Green Berets in Negligees


[Is a Christian qualified to take a nursing job if he/she will not distribute the morning after pill?] "Does that discussion belong on this thread?"
I argued that this discussion did not belong here at all. Then, you insisted on discussing it.

So, if a nurse will not distribute the morning after pill, is he/she qualified for a job in an emergency room according to you?

"I support equality."
I did not ask if you support equality. I asked if you are in support of or if you are opposed to homosexuality?

[So a monkey was not created a monkey and a man was not created a man? Man became a man over millions of years through the process of evolution?] "That is what the evidence indicates..."
I did not ask what the evidence indicates. I asked if you believe that man evolved in the process of evolution from a monkey-like being.

[Re: hermeneutic used for six normal day creation (Ex 20:11; 31:17).] "The use of mythic imagery and symbolism, particularly combined with the scientific evidence, show that Genesis is not meant to a literal, historical revelation but an allegorical presentation containing spiritual truth. Or do you really believe that God came here to teach elementary school science as well as save mankind?......I use reason and evidence..."
Whose reason? God's (Ex 20:11, 31:17) or yours?


New member
I argued that this discussion did not belong here at all. Then, you insisted on discussing it.
I insisted that you stop lying.
So, if a nurse will not distribute the morning after pill, is he/she qualified for a job in an emergency room according to you?
Don't try and change the subject, serpent:duh:. You claimed that I had said "nurses SHOULD be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn".
This is false. Retract that, as I am not willing dialogue with a liar.
I did not ask if you support equality. I asked if you are in support of or if you are opposed to homosexuality?
No, you SAID that I was pro-homosexual. Retract that if you wish to ask questions instead of make assertions, if you have any honesty or decency.
I did not ask what the evidence indicates. I asked if you believe that man evolved in the process of evolution from a monkey-like being.
And I asked why it matters. Do you feel that evolution/creation is now a salvation issue?
Whose reason? God's (Ex 20:11, 31:17) or yours?
There is only reason. It is universal and man's reason is a reflection of God's.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let the reader decide.


Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)

You are a pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist. You want the reader to believe that you are a Christian? You stand for everything God stands against. :idunno:

Fine. Decided. PB has never endorsed child killing and is neither a "pro homosexual" (whatever that is) or a humanist. It's pretty blatant to anyone besides you or anyone with an ignorant agenda to push. You've flat out lied. Classy.



Then, I'm lying? :yawn:
then you admit you are a liar.

I'm trained in a variety of weapons. I've had my "butt kicked" many times if it makes you feel any better.

This has what to do with religion or politics? Eph 6:12. :idunno:

I thought we were talking about who should and should not be in the military.

Here's a thought, just be thankful those who joined the military are there. Someone like yourself that clearly has no business in the military does nothing but make a fool of themself when they talk about who should and should not join. The American military has been doing just fine with out your advice.


"You claimed that I had said nurses should be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn. This is false. Retract that, as I am not willing dialogue with a liar."
If you are in support of life and those who stand for life of the unborn, I am happy to rephrase.

You said:

"Religious freedom doesn't cover the "freedom" not to do your job...If the law requires that this service be offered to rape victims than you can bet it most certainly is a conflict."

"[R]eligious freedom doesn't include the freedom not to the job you agreed to do when you were hired."

"When they signed up for the job they agreed to do those things which the job requires- in this case dispensing emergency contraception to rape victims. Don't like the terms of employment- work somewhere else...The law trumps the religious affiliation of the hospital providing services."

Is a person qualified to work in the emergency room if he/she will not distribute the morning after pill to rape victims?

[I asked if you are in support of or if you are opposed to homosexuality?] "Retract that if you wish to ask questions instead of make assertions..."
I am happy to rephrase if you are not pro-homosexual. It is not my intention to misrepresent your position. Are you willing to answer "yes" to the following statements?:

Homosexuality is an abomination? (1 Kin. 14:24).

God made us male and female? (Mt 19:4).

Is is disgusting to God to act differently than we were created? (Deut 22:5).

Homosexuality should be recriminalized?

[I asked if you believe that man evolved in the process of evolution from a monkey-like being.] "And I asked why it matters."
Worldviews matter. :rolleyes: Doubt leads to unbelief. It is the same tactic Satan used in the garden with Eve (Ge 3:4).


War of Worldviews

What is a Biblical Worldview?

Worldview Comparisions

Do you feel that evolution/creation is now a salvation issue?"
We do not go to heaven or hell based on our believe about young earth creation. We go to heaven or hell based on a right relationship with Jesus. The answer to your question is (still) "no". That is spelled n-o. The other way to answer a question is "yes". It is spelled y-e-s. :dunce:

[Whose reason? God's (Ex 20:11, 31:17) or yours?] "There is only reason. It is universal and man's reason is a reflection of God's."
God and man differ all of the time (Ac 5:29). Will you believe God (Ex 20:11, 31:17) or will you believe yourself (e.g. theistic evolution)?

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New member
Hall of Fame
Fine. Decided. PB has never endorsed child killing and is neither a "pro homosexual" (whatever that is) or a humanist. It's pretty blatant to anyone besides you or anyone with an ignorant agenda to push. You've flat out lied. Classy.


She lies regularly. That's why she's on my ignore list.


New member
If you are in support of life and those who stand for life of the unborn, I am happy to rephrase.
That's not how this works, serprent:duh:. The onus is on YOU to support your assertions, not on me to defend myself from them. Can you show me where I have posted anything along the lines of "nurses SHOULD be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn"?
If not you have some retractions below.
You said:

"Religious freedom doesn't cover the "freedom" not to do your job...If the law requires that this service be offered to rape victims than you can bet it most certainly is a conflict."

"[R]eligious freedom doesn't include the freedom not to the job you agreed to do when you were hired."

"When they signed up for the job they agreed to do those things which the job requires- in this case dispensing emergency contraception to rape victims. Don't like the terms of employment- work somewhere else...The law trumps the religious affiliation of the hospital providing services."

Is a person qualified to work in the emergency room if he/she will not distribute the morning after pill to rape victims?
That's funny, serpent:duh:. It's the por-life fanatics who love to throw the holocaust analogy around, but I'll borrow a page from their books: if this was nazi Germany and the issue was Christians taking jobs at concentration camps would you be asking the same stupid questions? Would you be saying that Christians should take jobs at Auschwitz so long as they aren't required to distrubute the Zyklon B? That a Christian should take a job at a concentration camp mucking out the bodies or whatever and only raise an objection when asked to actually push the button?
How does what I said equate in any way whatsoever with "nurses SHOULD be required to distribute chemical weapons to murder the unborn"?
I am happy to rephrase if you are not pro-homosexual. It is not my intention to misrepresent your position. Are you willing to answer "yes" to the following statements?:

Homosexuality is an abomination? (1 Kin. 14:24).

God made us male and female? (Mt 19:4).

Is is disgusting to God to act differently than we were created? (Deut 22:5).

Homosexuality should be recriminalized?
Nope, that's not how this works. You made the allegation, you prove it. Show me where I have said that homosexuality is normal, natural, desirable, or morally neutral.
God and man differ all of the time (Ac 5:29). Will you believe God (Ex 20:11, 31:17) or will you believe yourself (e.g. theistic evolution)?

If you can't trust yourself, or the evidence of your senses and your own reason, then how can you trust them to lead them to Him? If you can't verify God's Word with anything but your "feelings" how likely are YOU to be led astray? You are barking up the wrong tree with this one, serpent:duh:.


[If you are in support of life and those who stand for life of the unborn, I am happy to rephrase.] "That's not how this works, serprent..."
You have repeatedly asked me to retract my claim that you are a: pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist who does not have a biblical worldview. If I have misrepresented your position in anyway, I am happy to retract. You should have no problem answering my questions. :idunno: But, as typical of the left, you do not answer questions. The long drawn out arguments are available for anyone to review at Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)

I see no reason to retract unless you have changed your positions. :hammer:

I had asked: Are nurses now qualified to work in an emergency room in your opinion if they will not distribute the morning after pill? You did not want to answer that one.

[Homosexuality] "Nope, that's not how this works..."
I had asked you to confirm the following:

Homosexuality is an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24).

God made us male and female (Mt 19:4).

It is disgusting to God to act differently than we were created (Deut 22:5).

Homosexuality should be recriminalized.

You did not want to answer those questions.

[God and man differ all of the time (Ac 5:29). Will you believe God (Ex 20:11, 31:17) or will you believe yourself (e.g. theistic evolution)?' "If you can't trust yourself, or the evidence of your senses and your own reason, then how can you trust them to lead them to Him? If you can't verify God's Word with anything but your "feelings" how likely are you to be led astray?..."
A simple "yes" or "no", or "He's right", "I'm right" would do. :rolleyes:

I had asked: if we have a different belief than God's testimony (that the world was created in six normal days [Ex 20:11, 31:17]) who is right? God or us? You did not wish to answer that question.

By all means keep us updated. It would be best if you were not a pro-abort, pro-homosexual humanist.


War of Worldviews

What is a Biblical Worldview?

Worldview Comparisions





Modernity & Postmodernism: An excerpt from The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception by John MacArthur

Jesus loves you (Jn 3:16). Jesus is willing to save you (2 Pe 3:9). Repent (Eze 18:30-32; Ac 17:30). Believe (Mk 9:23).

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"Is your solution for everything to lie about it?"
"When others disagree with you, misrepresent their position?"

No. :yawn: As Dennis Prager likes to say, "I prefer clarity to agreement." I love clarity. :eek: You love obfuscation. :rolleyes:

I think this little exercise has been a demonstration in that. :BRAVO:

If I held you views, I probably would not want to articulate them either. :idunno:
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[Ignore list]
There you are Granite. :eek: Pray tell, if I am on your ignore list, why don't you ignore me? Do the God haters only come out to play when they are defending one of their own?

If I lie, you'll have to have actual facts--and we know how you hate those little buggers. :idunno:
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New member
You have repeatedly asked me to retract my claim that you are a: pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist who does not have a biblical worldview. If I have misrepresented your position in anyway, I am happy to retract.
Then do it and smile.
You should have no problem answering my questions. :idunno:
You don't have the credibility to ask those questions or the authority to require that I answer. You started this by lying- I don't have to go under your little inquisition just because you say so, serpent:duh:. It is your responsibility to back up your claims, not mine to follow you around answering your questions time and time again so you can conveniently forget and trot out the exact same set of lies next time you feel like it.
But, as typical of the left, you do not answer questions. The long drawn out arguments are available for anyone to review at Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List)

I see no reason to retract unless you have changed your positions. :hammer:
I know. Because you are a liar and have no integrity or respect for Truth.
I had asked: Are nurses now qualified to work in an emergency room in your opinion if they will not distribute the morning after pill? You did not want to answer that one.
I HAVE answered it. Several times. You just aren't as interested in answers as you are as implying herasy.
I'm not going to waste time repeating the same thing over and over and again. I don't have to. You have to support your ridiculous claims with more than innuendo and ignorance.
I had asked you to confirm the following:

Homosexuality is an abomination (1 Kin. 14:24).

God made us male and female (Mt 19:4).

It is disgusting to God to act differently than we were created (Deut 22:5).

Homosexuality should be recriminalized.

You did not want to answer those questions.
I have answered them, liar. I don't have to take your test anytime you demand it, and I certainly don't have to fall into line with your limited vision.
A simple "yes" or "no", or "He's right", "I'm right" would do. :rolleyes:

I had asked: if we have a different belief than God's testimony (that the world was created in six normal days [Ex 20:11, 31:17]) who is right? God or us? You did not wish to answer that question.
And I have asked, if you have no faith in your own reason or your own senses how can you claim to know God's Word from a phonebook. You haven't even tried to answer.
By all means keep us updated. It would be best if you were not a pro-abort, pro-homosexual humanist.
It would be best if you weren't a filthy liar.


[You have repeatedly asked me to retract my claim that you are a: pro-abort, pro-homosexual, humanist who does not have a biblical worldview. If I have misrepresented your position in anyway, I am happy to retract.] "Then do it and smile."
I'd love to retract when you clarify that your positions have changed. :jump:

[You should have no problem answering my questions.] "You don't have the credibility to ask those questions or the authority to require that I answer."
If you were not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, you would gladly answer (Ro 1:16). God's word goes out (Isa 55:11, Ac 2). What people do with it is their business. When I speak from God's word, I have all authority (1 Pet. 3:13–15; 1 Tim. 6:1).

"You started this by lying..."
Actually, you started this (which I said belonged in another thread), then you insisted, I said fine, then you would not answer questions to clarify. :yawn:

"I don't have to go under your little inquisition..."
You don't. Thank you for reminding everyone that this thread was supposed to be about homosexuals in the military.

But let's make every thread about you. :rolleyes:

"It is your responsibility to back up your claims..."
I have. Anyone interested may read Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List).

"...[N]ot mine to follow you around answering your questions time and time again..."

" you can conveniently forget and trot out the exact same set of lies next time you feel like it."
I hate psychobabble--but you're projecting again.

"I'm not going to waste time repeating the same thing over and over and again..."
What same thing over and over again?

"You have to support your ridiculous claims with more than innuendo and ignorance."
Documented. See Satan Inc (TOL Heretics List). :chew:

"I don't have to take your test anytime you demand it..."
But I said this was not the place :squint:...then you insisted it was--I think all of the homo soldiers are hiding under the Rainbow Bright covers at this point. :shocked:

"I have asked, if you have no faith in your own reason..."
I do.

"...or your own senses..."
I do.

" can you claim to know God's Word from a phonebook."
The Holy Spirit takes the things of God and makes them real to the believer (1Co 2:10,13). Trust God and his word.

The phonebook may be in error. God isn't (Mt 5:48).

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Resident Fiend
He's got plenty of wrath, too (Lk 19:27).
I'm all about wrath. If there's wrath involved, you can color me there! :devil:
Throw yourself upon the mercy of the court.
I never bestow mercy, so it would be hypocritical of me to beg for it.

I've always been a "Bring it on! Do your absolute worst!" kind of guy.

Call me cruel, call me mean, call me vicious if you want, but you will never be able to call me a hypocrite.


[He's got plenty of wrath, too (Lk 19:27).] "I'm all about wrath. If there's wrath involved, you can color me there!"
Wrath is necessary. See, never let it be said that Christians and atheists cannot agree. :straight:

"If God is not just, God is not good." ~ Ronald L. Dart
"Law without penalty is only advise." ~ Adrienne Rogers

"I never bestow mercy, so it would be hypocritical of me to beg for it."
"...This is a description of the prisoner’s helpless condition....

He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.

Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

For he hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder [Ps. 107:14–16].

...Remember how God brought Simon Peter out of prison and how He delivered Paul and Silas at night. Also He has delivered us from the prison house of sin, and God has given us a pardon. God has a pardon for everyone, my friend. Someone might say, “If there is a pardon, why am I not forgiven?” Well, even in prison today a pardon must be accepted. I remember Dr. Harry Rimmer telling about a case in Pennsylvania in which a man was granted a pardon from prison by the governor, but he would not accept it. The prison officials were in a dilemma. What do you do when a man is granted a pardon and he will not accept it? Finally, an appeal was made to the judge, and he said, “The man will have to stay in prison.” A person has to accept the pardon before he can be free.

The Lord has a pardon for you. In the Lord Jesus Christ we have forgiveness of sins and a pardon for our iniquities, but we have to accept it. Have you accepted your pardon yet? Are you delivered from sin and from the penalty for sin?"
McGee, J. V. (1997, c1981). Thru the Bible commentary. Based on the Thru the Bible radio program. (electronic ed.) (2:831-832). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

"Call me cruel, call me mean, call me vicious if you want, but you will never be able to call me a hypocrite."
People in general are: cruel, mean, and vicious. Read the newspaper. :idunno:

Being a hypocrite is pretty bad, too. But, in the end, God wins (Ps 14:1).