ECT Grace is unconditional but not universal

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My only point here is that Dort's use of Mat. 13:11 to prove election / reprobation is wrong...unless, of course, they intended to prove Judas was elect.


Well, most of the posters here are clueless concerning Mt 12 on both sides of Calvin. But obviously the hyper Calvinists are beyond repair. Too prideful.

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Dort - The Canons of Dordtrecht - the foundation of TULIP and Calvinism.

Yea this is a dead end argument.
The Calvinists think they've reached the pinnacle of truth with their view, the maddists think the same of themselves with their mid acts ideas.

The fact is this, Jesus will not return again until the Jews as a nation ask Him to return. The unpardonable sin of Mt 12 is not an individual sin that can be committed by believers today, it was the national rejection of the Messiahship of Yeshua based on demon possession and was unpardonable only on a national level and restricted to the Jewish generation of the first century.

Hosea 5:15 states that Messiah returned to His place. Where? His place is in heaven. When did Jehovah ever leave heaven? At the incarnation, the virgin birth. What was the singular sin/offense committed by the nation that sends Yeshua back to the right hand of the Father? The unpardonable sin of Mt 12.

The question from the disciples?
Why doest thou teach in parables.

The answer of Messiah?
To disguise the truth from that generation of Israel. The parables describe the kingdom of God now in mystery form.

Paul was forgiven of his part in committing the unpardonable sin. Jacob the half brother of Yeshua was forgiven for his part in the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Individually all sin and any sin is forgivable through the death of Messiah. Nationally it was not. But just as with Kadesh Barnea it is a national sin with physical punishment physical judgement not loss of salvation. The judgement of 70 A.D. Was the fulfillment of Yeshua's prophecy and was the issue addressed by the writer of the book of Hebrews, which was penned 40 years after the resurrection.

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New member
The fact is this, Jesus will not return again until the Jews as a nation ask Him to return.

Mat 23:39

The unpardonable sin of Mt 12 is not an individual sin that can be committed by believers today, it was the national rejection of the Messiahship of Yeshua based on demon possession and was unpardonable only on a national level and restricted to the Jewish generation of the first century.

Hosea 5:15 states that Messiah returned to His place. Where? His place is in heaven. When did Jehovah ever leave heaven? At the incarnation, the virgin birth. What was the singular sin/offense committed by the nation that sends Yeshua back to the right hand of the Father? The unpardonable sin of Mt 12.

The question from the disciples?
Why doest thou teach in parables.

The answer of Messiah?
To disguise the truth from that generation of Israel. The parables describe the kingdom of God now in mystery form.

Paul was forgiven of his part in committing the unpardonable sin. Jacob the half brother of Yeshua was forgiven for his part in the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Individually all sin and any sin is forgivable through the death of Messiah. Nationally it was not. But just as with Kadesh Barnea it is a national sin with physical punishment physical judgement not loss of salvation. The judgement of 70 A.D. Was the fulfillment of Yeshua's prophecy and was the issue addressed by the writer of the book of Hebrews, which was penned 40 years after the resurrection.

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Can't see much of this being right.


New member
The understanding would come later.

Which correlates with what Nang has been saying to you.

You are misunderstanding what was given and when.

The FACT is is that Paul and the apostles preached the Gospel, including 'Christ died for our sins', to unbelievers.

And we know they didn't do so disingenuously.


Well in these latter days, some will not be able to endure sound doctrine.

Nothing in the book of Revelation is new information except for the last 2 chapters. The prophecies in revelation were already penned by the Hebrew prophets. Probably can't find them right?

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Cross Reference

New member
There are two options in life: Conform our desires to the truth or make truth conform to our life.

“. . GOD IS OPPOSED TO THE [“resists” kjv] PROUD, BUT GIVES GRACE TO THE HUMBLE." James 4:6 (NASB) to the Christian who, by foreknowledge, is pursuing *aspirational salvation in the Lord, humbleness being part and parcel of the "agape" curriculum for “knowing God” unto complete confidence and eternal life in Him. (cf John 17:3) *by obedience by vision.

As it pertains to Redemption:

Grace is access to God which was given by himself irrespective of the "eros" condition of the individual, to be "worked out in fear and trembling" unto agape Love....

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Grace is not just a possible offer

He doesn't have to give it, so yes. As for the main point, I have literally done this with you many times, yet here you are again perverting what could not be clearer.

Romans 5

18 Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life.

I love you too, Nick . . .

You don't love any body. If you did love (serve) you would not lie to them you heathen.
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Well in these latter days, some will not be able to endure sound doctrine.

Nothing in the book of Revelation is new information except for the last 2 chapters. The prophecies in revelation were already penned by the Hebrew prophets. Probably can't find them right?

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Revelation is filled with new information, aside from the last two chapters. The letters to the seven churches aren't new? The mark of the beast? Explicit judgments details in the likes of the bowls and vials? The 144,000? We could go on and on.

I hope you meant to say something different than something so blatantly false, and are not simply a troll or a deceiver. The latter case, well, that would be one of the dumber lies I've ever seen, worse than Preterism, and just when you think message boards can't get any more absurd.

Since that can't be the case, presuming you must have some sense, we'd all surely be thrilled to see you point out where you find all the first twenty chapters of Revelation in the Old Testament, though I, for one, won't hold my breath for that. Especially something like John going to heaven in the spirit to see the vision, at the beginning of chapter four, much less Christ telling John to write at the end of chapter one, such would be an amazing feat of Old Testament exegesis, plain historic for you to locate the apostle John and that discourse, much less the seven churches, in the Old Testament.

So, astound everybody. Not.


Revelation is filled with new information, aside from the last two chapters. The letters to the seven churches aren't new? The mark of the beast? Explicit judgments details in the likes of the bowls and vials? The 144,000? We could go on and on.

I hope you meant to say something different than something so blatantly false, and are not simply a troll or a deceiver. The latter case, well, that would be one of the dumber lies I've ever seen, worse than Preterism, and just when you think message boards can't get any more absurd.

Since that can't be the case, presuming you must have some sense, we'd all surely be thrilled to see you point out where you find all the first twenty chapters of Revelation in the Old Testament, though I, for one, won't hold my breath for that. Especially something like John going to heaven in the spirit to see the vision, at the beginning of chapter four, much less Christ telling John to write at the end of chapter one, such would be an amazing feat of Old Testament exegesis, plain historic for you to locate the apostle John and that discourse, much less the seven churches, in the Old Testament.

So, astound everybody. Not.

Don't worry about it

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