Freewill religion is the Man of Sin !


New member
Your god is the god of your darkened understanding, and so is the gospel you believe.

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Let me sun this up for you.

Calvinist gospel= The good news is IF you were chosen then you will not burn in eternal hell , and if you were not chosen by God then you will burn in hell for God's pleasure, which is not the God of scripture.

Try explaining to a 5 year old that if God did not chose them they will spend eternity in hell for His pleasure . That is NOT the gospel of scripture.

The true gospel= Repent and believe in Christ Jesus and turn to God and HE will cleanse you from your sin and save you.

The darkened understanding is done by Calvinist every time they pervert the GOSPEL.

You have nothing but out of context scriptures,deception, and rhetoric with ZERO scriptural support.


Well-known member
Let me sun this up for you.

Calvinist gospel= The good news is IF you were chosen then you will not burn in eternal hell , and if you were not chosen by God then you will burn in hell for God's pleasure, which is not the God of scripture.

Try explaining to a 5 year old that if God did not chose them they will spend eternity in hell for His pleasure . That is NOT the gospel of scripture.

The true gospel= Repent and believe in Christ Jesus and turn to God and HE will cleanse you from your sin and save you.

The darkened understanding is done by Calvinist every time they pervert the GOSPEL.

You have nothing but out of context scriptures,deception, and rhetoric with ZERO scriptural support.

Only a reprobate will believe that false gospel of yours, I reject it !


New member
Only a reprobate believes in the jesus you believe in.

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You might want to look in the mirror if you want to see a reprobate.

Folks will not ignore scripture to follow you into your deception and darkness. YOUR loss not mine.


Well-known member
You might want to look in the mirror if you want to see a reprobate.

Folks will not ignore scripture to follow you into your deception and darkness. YOUR loss not mine.
I don't believe you have any hope of salvation.

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Well-known member
You are why IGNORE was made. YOU have NO clue what scripture teaches and what makes you dangerous is you think you do !

I will see you at the Judgment when you give an account for your phoney man made devil inspired gospel. You are why hell was made!


Well-known member
Faith is not the believers righteousness ! Christ is !!

The antichrist followers have hijacked a verse of scripture in order to make it mean that men's faith is their righteousness. That scripture is Rom 4:5

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.

However, that is not what that verse says or means, because that would constitute Justification/ Righteousness by works, by what a person does or acts!

Instead rather, this verse tells us that Faith realizes that Christ has been made our Righteousness. Paul writes in 1 Cor 1:30

30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:

Faith therefore is given so that one may apprehend the fact, the reality, that Christ has of God been made unto us Righteousness. His Righteousness has been charged to ones account because He was made sin for them when He died for them 2 Cor 5:21

21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

So God given Faith embraces the reality of this Fact, and so in this sense his faith is counted for righteousness, because it was faith that made it known to his mind and heart, what God in Christ has done !