Free Will


I can't say 100 % if you are amongst the reprbate, however at this particular time I don't believe you are serving the true God, and I would not fellowship with you in that regard. Just keeping it real!

I appreciate your honesty.

I believe we serve the one true God. You simply have a different prescription and brand of contacts in than I do.


Well-known member
I believe only God knows who is reprobate, which is why we are to present the Gospel indiscriminately.

Only God does know who is reprobated for sure. I do preach the Gospel indiscriminately every day on this forum. I know however only the Elect will believe it!


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That is on you!
All I saw was you saying that it contradicts open theism. I asked how, and you never replied. So please, how does God saying that He never commanded his people to sacrifice their children to Molech, that it never even entered His mind, contradict open theism? Seems to me that goes completely against Calvinism?

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Well-known member

Why would God say, "I did not command them, nor did it come into My mind that they should do this abomination?" Was God lying when He said that?

That is something you need to study for yourself. Prove to me you have studied it, then I will give you my understanding. Because I'm not going to be playing bible hopscotch with you and anyone else. I told you that My God predestined every thing, no exceptions!


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I completely agree with her statement. You seem to be a clever person, with some whit. The constant sarcasm and put downs of Nang, keep me from taking you seriously. I have many on ignore for this very reason.

Recently someone called me a liar and did not truly want to consider my position. I have a good boundary for people like that and it is the ignore button.

I find that when an anti-Calvinist asks a question, it is usually not sincere. Your mind is already made up and now the goal is to smear the theology.

I prefer a well organized youtube debate where the subjects are required to be respectful.

So, I don't spend much time here defending Reformed Theology.

The only reason Nang is even on this website was because she wanted to come here specifically to harrass me.

I have no idea who you were talking to when you wrote this post or what it was specifically about but I can tell you that Nang has spent years earning every ounce of ridicule and sarcasm that is thrown her direction. She is one of the most intellectually dishonest people on this entire forum - which is really saying something, by the way.

As for you defending Reformed Theology, I dare you to attempt it with me. My bet is that you'll prove to be as irrational as all the rest.

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I don't know a Calvinist that would say such a thing.

Whether they say it or not, there are a very great many who believe it. Nang and B57 are among them. Ask them. They won't deny it unless they know that I told you to ask and perhaps not even then. You don't even have to ask B57! Just read his signature line!

"... I have my own private opinion that there is no such a thing as
preaching Christ and him crucified, unless you preach what now-a-days is
called Calvinism. I have my own ideas, and those I always state boldly. It is
a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else."

Charles Spurgeon !​


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Gold Subscriber

That is something you need to study for yourself. Prove to me you have studied it, then I will give you my understanding. Because I'm not going to be playing bible hopscotch with you and anyone else. I told you that My God predestined every thing, no exceptions!
When a verse says that God did not command something, and it never even crossed his mind that something would happen, and then it does, that makes me think that God could not have known that it would have happened, let alone predestined it. I think its as simple as that.

Sent from my Pixel XL using TheologyOnline mobile app

Eagles Wings

New member
The only reason Nang is even on this website was because she wanted to come here specifically to harrass me.

I have no idea who you were talking to when you wrote this post or what it was specifically about but I can tell you that Nang has spent years earning every ounce of ridicule and sarcasm that is thrown her direction. She is one of the most intellectually dishonest people on this entire forum - which is really saying something, by the way.

As for you defending Reformed Theology, I dare you to attempt it with me. My bet is that you'll prove to be as irrational as all the rest.

Resting in Him,
I acknowledge your opinions, and have nothing to add to your obvious long standing angst with another. It has nothing to do with me.

I have no interest in debate. I've made that clear.

Take care.

Eagles Wings

New member
Whether they say it or not, there are a very great many who believe it. Nang and B57 are among them. Ask them. They won't deny it unless they know that I told you to ask and perhaps not even then. You don't even have to ask B57! Just read his signature line!

"... I have my own private opinion that there is no such a thing as
preaching Christ and him crucified, unless you preach what now-a-days is
called Calvinism. I have my own ideas, and those I always state boldly. It is
a nickname to call it Calvinism; Calvinism is the gospel, and nothing else."

Charles Spurgeon !​
Clete, my statement stands. Thank you.


What scripture says that?

You have dis-fellowshipped me from yourself. So I will make a final statement towards you. If God humbled Himself before mankind and bled for us, was called a whine-bibber and one who kept company with the reprobates of the time, what makes it ok to put so much faith in a dogma that is extra biblical and causes such discord?

You place far too much faith in writings and sermons of a dead man.

You will find far more unity and peace in Christ, alone... as in apart from Dogma.

Nothing should be so important from any mans mouth (except Jesus, though He is God, but served us as our fellow man), that you deny with your words that a fellow believer in THE BLOOD is anything but a follower of the one true God.

Mans teachings bring chaos and pain.

God brings peace. Even the Sword of God brings peace. The division Jesus brought had nothing to do with any ism. It was all about one four letter L word.

On that note...

Beloved57... Christ forever bless and keep you.


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