Forced Vaccination is Wrong


Hall of Fame
I said mine can do the tests before sex if they are smart. If they are so eager to have sex the minute my back is turned, being vaccinated for a few diseases out of the many will be the least of my concerns. Kids like that will make a mess of their lives (and others) regardless.

You really need to educate yourself about the diseases you are speaking of.

How do I know if I have HPV?

There is no test to find out a person’s “HPV status.” Also, there is no approved HPV test to find HPV in the mouth or throat.

There are HPV tests that can be used to screen for cervical cancer. These tests are recommended for screening only in women aged 30 years and older. They are not recommended to screen men, adolescents, or women under the age of 30 years.

Most people with HPV do not know they are infected and never develop symptoms or health problems from it. Some people find out they have HPV when they get genital warts. Women may find out they have HPV when they get an abnormal Pap test result (during cervical cancer screening). Others may only find out once they’ve developed more serious problems from HPV, such as cancers.
How common is HPV and the health problems caused by HPV?

HPV (the virus): About 79 million Americans are currently infected with HPV. About 14 million people become newly infected each year. HPV is so common that most sexually-active men and women will get at least one type of HPV at some point in their lives.

Health problems related to HPV include genital warts and cervical cancer.

Genital warts: About 360,000 people in the United States get genital warts each year.

Cervical cancer: More than 11,000 women in the United States get cervical cancer each year.


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Hall of Fame
Don't assume I don't know something just because I don't talk about it.

Just because they don't routinely swab tonsils and other parts doesn't mean you can't be screened.

From *your* link:

Currently, there are no routine screening tests for HPV on the vulva, vagina, anus, penis, or back of the throat and tonsils. However, you should continue to visit your doctor regularly for checkups.

Will you continue to pretend to not understand the vaccination is to PREVENT the disease?

Regardless, I note your silence on the other points I made.


Oh. You believe you actually made *points*?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
This video explains how smallpox was eradicated through vaccination and how other diseases can also be wiped out:



Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Your solution would be equivalent to forcibly bleaching my skin so I could look as white as my classmates. That's not the right kind of "togetherness." :plain:
You make it sound as though I want to strap your kids down and inject them. I am more along the lines of if you wish to attend public school you have to fulfill certain requirements before being allowed to attend. If you do not wish to meet those requirements then it is your responsibility to find alternatives. I would not condone the building of a separate facility for non-vaccinated students.

They can still marry and date, but they can't get a sexually active boy tested before having sex with them?
What one can do versus what one will do are often two very different things, especially in affair of the heart.

What degree? How big is the degree? Bigger than the risk of vaccine damage? Don't count all cervical cancers because only a small fraction have vaccine counterpart infections.
Having gone through breast cancer treatments twice with my wife, our opinion that anything we can do to reduce the risks to our daughters is worth the comparatively small risks associated with vaccines.

Plus, how do you know the live HPV won't de-attenuate and still sicken the girls in the long term? No long term studies or autopsy samples have been done that I know of to determine if the virus will be found in human cervical cancers yet.
Do you have any idea how vaccines work? Any at all? The vaccine triggers a response from the bodies own immune system. When the immune system response is complete the virus used in the vaccine is killed and no longer present in the body. It is not there so it cannot possibly mutate and cause problems. The immunity lies in your own immune system that now knows how to recognize the wild virus and can quickly wipe out a wild strain before it has a chance to get established.

You won't prevent tetanus with a tetanus shot. You can still get the infection again, even after a wild-type infection.
That is why tetanus is given every 5 years. The shot will prevent tetanus but hay, if you want your kids to go through this, be my guest.

What about getting Typhoid every 6 months? Why not, eh? 5,000 cases a year in the USA alone!
Because it is not warranted. Typhoid is considered to be eradicated in the US so it is not routinely vaccinated against. However, if you are going out of the country it is generally required as it is still prevalent in much of the world. And yes, you do need boosters.

Are you arguing that to avoid a disease caused by the complications of forced penetration, you support the forced penetration of my kids' shoulders with needles if they get access to public services they pay for like public school?
No, I'm just trying to get you to understand that vaccines are provide protection all the time, not just while you are at school. I support vaccination as a requirement for attending public schools. A healthy population benefits us all.


You make it sound as though I want to strap your kids down and inject them.

might i suggest:



New member


Both suffered serious shoulder injuries, not from an injury, but from their flu shot.

“It can really be quite a significant problem,” says infectious disease specialist Dr. Robert

He says this kind of injury isn’t common but can happen and is usually because the shot is given too high in the arm.

“It goes right into the joint space instead of the muscle belly,” Duncan says.

i'll bet if some monkey shoots it into your eyeball it'll cause vision problems too :idunno:


Hall of Fame
You make it sound as though I want to strap your kids down and inject them. I am more along the lines of if you wish to attend public school you have to fulfill certain requirements before being allowed to attend. If you do not wish to meet those requirements then it is your responsibility to find alternatives. I would not condone the building of a separate facility for non-vaccinated students.

:thumb: This is my position as well.


New member
However, in the case of the HPV vaccine, since the disease is not passed the same way as others diseases, I would not make it mandatory even though I believe rejection of the vaccine is both foolhardy and arrogant on the part of the parents. I mean cancer is no big deal, right?

Interesting link that KMO provided on the Gardasil thread. If accurate, I would be concerned about the safety of the vaccine.

Different opinions for different days, I see.

One day you are concerned, the next I'm foolhardy and arrogant for being concerned.

If the safety of ANY vaccine is a legitimate concern to a parent, then it's WRONG to force vaccinate or deny them the right to a public education for their kids. Agree?

However, unlike these other diseases, tetanus is not contagious ... therefore, a parent's willingness to put their own child at risk will not affect OTHER children.

Then denying them access to school would be wrong, right? The least you could do would be provide an alternative since you wouldn't want to repay those taxpaying parents the tax money meant for the schools of their children.


New member
I don't think I'd give dart guns to monkeys. You know what happens next...

The apes at the pharmacies and doctor's offices have a pretty lousy aim, too. I would rather not be forced to dole out pain medication to my kids so they can sleep because a nerve got shredded or a joint poisoned.

And yeah, you might as well strap my kids down if you don't get consent or force the issue by trying to deny them an education.

And you can't go on about how tenuous my teaching abilities are if I don't have the right to school them where your kids get their "superior" education.

Unless your proposal is to take them from people like me if I refuse to vaccinate them and send them for a "proper" education after forcibly medicating my healthy kids.

Is it?


New member

Why is AB499 So Dangerous?

Even though you may make a conscientious informed decision to decline a vaccination for your child for a sexually transmitted disease like the controversial HPV Vaccine, AB499 permits a minor child 12 years old and older to consent to any vaccine for a sexually transmitted disease without parental knowledge or consent.

They've been trying to force the vaccination issue for a while in the laws, lately.

Here's another;

HPV vaccinations without parental consent

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed legislation that gives children 12 or older the right to obtain preventive treatment for sexually transmitted diseases without parental consent, including an HPV immunization for cervical cancer.

And another;

A B.C. couple are furious after public health nurses vaccinated their teenage daughter at school without parental consent.

Dean Bootsma said his 14-year-old daughter was pulled out of her Grade 9 class and inoculated against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough) without checking her medical history, calling him or his wife, or having them sign a consent form.

And another;
I’ve just had a rather unsettling occurrence as you see by my subject line. Despite the fact that I signed the refusal NOT the consent, they have given him the tetanus vaccine. My fear is that not only was it not just a tetanus vaccine but actually the combination vaccine DTaP. I’m furious that this has occurred despite my wishes being otherwise.


New member
If this were me, I'd be beside myself with rage.

It appears the time has come for parents who oppose vaccination to instruct their children to kick, scream, and fight if any authorities at school, a doctor’s office or anyone else ever attempts to vaccinate them.

An attempt by someone to vaccinate a minor without parental consent should be treated by the child the same way as physical assault by a stranger, with the threat to health being extremely grave in either situation.

In other words, the child should be taught to resist and refuse, even screaming for another adult to come to their assistance if necessary.

Detroit mother Sighle Kinney is probably wishing she had done something similar as her 14 year old daughter was recently administered no less than FOUR vaccines, including HPV, without her knowledge or consent.

The mother is “angry with everybody” over this turn of events particularly since she specifically signed a document indicating that medical treatment must never be administered to her daughter without her consent.

Ms. Kinney’s daughter developed a rash all over her body as a result of the poison forcibly injected into her body and had to miss several days of school as a result.


Hall of Fame
Even if it's Gardasil being pushed? How are you two proposing to protect people from being forced to get anything the school system desires (per the wishes of vaccine makers, I'm sure)?

Why should you be allowed to FORCE other parents and *their* children to accept the risks of diseases being passed on that you do not wish to be protected of?

Also, there is no *forced* vaccination. Those who do not wish to have their children protected are not *forced* to enroll them in public or private schooling.


New member
Why should you be allowed to FORCE other parents and *their* children to accept the risks of diseases being passed on that you do not wish to be protected of?

If parents like you want schools built exclusively for vaccinated children, you better lobby for it, but don't lobby to keep other children out of school over it. Can't you see the difference?

Besides, if the name of the game is tolerance, and you already have to put up with people who have medical reasons, why not put up with the Orthodox Jews and the vaccine injured parents who can't shoot up their kids with just anything and everything that gets recommended at school?

You think you have a reason for concern about Gardasil. Right?

Or did you just say that to KMO to make him happy?

Also, there is no *forced* vaccination. Those who do not wish to have their children protected are not *forced* to enroll them in public or private schooling.

Um, you guys act like my right to homeschool is actually a privilege like a driver's license.

But my kids have a RIGHT to public school education.

So if you don't like my schooling methods and you force us into the public school system, like California is trying to do, then presto, you have FORCED vaccinations.


New member
Also, Rusha, read post #208 and #209 before telling me there is no forced vaccination.

Are you going to redefine rape next?