Green Berets in Negligees


New member
The issue is the fact that they aren't normal; they're queer. Abnormal. Aberrant. Out-of-line. Off-kilter. Whack. Looney. Screwed up in the head. Sick. Twisted. Freaks. :flamer:

I can see how it would seem that way to someone like you.

'Don't ask don't tell' is as good as dead. Soon, our military will join the civilized world and rely on professionalism rather than superstitious prejudice to maintain its discipline.


New member
Hall of Fame
I can see how it would seem that way to someone like you.

'Don't ask don't tell' is as good as dead. Soon, our military will join the civilized world and rely on professionalism rather than superstitious prejudice to maintain its discipline.

Aimiel's exact line of reasoning has been used to justify every single act of genocide in human history.


New member
Ad hominem (and favorite term for the leftist). It only took .2 seconds this time. :jump:
It's no more an ad hominem that you calling me a make-believer is, serpent:duh:. Which you do all the time. So is THAT an ad hom, or does it only count when someone else does it? You really need to learn what that phrase means.

Tactics of the Left

You are the pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist claiming to be a Christian and I am the hypocrite? :rotfl:
I am not a pro-abort. I am not "pro-homosexual". I am not a humanist. You are a liar. Again.

You wouldn't know the first thing about creating a strong military (Judges 7:5). I'd put my American forces against your fruit loops any day. :flamer:
The "fruit loops" are already part of the American forces, your delusions notwithstanding.
They fight just as bravely for this country as any heterosexual and soon they will be able to serve openly.
Eat your heart out, hypocritical liar.
Ultimately, goodness has defeated evil (Jn 16:33).
Yes it has.
You should get on the winning side.
I am. When will you join us?
Jesus loves the unlovable. :mmph:
Even you.
Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

You are under the law (Mt 5:18, Ga 3:24). Get yourself a savior.
I am NOT under the Law.
:blabla: Unfortunately, you have zero credibility. You are a child-killer, pervert, idolater (Prov 23:7). :rotfl:
Again with the same stale lies?
All right, liar- where have I endorsed child-killing or perversion? Where have I ever even mentioned idolatry?
Back it up, or retract your lies (again) for a little while before starting with your filth again.
Why should anyone listen to you if they are interested in the things of God? De 26:15; Ps 20:6; Isa 57:15. Heaven is a holy place. You're going to have to remove your dirty diapers to get there (Isa 61:10). :baby:
The US military isn't heaven.
No wonder you are so confused?
I lie about life being sacred? Ge 1:26; Jas 3:9. I lie about the wickedness of homosexuality? 1 Kin. 14:24. I lie that God made mankind male and female? Mt 19:4. I lie about young earth creation? Ex 20:11; 31:17.
You lie about me.
Like a typical leftist, you've got it backward again (2 Ti 3:7). :hammer: The scriptures are the source of truth (Jas 1:18). Why should anyone discard the foundations of scripture in favor of the morality coming from your wicked heart? Jer 17:9, Eccl 10:2, Mt 6:33.
I am promoting the notions of equality under the law and religious freedom that this nation was founded on. If you don't like it, move to Uganda.
You should fit right in there.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I can see how it would seem that way to someone like you.

'Don't ask don't tell' is as good as dead. Soon, our military will join the civilized world and rely on professionalism rather than superstitious prejudice to maintain its discipline.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to ever shower next to a queer.


I don't know about you, but I don't want to ever shower next to a queer.

I doubt anyone would want to share a shower with you.

BTW, have you ever been in the military? Do you even know how much time you get in a community shower? And if you think there is anything sexy about a military shower, you are far more perverted than I. Seriously.

Why does it concern you anyway? Are you planning on serving? I doubt they would even take you. Even if you could pass a physical, I doubt you can score high enough on the ASVAB to even qualify as infantry.


New member
Hall of Fame
I doubt anyone would want to share a shower with you.

BTW, have you ever been in the military? Do you even know how much time you get in a community shower? And if you think there is anything sexy about a military shower, you are far more perverted than I. Seriously.

Why does it concern you anyway? Are you planning on serving? I doubt they would even take you. Even if you could pass a physical, I doubt you can score high enough on the ASVAB to even qualify as infantry.

Judging by what I've seen of Brandon I think the physical just might be his downfall.:chuckle:

The kind of paranoia associated with this kind of thinking presumes a gay man wants to have sex with every man that he sees.


TOL Subscriber
Don't worry guys and gals, community showers and squad bays (open living areas with 30-50 personnel sharing one community space) are pretty much a thing of the past...there may be a couple still out there but most of our Bases have gone to 2-4 men/women rooms, each with it's own bathroom and shower. The primary exception to this is recruit training commands, they still have them, it actually helps to teach the recruit that team work is vital in all aspects of military life, it also helps people get over this "I'm special and should be treated different" feeling when they arrive at recruit training command.


"I am not a pro-abort. I am not "pro-homosexual". I am not a humanist. You are a liar. Again."
That's great. Now, you'll have to go back to Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List) to correct the record on your positions.

"The "fruit loops" are already part of the American forces, your delusions notwithstanding."
True. :flamer:

"They fight just as bravely for this country as any heterosexual..."
Except their wrists are a bit limp so they are not as quick on the draw...:AoO:

"...and soon they will be able to serve openly."
When you remove the stigma, you harm the homosexual. When you love the homosexual, you tell him the truth. I love the homosexual in Christ (Prov 27:5). You hate him or her.


Our Rainbow

"Eat your heart out, hypocritical liar. :loser:"
I appreciate your effort :yawn:, but may I recommend a course in logic?

With training you might be able to win a bronze medal in the use of fallacies. :jump: You specialize in ad hominem, we know. But, I see you've added the double lutz Ad Populum and attempted the Absurd Extrapolation landing.

Keep at it (Re 22:11). :rolleyes:

"[W]here have I endorsed child-killing or perversion?"
It's all documented at: Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List) It makes for good reading like sticking toothpicks under your fingernails makes for a good manicure. :shocked:

"The US military isn't heaven."
:idea: Lets act like pigs now. :rolleyes: 2 Cor 4:18. Don't forget to read about the prodigal pig in the Bible. :poly:


"Come home with me," said the prodigal son.
"We'll sing and dance and have lots of fun.
We'll wine and dine with women and song.
You'll forget you're a pig before very long."

So the pig slipped out while mamma was asleep,
Shook off the mud from the mire so deep.
Around his neck was a bow so big,
He's gonna show the world a pig's not a pig!

With his snout in the air he trotted along
With the prodigal son, who was singin' a song.
It must be great to be a rich man's son.
He would surely find out 'fore the day was done.

It didn't take him long to realize his mistake–
He'd been scrubbed and rubbed 'til his muscles ached!
He squealed when they put a gold ring in his nose
And winced with pain when they trimmed his toes.

He sat at the table on a stool so high
A bib 'round his neck and a fork to try,
While the prodigal son, in his lovely robe,
Kept feeding his face, so glad to be home!

When the meat came around, the pig gave a moan.
It looked too much like a kind of his own.
He jumped from his chair with a grunt and a groan,
Darted through the door and headed for home.

His four little feet made the dust ride high,
For he didn't stop till he reached that sty!
It's what's on the inside that counts, my friend,
For a pig is a pig to the very end!

–Evelyn C. Sanders...

The pigs and sons are marching–to and fro
From pigpen to the Father’s house
And back again they go.
It’s hard for me to tell just who is who,
With cleaned-up pigs and dirty sons
And (then) vice versa, too.

But in the end–on this you can rely–
The sons will fill the Father’s house,
The pigs will fill the sty.

–Listener from Northridge, California..." Source: lewishb.
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Except their wrists are a bit limp so they are not as quick on the draw...:AoO:

Try telling that to my girlfriend, a former US Army Airborne Ranger. Better yet, tell that to the insurgent in Iraq that was using kids for shields. Oh, wait, she shot him in the face from about 500 feet away.


"[Y]ou would use 3000+ year old mythology to lead a modern military?"

"If you were to build a home or another type of building, would you also use information that is 3000 years out of date?"
We build on a sure foundation (Is. 28:16; Matt. 16:18).

"New world order is old disorder (Ac 15:18)." ~ Adrienne Rogers


Is there such a thing as absolute truth / universal truth? Without absolute truth, is there any standard of right and wrong?

What are the dangers of postmodernism? How are postmodern beliefs dangerous?

With all of the different religions, how can I know which one is correct? How can it be determined which religion is correct?

Bible Teaching About Absolute Truth



We build on a sure foundation (Is. 28:16; Matt. 16:18).

"New world order is old disorder (Ac 15:18)." ~ Adrienne Rogers


Is there such a thing as absolute truth / universal truth? Without absolute truth, is there any standard of right and wrong?

What are the dangers of postmodernism? How are postmodern beliefs dangerous?

With all of the different religions, how can I know which one is correct? How can it be determined which religion is correct?

Bible Teaching About Absolute Truth
Do you do any thinking or reasoning for yourself or do just do whatever scripture tells you to do?