Good article: "Who Radicalized the Finsbury Park Van Man?"


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
No, anyone who supports white supremacist views could be considered a white supremacist, or a implicit supporter, or a fellow traveler. Posting from white supremacist sites will likely bring about that consideration.

I know people who voted for Trump who are definitely not white supremacists.

I also know people who voted for Trump who like to post from white supremacist or white nationalist sources and then want to be insulted when they don't go over well.
Wouldn't that mean to you that anyone that supports Trump would be a supporter of white supremacistism, since you label Trump as a white supremacist?

Your naive belief that the 'source' makes info automatically wrong has blindsided you.


Yes, your photo was fake.

I find it quite revealing that you're more concerned with a photoshopped picture of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger speaking to a group of KKK women (where by her own admission "received a dozen more invitations from like minded groups") then the fact that she spoke to them.

Yes, some of what you've attributed to Sanger wasn't written by Sanger and there's a list of misattributions spread by right wingers out there if you want to google it.

I've done enough research on the filthy degenerate Margaret Sanger to know what she stood for. Either refute the information that I've provided about her in the MLK Jr. thread, or run along and celebrate this very important month with your friends.

On that note: Sanger appeared concerned that the women of the KKK would find out about her stance on abortion.



like marbles on glass
Wouldn't that mean to you that anyone that supports Trump would be a supporter of white supremacistism, since you label Trump as a white supremacist?

I didn't label Trump a white supremacist. I said white supremacists like what he has to say.

So no, it wouldn't mean.

Your naive belief that the 'source' makes info automatically wrong has blindsided you.

Your naive belief that I don't see the messages both explicit (I quoted them for you but I don't think you ever answered me) and implicit in your videos of pretty white girls has left me no other option but to accept that you agree with some or much of what white supremacists have to say, while maintaining your right to feel insulted that anyone would ever think such a thing of you.


Wouldn't that mean to you that anyone that supports Trump would be a supporter of white supremacistism, since you label Trump as a white supremacist?

Your naive belief that the 'source' makes info automatically wrong has blindsided you.

The vast majority who posted white superiority posts in this thread are devout Trump followers.!

Given a little more time I could pull up a recent comment from you...


Hall of Fame
I didn't label Trump a white supremacist. I said white supremacists like what he has to say.

Well, there is also the fact that it is impossible to deny that white supremacists support Trump because they view him as a kindred spirit. Regardless of whether someone associates with white supremacists, their vote has given Trump ,a white supremacist supporter with a history of bashing black people, a thumbs up.

patrick jane

Well, there is also the fact that it is impossible to deny that white supremacists support Trump because they view him as a kindred spirit. Regardless of whether someone associates with white supremacists, their vote has given Trump ,a white supremacist supporter with a history of bashing black people, a thumbs up.
People that hate whites and commit violence and rioting sure love what Bernie Sanders and other dems have to say


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Sorry, you wouldn't answer my questions then when I tried to talk with you about it.

You didn't answer this or this or this or this.

So that train has left the station.
Answering additional questions from you shouldn't have an impact on what I have already said.
You just said I agree with some or much of what white supremacists have to say.

Enjoy your popcorn
I will while I patently await you to produce why I am a white supremacist.


like marbles on glass
Answering additional questions from you shouldn't have an impact on what I have already said.
You just said I agree with some or much of what white supremacists have to say.

I will while I patently await you to produce why I am a white supremacist.

You're going to have to eat a lot of popcorn, since I'm not going to enter another non-productive conversation with you.

You'll have to be content with my questions and your non-answers of the past. Here you go:

Sure, we should all just hate any white people that shows any pride in their heritage and what those before them accomplished.

Who's "we?" Because I don't hate anyone.
I bet you didn't even watch the first video because if you did you would have heard it tell that taking pride in one's heritage should be allowed for all races to express if they want to, but shouldn't ever limit white people from doing the same.

I did watch it. In fact, I took some notes:

“Don’t let your daughter racemix.”
And then attractive young white women with the text:

"Isn’t this worth preserving?"

Seriously? So a bunch of white guys are afraid there won't be enough white girls to go around?

"It’s important to know where you belong."
Where is that, exactly? On top, and all others beneath? Because that’s the subtext.

“Spred [sic] the word to other white people”

Spread what word, exactly? (That according to David Duke in the other video, white DNA "is a stairway to the stars?") We ALL have a little stardust in us. :chuckle:

"Right to exist…"

Who took that away?

"Fulfill our destiny…"

What destiny is that, exactly?

"Doesn’t matter if you’re religious or atheist... the important thing is, and always has been, your race."

Do you, as a Christian, really believe that?

"Self-image crushed to pieces… psychological prison... "

And liberals are the special snowflakes? :chuckle:

I thought the music was quite pleasant.

I think it's emotional manipulation, very common with propaganda. It's meant to stir the emotions. I also thought the slow-motion battle sequences were a little over the top, but hey, that's me.

Oh the horrors!!!!

Yeah. It was pretty horrible. All of it.



Well-known member
Nobody asked my opinion but here it is.

I visited nine countries when I was in the USN. Europe, mainly, but saw lots of people from other areas...Africans, Middle Eastern, Orientals, South Americans, Pacific Islanders, etc.

Having observed people from pretty much everywhere, I have decided there is indeed such a thing as an objectively beautiful woman, and that women do not have to look remotely "white" nor Western to be so. I admit up front that I've decided this because I first came to the conclusion that, biologically speaking, women require only one thing to get a man interested in mating/marriage: physical attractiveness. That's it. They may well (and usually do) have many other positive traits. But as far as reproduction (and let's be honest, that's our driving force), that's what counts when men survey women. There's some basic traits that all men (who ARE men) respond to...but one of the big ones, maybe the biggest, is the hip/waist ratio. It's there for a reason.

On the other hand (and ladies, feel free to chime in here), worldwide it seems required, to varying degrees, that men have clear signs of strength, virility, confidence, ability and willingness to protect...the very things that become superfluous if not undesirable in a decaying society like ours, yet are still necessary to our survival as a society. I am now convinced the desire for those features in a man are hard-wired into women, just as men almost can't help but turn our heads when a nice hip/waist ratio walks by. It's instinctual, just part of how God made us all.

(Mr. Chekov, raise shields...)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Still no denunciation of the racist Margaret Sanger and her fellow racists at Planned Parenthood by sexual anarchist Art Brain.

Here's a thought: Maybe you and musterion could team up and he could denounce the Alt Right while you denounce Planned Parenthood.

(Checking calendar for when Hell will be freezing over).

I should take this opportunity to thank you for finally leaving my "train wreck" of a thread (Part 4 just surpassed a quarter of a million views, putting the total views on all 4 threads right around 2 million), as without a doubt you were one of most disgusting individuals to post in those threads.

Promise me that you won't return.

You've had your head handed to you on a plate so much on the subject (including by anna on here) that nothing more needs to be added.

I see you're still pompously boasting about stats that really aren't that impressive, even less so given that the majority of those views will reflect that of here - your being an obsessive, gay obsessed nut. If you have this "army of fans" they're remarkably reticent to sign up and join your "moral crusade"...I mean, who else posts to any extent on the thing apart from you these days?

I'll likely not bother returning to it although I hope you'll refrain from gossiping about me on it in turn.
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