is your solution for everything to lie about it? When others disagree with you, misrepresent their position? :idunno:


"So I didn't say "nurses SHOULD be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn," did I?
The discussion wasn't about whether or not "nurses SHOULD be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn", was it?
It was about whether or not people who have moral objections to duties expected of them in a certain position should knowingly accept that position in the first place, wasn't it?
Ready to retract your lie, yet?"
And you think this helps your argument?
Now, Christians aren't even fit to be employed?
Is a Christian qualified to take a nursing job if he/she will not distribute the morning after pill?

"You said I was pro-gay not that I wasn't anti-gay."
Do you support or are you opposed to homosexuality? :rolleyes:
[Did we evolve from monkeys?] "No, we share a common ancestor."
So a monkey was not created a monkey and a man was not created a man? Man became a man over millions of years through the process of evolution?

[Did God create the world in six literal days? (Ex 20:11; 31:17)] "Nope."
The Bible gives no reason to believe otherwise. Provide your reason for believing otherwise. In other words, what hermeneutic do you use to substantiate your claim?


New member
And you think this helps your argument?
It shows that you are a liar.
Now, Christians aren't even fit to be employed?
Can you show me where I said THAT?
Is a Christian qualified to take a nursing job if he/she will not distribute the morning after pill?
Does that discussion belong on this thread? I am responding to your allegation that I said that "nurses should be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn", and have shown it to be false. If you want to talk about it further either revive the original thread or start a new one.
Do you support homosexuality? :rolleyes:
No. :mrt::duh:
I support equality. I already said that.
So a monkey was not created a monkey and a man was not created a man? Man became a man over millions of years through the process of evolution?
That is what the evidence indicates, serpent:duh:.
The Bible gives no reason to believe otherwise.
It most certainly does. The use of mythic imagery and symbolsim, particularly combined with the scientific evidence, show that Genesis is not meant to a literal, historical revelation but an allegorical presentation containing spiritual truth.
Or do you really believe that God came here to teach elementary school science as well as save mankind?
Provide your reason for believing otherwise. In other words, what hermeneutic do you use to substantiate your claim?
I use reason and evidence, serpent:duh: What do you use? Oh yeah- you use other people to think for you. Let me know how that works out.