Forced Vaccination is Wrong


New member
Diseases. You know. Those. Being. Vaccinated. Against.

My kids have NONE of those. If I heard a kid in the school had the measles, I would keep them home until I got word that it was contained.

Kids enrolled can do homework when they have sniffles, or when a classmate could spread it to them.

Vaccines fail anyway and so outbreaks will continue, with or without my kids.

If any kid is endangered by ordinary pathogens, they are too weak for public school.

You don't forcibly medicate the strong to treat the weak.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You want to argue with virologists now? Knock yourself out. Your precious virologists are supposed to be the ones you trust to design your vaccines.

Just as I suspected, you got nothin. You don't have the integrity to investigate Elo's claims for yourself.

I can't argue with a virologist because you haven't provided one as your source.


My kids have NONE of those. If I heard a kid in the school had the measles, I would keep them home until I got word that it was contained.

Kids enrolled can do homework when they have sniffles, or when a classmate could spread it to them.

Vaccines fail anyway and so outbreaks will continue, with or without my kids.

If any kid is endangered by ordinary pathogens, they are too weak for public school.

You don't forcibly medicate the strong to treat the weak.

Ignorance is one thing, but aggressive ignorance is just so special. Vaccinating children is a public health issue. And you think others are clueless.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You can't prove we needed to abuse Jews and force medical procedures on them to be as healthy and prosperous as we are today.

Are you really this stupid? I never said we needed to "abuse Jews" to achieve anything. What I said, as a matter if historical fact, was that the Nazis did terrible experiments on Jewish prisoners and that after the war the allies captured that data and used it.

If you don't know about this part of history then you are not qualified to homeschool your kids.


Well-known member
I don't agree with mandatory vaccination. However, I also don't believe that if you don't vaccinate your child, you should be immune (see what I did there) from the consequences of your decision.

For example, if you choose not to vaccinate your child, then your child cannot attend public school. You must go find a private school that will accept unvaccinated kids.

So, when do we outlaw stupidity? I've been waiting on that one for quite some time. Why isn't there a vaccine for that? Retro-active abortion maybe?


New member
I remember Dolo.

What about him? I met him on TOL. He's been gone forever, what's the point?

You haven't posted anything that causes me to that you know something my doctor does not.

This is a thread about forcing vaccination. :bang:

Does your doctor help you sort politics?

seriously? You don't see a difference between killing people and giving somebody a vaccine designed to prevent them from getting sick or from dying if they do?

Do you see the difference between a shower for lice and a shower to kill masses? Get in the shower. Don't talk to the others getting in the shower. You don't get a choice: you must be clean.

Who was sterilized women? What is there motive? What is your evidence?

Oh ho! Something you don't know! Look it up. Ask the Catholic Church what I mean, maybe. Use google. I don't know. Be smart or something.

Yes, I am. These people you accuse of trying to poison our children are my friends and neighbors. Their kids go to school with my kids and we sit next to them in church in Sunday. They have no motive to do what you claim.

Who cares what your friends think is in the shower? Or the shot? I doubt they work the labs that make this stuff. I doubt they take the paycheck for the money made on it.

...then again...

Bet your pharmacist wife has been let down by drug companies a lot. How many were killed by that junk med VIOXX? Anybody she knew?

No idea what your on about here.

Of course you don't. Now go get your tattoo ID and take that shower. Then you will be clean, disease free and marked as "safe."

There will be entertainment and good food. Just like what is in the kids' school lunch menus these days. The camps keep the diseased Jews and such healthy and safe from others.


New member
Just as I suspected, you got nothin. You don't have the integrity to investigate Elo's claims for yourself.

I can't argue with a virologist because you haven't provided one as your source.

I've read what the virologists say but it went right over your head, didn't it? I even gave you the homework links.


New member
Are you really this stupid? I never said we needed to "abuse Jews" to achieve anything. What I said, as a matter if historical fact, was that the Nazis did terrible experiments on Jewish prisoners and that after the war the allies captured that data and used it.

If you don't know about this part of history then you are not qualified to homeschool your kids.

I'm qualified to know they took more than data.


Hall of Fame
My kids have NONE of those.

I didn't claim they did.

If I heard a kid in the school had the measles, I would keep them home until I got word that it was contained.

Measles start 4 days before the rash appears and travel through the air. Obviously keeping them home from school does not factor into this. Then again, vaccinated children don't need to miss school.

Kids enrolled can do homework when they have sniffles, or when a classmate could spread it to them.

The exposure starts BEFORE the rash. I thought you knew everything about his *harmless* disease. :think:

Vaccines fail anyway and so outbreaks will continue

That is your *claim* ...

, with or without my kids.

Since they are mandatory, it would be without.

If any kid is endangered by ordinary pathogens, they are too weak for public school.

You don't forcibly medicate the strong to treat the weak.

Hogwash. That isn't what this is about. All are vaccinated to prevent the disease.

Exclusion from private and public schools is the only viable option for those who do not care about the health of those children attending these schools.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Oh. I see. So when your kid gets the sniffles you are scared?
Of course not. They're vaccinated.

If I thought my kids immune system was damaged and they got into some trouble that their body couldn't handle, the logical thing to do is use the modern medical knowledge we have to treat the illness.

That doesn't include jabbing them ahead of time. And most viruses have no vaccine for them. The kids that scare you when they are sick are too weak to use a vaccine to build a tolerance for those few certain infections. It would scare me more to jab a kid like that than treat their sniffles.
If it was just a cold, I'd agree. But since some of those sniffles can be life altering if not life ending. While you prefer to elude that all cases of the sniffles are easily treated, I know that not all are. So if I can prevent them from getting them in the first place, all the better. At least I know my kids won't develop shingles later in life and that is a good thing.

You are what people call... clueless. What is the point?
Understanding the relative risks of disease versus vaccination.

I don't care if it's a tossup or if the vaccine is more or less effective. Human rights.

Human rights.
You don't believe in Human rights, you believe in your own personal rights. If you truly believed in human rights then you would be concerned about the health of all humans, not just your humans.

And once upon a time Typhoid was eliminated forever... and we all lived happily ever after. The end.
Typhoid is certainly considered eradicated in the US. But the vaccine remains available.

The flu is nowhere near defeated.
Never said it was.

Last I checked, the navy said those flu vaccines are making things worse if you already had a flu vax in 2013.
Flu is hard to vaccinate against because there are so many different strains. Each year, we guess what strains well be prevalent and some years we guess wrong.

"let them live or die" sounds like we wouldn't care for them tenderly and with all the wonders of modern medicine at our disposal.
Except one.

I'd rather take my chances with death than live in a society where I am FORCED to trust whatever is in the needle. Optional is one thing.

Force is evil and creepy in the extreme! It is my body, my right.
You would rather take that chance. I would not. If your choice endangers others then. Have no problem forcing your isolation until such time as you no longer represent a public health threat. Look up Typhoid Mary and today's laws regarding the treatment of typhoid.

So vaccinate them by force and we can have less of them. Right?

Then they must give a pint of precious blood upon graduation, unless given a limited medical exemption by the state-appointed medical exemption specialist.

And another upon enrolling in college.

And when filing tax returns.
Your fear mongering is wasted on me. Bring facts to discuss, not your fears.

I don't have to. If there is ANY risk. The risk is mine to take.

Protect the weaklings in a way that honors individual rights.
And what are the risks of not vaccinating. You seem to assume that the risks of the vaccines are worse than the risks if the disease. What is your basis for that?

The idea of force scares me. Why? Because they lie about what is in the vaccines sometimes.
Post your proof of thus statement.


New member
I didn't claim they did.

Then they are not a threat.

Measles start 4 days before the rash appears and travel through the air. Obviously keeping them home from school does not factor into this. Then again, vaccinated children don't need to miss school.

Vaccinated children might prefer to be exposed, since their wild measles infections, etc, would (for most of them, not all) be asymptomatic.

Nevertheless, I would keep my kids home, symptoms or not, until the 4 day incubation period passed, just in case they caught something.

That way my kids couldn't spread it, whether they became symptomatic or not. Meanwhile, vaccinated kids will spread it without realizing they are a risk.

The exposure starts BEFORE the rash. I thought you knew everything about his *harmless* disease. :think:

It just shows you assumed before asking.

And since you were clueless about transmission in vaccinated populations:

China has measles despite 99.9% compliance. It's not the fault of the 0.01% either. A full 3% cannot be protected no matter how many shots they get. They will spread it and make other students sick before they even know what has happened.

Then unvaccinated children will be blamed if they show signs of exposure to that vaccinated child.

Since they are mandatory, it would be without.

And that's wrong. It's plainly discrimination against healthy, organic lifestyles. You don't have to use a vaccine to control the spread of disease.

Exclusion from private and public schools is the only viable option for those who do not care about the health of those children attending these schools.

Labeling them as not caring doesn't justify it. Sick children shouldn't be in school. That's how you protect the immune compromised. You can't stop the schoolchildren from spreading sickness with vaccines.


New member

I need a replacement on this thread because I need to go take care of my 7 kids. I'd like a vaccine-choice champion, and I'm asking the readers to search their hearts and volunteer in my absence.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
What about him? I met him on TOL. He's been gone forever, what's the point?

This is a thread about forcing vaccination. :bang:

Does your doctor help you sort politics?

Do you see the difference between a shower for lice and a shower to kill masses? Get in the shower. Don't talk to the others getting in the shower. You don't get a choice: you must be clean.

Oh ho! Something you don't know! Look it up. Ask the Catholic Church what I mean, maybe. Use google. I don't know. Be smart or something.

Who cares what your friends think is in the shower? Or the shot? I doubt they work the labs that make this stuff. I doubt they take the paycheck for the money made on it.

...then again...

Bet your pharmacist wife has been let down by drug companies a lot. How many were killed by that junk med VIOXX? Anybody she knew?

Of course you don't. Now go get your tattoo ID and take that shower. Then you will be clean, disease free and marked as "safe."

There will be entertainment and good food. Just like what is in the kids' school lunch menus these days. The camps keep the diseased Jews and such healthy and safe from others.

This whole post of your amounts to invoking the Nazis to spread your fear that vaccinations are the equivalent of the Nazi death camps. You have offered nothing of substance nor any facts that can actually be examined. You have nothing to offer but your own fear and it is not convincing.


New member
CM, you aren't typhoid Mary unless you are sick.

You don't know about sterilizing vaccines.

Do your homework before prattling on again.

You aren't interesting in facts or human rights. Good day.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
CM, you aren't typhoid Mary unless you are sick.

You don't know about sterilizing vaccines.

Do your homework before prattling on again.

You aren't interesting in facts or human rights. Good day.

I pity the education in history your children are receiving. You dredge up historical facts of past atrocities and pass them off as if they are still going on today and then claim others aren't interested in facts.