Free Will


Eclectic Theosophist
Choosing something invisible. Imagining and creating a choice off that

This could go for anything eh? Even a belief or some kind of correspondence to an 'invisible god'. Is it all but 'imagination'? And even all this, in every variable of existence, there appears to be freedom of choice, however independent or dependent on any number of other variables. Still, have freedom to read these very words, and compose your next response to them. You may also choose at this very moment, or any not reply, or entertain any number of creative arrangements in your mind. The choice is yours, is it not? Don't you have any part in determining how you respond?


This could go for anything eh? Even a belief or some kind of correspondence to an 'invisible god'. Is it all but 'imagination'? And even all this, in every variable of existence, there appears to be freedom of choice, however independent or dependent on any number of other variables. Still, have freedom to read these very words, and compose your next response to them. You may also choose at this very moment, or any not reply, or entertain any number of creative arrangements in your mind. The choice is yours, is it not? Don't you have any part in determining how you respond?
Men have natural freewill. Most here dabble in unnatural free will, the evil kind.


Well-known member
Men have natural freewill. Most here dabble in unnatural free will, the evil kind.
Show me the scripture that says man has a natural freewill. Man by nature in the flesh can't please God Rom 8:8! So obviously mans will naturally isn't free to please God!

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Show me the scripture that says man has a natural freewill. Man by nature in the flesh can't please God Rom 8:8! So obviously mans will naturally isn't free to please God!

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Ha ha, I didn't say or to mean to please God. Thank you for your reply.
Whatever my single molecule tells me to do, I do. But I know there are no maverick molecule in the universe according to the Bible in plain view even if I understand it or not. It's written as it is. All my free will are run by God so yeah I don't have free will invented by my own. It never worked in my power like I have none at all. I'm totally unabled and depraved. TOL'ers think I can walk but it's really God that does the walking. I should retract my post and tell them I'm really a robot.

I'm autobot


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Ha ha, I didn't say or to mean to please God. Thank you for your reply.
Whatever my single molecule tells me to do, I do. But I know there are no maverick molecule in the universe according to the Bible in plain view even if I understand it or not. It's written as it is. All my free will are run by God so yeah I don't have free will invented by my own. It never worked in my power like I have none at all. I'm totally unabled and depraved. TOL'ers think I can walk but it's really God that does the walking. I should retract my post and tell them I'm really a robot.

I'm autobot
So if God is the one controlling you, does that mean that He's also controlling you when you sin?

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New member
Maybe the problem with the free will question is that men have free will but they like the evil kind of free will. What gives us free will? Dosent Satan play a role in free will.? If Satan didn't exist and tempt Eve we would be mindless robots walking around being perfectly good citizens. But why would God want that? He created free thinking beings that fell to the temptation of Satan and Jesus paid our ransom. Evil is what gives us free will. God has allowed Satan free will. He chose to rebel. You may follow Satan if you choose. I choose to follow Jesus. We all fall short. Don't allow sin to come between you and Jesus. He still loves us.

37Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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So if God is the one controlling you, does that mean that He's also controlling you when you sin?

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I see God very differently than you while the Bible confirms it.
It's like saying the earth has free will to change its orbit.
I can't change the molecule's orbits. It follows God's law's. Molecules don't follow me, I follow my molecules. Molecules runs me. God runs molecules. Earth stays in orbit like it has been.
If we're able to predict where the earth and the moon will be in 1000 years then God is able to predict where the elements will be orbiting the molecule in million years.

We ought to think God is faster than we make him to be. Y'all make God at a smail pace thinking you can outsmart him.


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I see God very differently than you while the Bible confirms it.
It's like saying the earth has free will to change its orbit.
I can't change the molecule's orbits. It follows God's law's. Molecules don't follow me, I follow my molecules. Molecules runs me. God runs molecules. Earth stays in orbit like it has been.
If we're able to predict where the earth and the moon will be in 1000 years then God is able to predict where the elements will be orbiting the molecule in million years.

We ought to think God is faster than we make him to be. Y'all make God at a smail pace thinking you can outsmart him.
So you think that everything that exists in our universe is all just atoms and molecules?

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New member
I didn't know where else to put this, but in the time of Adam and Eve, when Eve was instructed to eat the Apple, did that mean the devil gave her the free will to do it? Or does it mean he was opening eves awareness to do things she wasn't instructed to do, like disobeying God (much like he did), and in a way exercising her free will?

All in all, who gave us free will, God who created us with that capacity , or the devil who let the early humans understand we had that capacity?

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we were created with free will


New member
Freewill of man is an illusion.

All things are predestinated by God according to His Will and Purpose.

Dan. 4:35
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

God has th right to make His creatures for whatever purpose He chooses.

Job 23:13-14
13 But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, even that he doeth.
14 For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him.

These scriptures prove that God does not desire all men without exception to be saved but yet they are not.
For anything to be an illusion, we must have some understanding or experience in the thing that is an illusion.

Like a mirage. though water you may be seeing in the desert could be fake, you would have to encounter some form of that water in order to think you are seeing it


what is meant by "God's will?"

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I'm not certain if I read your question right, but in context of the OP, this distinguishes our will from God's. It also insinuates that God has freewill and implies that we do too! Excellent point!

Jesus said; "If this cup... Thy will be done". This is the snippets that doubly show free will in mankind and God, because Jesus is the "Son of man" and the "Son of God". He "God", as "God with us", chose to serve God rather than Himself... and in doing so He served ALL mankind.

Your question is a gateway to irrefutably proving that God and humanity have Free Will that is of God's Will!


: )