Green Berets in Negligees


Your creator said so. He loves you and He wants you to live (Jn 10:10).

:drum: You're going to place your eternity in the hands of a bad 90s band? :rolleyes:

The existence of Depeche Mode has been proven to me, I've seen them in concert several times. Thus adding to their credibility. Which is a lot more than what I can say for the mythological creature that you claim created me.

So I take it you are not going to answer my suggestion about challenging a homosexual actively serving in the military to a duel. Not surprising.


New member
That's great. Now, you'll have to go back to Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List) to correct the record on your positions.
I don't have to do anything, liar.
You need to respect the truth.
True. :flamer:
Glad to see you coming to grips with reality- even if you have to be dragged kicking and screming.
Except their wrists are a bit limp so they are not as quick on the draw...:AoO:
Do you have ANYTHING to back that up with other than prejudice?
When you remove the stigma, you harm the homosexual.
You have NO idea what harms the homosexual, serpent:duh:.
When you love the homosexual, you tell him the truth. I love the homosexual in Christ (Prov 27:5). You hate him or her.
Your "love" kills, serpent:duh:. It created "the closet" and all the self-loathing and destructive binges that go along with it. It is indistinguishable from hate because you don't want to "tell" them the truth- you want to force it down their throats.

I appreciate your effort :yawn:, but may I recommend a course in logic?
I only wish you could appreciate the irony of that statement as much as I do.
With training you might be able to win a bronze medal in the use of fallacies. :jump: You specialize in ad hominem, we know. But, I see you've added the double lutz Ad Populum and attempted the Absurd Extrapolation landing.
You have no idea what you are talking about- peppering your little "witticism" with phrases you obviously don't understand isn't going to fool anyone who isn't in elemtary school.
You wouldn't know an "ad hom" if it bit you and would truly love to hear how you got any of those fallacies from my COMMENT!

Keep at it (Re 22:11). :rolleyes:

It's all documented at: Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List) It makes for good reading like sticking toothpicks under your fingernails makes for a good manicure. :shocked:
Not good enough- if you think you can show where I have endorsed killing children please- show me here or retract your words AGAIN, liar. You have no credibility- why do you keep trying to cash these rubber checks?


New member
Hall of Fame
Do you do any thinking or reasoning for yourself or do just do whatever scripture tells you to do?

I doubt SD has a single original thought in her head.

I still don't understand why people who want to execute gays think it's a bad idea for them to serve in the military, as that increases the likelihood that they'll wind up dead.

And by the way: this is going to happen, sooner or later, and once again, the opponents of gay rights will be an embarrassment to history. When we look back on this we'll wonder why there was even a discussion at all.


I doubt SD has a single original thought in her head.
SD is a her? I thought SD was a guy with major insecurity issues.

I still don't understand why people who want to execute gays think it's a bad idea for them to serve in the military, as that increases the likelihood that they'll wind up dead.

And by the way: this is going to happen, sooner or later, and once again, the opponents of gay rights will be an embarrassment to history. When we look back on this we'll wonder why there was even a discussion at all.

I agree with you, here. Though agreeing with you usually gets both of us banned.


"I doubt SD..."
You said you have me on your ignore list. Why don't you ignore me? :idunno:

"And by the way: this is going to happen, sooner or later, and once again, the opponents of gay rights will be an embarrassment to history..."
We are not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ (Ro 1:16). We give out the word of God. What people do with it is their business. If you want to live, you'll obey God. If you don't :flamer:, you won't (Jn 3:19, 10:10).


"...[M]ythological creature that you claim created me."
2 Pe 3:5.

"* Cosmological argument:

• Everything that had a beginning has a cause.
• The universe had a beginning.
• Therefore, the universe had a cause.

Design argument:

• Every design has a designer.
• The universe—and life—has a highly complex design.
• Therefore, there is a Great Designer.

Moral argument

• Moral laws require a lawgiver
• Absolute moral laws exist.
• Therefore, there is an absolute Moral Lawgiver..." Evidence of God

Atheism & Agnosticism

"...I take it you are not going to answer my suggestion about challenging a homosexual actively serving in the military to a duel. Not surprising."
It's sort of a stupid suggestion, don't you think. :dunce:

I've engaged in many "duels" if it makes you feel any better.


Resident Fiend
No--you don't (Mt 13:39-42).
Yes, I do.

Remember, 'dove, I'm one of those pugnacious types who will pick a fight with anybody, no matter how much bigger and meaner than me they might be.

I have a 5-ton chip on my shoulder, and nobody, natural or supernatural, has ever been able to knock it off.

I'm already one of the untold billions of "tares", so I have nothing to lose.


"You need to respect the truth."
The Bible is true (Jas 1:18).

"Your "love" kills, serpent. It created "the closet" and all the self-loathing and destructive binges that go along with it."
Loathing sin is a good thing. When we come to the end of ourselves, we can be saved (Re 3:17). God uses brokenness and suffering to bring men to himself (1 Pe 12-19). It is his way.

The difference between sinners and saints is sinners love their sin and don't want to give it up (Jn 3:19); saints hate their sin and want to give it up.

Sin should be:

Confessed. Job 33:27; Pr 28:13.
Mourned over. Ps 38:18; Jer 3:21.
Hated. Ps 97:10; Pr 8:13; Am 5:15.
Abhorred. Ro 12:9.
Put away. Job 11:14.
Departed from. Ps 34:14; 2Ti 2:19.
Avoided even in appearance. 1Th 5:22.
Guarded against. Ps 4:4; 39:1.
Striven against. Heb 12:4.
Mortified. Ro 8:13; Col 3:5.
Wholly destroyed. Ro 6:6.
Torrey, R. (1995, c1897). The new topical text book : A scriptural text book for the use of ministers, teachers, and all Christian workers. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos research Systems, Inc.

Why do you love sin so much? You are no friend to the homosexual (Mt 19:19). You don't care if he lives or dies (Jn 10:10).

"Guilt tries to get rid of itself not sin." ~ Jim Andrews

"[Y]ou don't want to "tell" them the truth- you want to force it down their throats."
Reality is a big pill to swallow. We come to God on his terms not our own. Men are commanded to repent and believe (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30, Re 2:5,16; 3:3; Jn 8:31–46, Ac 8:13–24; Jas 2:14–26). It is not a suggestion.

You don't abide in God's word--you are not truly his disciple (John 8:31–46). You abide in your own word (humanism). You serve Satan.

"You cannot have a 'come in Savior' and a 'stay out Lord'." ~ Adrienne Rogers. Rom 14:9.

"...[P]hrases you obviously don't understand..."
Ad hominem. :yawn:

"...f you think you can show where I have endorsed killing children..."

Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)

You are a pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist.

"Better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved telling a lie."

"Better to speak the truth that hurts and heals than to tell a lie that comforts and then kills." ~ Adrienne Rogers

"I'd rather be called cruel for being kind than be called kind for being cruel." ~ Robert Lee

" me here or retract your words again, liar..."
Like mama's pasta sauce, "It's in there." Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List). Let the reader decide.

You're a deceiver (2 Tim. 3:13). If your wicked heart ever changes (Jer 17:9), please let us know. :idunno:

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
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"Why does he love me and want me to live?"
The love of God is part of who he is (2Co 13:11; 1Jo 4:8).

Have you seen that terrible movie Clash of the Titans yet? I got suckered into it. :mmph: They portray god (Greek paganism, Zeus) as a mean old man. :rolleyes:

That may be a god of man's imagination but that is not the God of scripture. The God of scripture is: living, personal, relational, good and loving.

He loves us even when we are unlovable (Ro 5:8). He proved his love by dying for us.

"Love is giving you what you need not what you deserve."

"What does He get out of the deal? What's His angle?"
If I may use the terrible movie again as an illustration of error. The main god in the movie needed humans for his power. :rolleyes: Humans stopped loving him, he got mad, yada, yada, yada. :yawn: Again--a god of man's imagination--but no proof.

Scripture says man cannot profit God (Job 22:2; Ps 16:2). We become something special when we respond to him (2 Cor 5:17). He wants our fellowship (Ge 5:22, Ge 6:9, etc.). We were made for him and his will (Re 4:11).

In The Crucible

Out from the mine and the darkness,
Out from the damp and the mold,
Out from the fiery furnace,
Cometh each grain of gold.
Crushed into atoms and leveled
Down to the humblest dust
With never a heart to pity,
With never a hand to trust.
Molten and hammered and beaten
Seemeth it ne'er to be done.
Oh, for such fiery trial,
What hath the poor gold done?
Oh, 'twere a mercy to leave it
Down in the damp and the mold.
If this is the glory of living,
Then better to be dross than gold.
Under the press and the roller,
Into the jaws of the mint,
Stamped with the emblem of freedom,
With never a flaw or a dint.
Oh, what a joy, the refining,
Out of the damp and the mold.
And stamped with the glorious image,
Oh, beautiful coin of gold!
–Author unknown


New member
The Bible is true (Jas 1:18).
Your lies about me are not.
Loathing sin is a good thing. When we come to the end of ourselves, we can be saved (Re 3:17). God uses brokenness and suffering to bring men to himself (1 Pe 12-19). It is his way.
YOUR brokenness. YOUR suffering. You don't go and break people, go and make them suffer. That's not your place. They are already hurting. Your part is bring them the Love of Christ, not more pain.
The difference between sinners and saints is sinners love their sin and don't want to give it up (Jn 3:19); saints hate their sin and want to give it up.
Do you think you can force someone to abandon sin? That's between them and God, serpent:duh:. It always has, it always will.
Sin should be:

Confessed. Job 33:27; Pr 28:13.
Mourned over. Ps 38:18; Jer 3:21.
Hated. Ps 97:10; Pr 8:13; Am 5:15.
Abhorred. Ro 12:9.
Put away. Job 11:14.
Departed from. Ps 34:14; 2Ti 2:19.
Avoided even in appearance. 1Th 5:22.
Guarded against. Ps 4:4; 39:1.
Striven against. Heb 12:4.
Mortified. Ro 8:13; Col 3:5.
Wholly destroyed. Ro 6:6.
Torrey, R. (1995, c1897). The new topical text book : A scriptural text book for the use of ministers, teachers, and all Christian workers. Oak Harbor, WA: Logos research Systems, Inc.

Why do you love sin so much? You are no friend to the homosexual (Mt 19:19). You don't care if he lives or dies (Jn 10:10).
Explain to me how forcing homosexuals into a sometimes dangerous, always demeaning, and undeniably harmful double existence could possibly be construed as love of any kind, serpent:duh:? Explain how prejudice and sterotypes are indicative of caring? How is mockery and curt dismissal a sign of Christ's love?
Your empty platitudes won't lead anyone to Christ.
"Guilt tries to get rid of itself not sin." ~ Jim Andrews

Reality is a big pill to swallow. We come to God on his terms not our own. Men are commanded to repent and believe (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30, Re 2:5,16; 3:3; Jn 8:31–46, Ac 8:13–24; Jas 2:14–26). It is not a suggestion.

You don't abide in God's word--you are not truly his disciple (John 8:31–46). You abide in your own word (humanism). You serve Satan.
You are a liar- again and again you have been caught our being lazy and reckless with the truth and indifferent to reality- yet you think YOU can lecture me about serving the father of lies?
"You cannot have a 'come in Savior' and a 'stay out Lord'." ~ Adrienne Rogers. Rom 14:9.

Ad hominem. :yawn:


Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)

You are a pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist.

"Better to be hated for telling the truth than to be loved telling a lie."

"Better to speak the truth that hurts and heals than to tell a lie that comforts and then kills." ~ Adrienne Rogers

"I'd rather be called cruel for being kind than be called kind for being cruel." ~ Robert Lee

Like mama's pasta sauce, "It's in there." Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List). Let the reader decide.

You're a deceiver (2 Tim. 3:13). If your wicked heart ever changes (Jer 17:9), please let us know. :idunno:
So- you have nothing, then, but your beloved and often misapplied ad homs? Gotcha. Liar. If you ever decide to dwell in Truth and Love, please let us know. If you think you can back up your lies post it HERE. I'm not playing thread tag with a liar.
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).
You know nothing of Christ's love or His salvation, false Christian. He is far from you, accursed.
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"You don't go and break people..."
It is the ministry of the Holy Spirit to convicts a person of sin. He withdraws from incorrigible sinners by the way (Gen. 6:3; Deut. 32:30; Psa. 51:11; Prov. 1:24–28; Jer. 7:29; Hos. 4:17, 18; Hos. 5:6; Hos. 9:12; Matt. 15:14; Luke 13:7; Rom. 1:24, 26, 28) Swanson, J., & Nave, O. (1994). New Nave's. Oak Harbor: Logos Research Systems.

"Your part is bring the Christ, not more pain."
You don't know Christ (Jn 14:17). Bad root, bad fruits (Mt 7:16).

Your prescription for the "pain" kills (Jn 10:10).

"If you ever decide to dwell in truth and love, please let us know."
You claim to know truth and love when you stand in opposition to God's word? (Jn 8:31, Jn 8:44).

"You know nothing of Christ's love or His salvation, false Christian."
A true Christian is a pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist? :hammer: We all supposed to give up what we know (revelation) for your opinion (speculation)? :dizzy:

"He is far from you, accursed."
"If you have a talking faith that is not a walking faith, you have a mocking faith." ~ Jim Andrews. Jude 18.
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