Forced Vaccination is Wrong


Hall of Fame
One day you are concerned, the next I'm foolhardy and arrogant for being concerned.

The reason you resist the vaccination isn't because of risks but because you believe it's only promiscuous teens who need it, and discount the actual danger that ANYONE is exposed to should their spouse pass on a disease he has hidden.


New member
The reason you resist the vaccination isn't because of risks

Not true. I personally have seen the results of serious vaccine injuries.

Don't make up stuff.

you believe it's only promiscuous teens who need it

I said a promiscuous teen has far bigger problems than the few things that have a vaccine. Not all cervical cancers from HPV are protected by the vaccines and I DON'T have faith in the stupid shot, either.

Nobody has used Gardasil until their peer group passed to an age to determine if the shot prevents ANYTHING.

It may actually cause cancer. First, let us see what happens to the experimental-girl population before forcing it on the controls like my daughters.

and discount the actual danger that ANYONE is exposed to should their spouse pass on a disease he has hidden.

I've not discounted anything.

Of all the ways to prevent disease, forced vaccination is the most backwards.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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The apes at the pharmacies and doctor's offices have a pretty lousy aim, too. I would rather not be forced to dole out pain medication to my kids so they can sleep because a nerve got shredded or a joint poisoned.

And yeah, you might as well strap my kids down if you don't get consent or force the issue by trying to deny them an education.

And you can't go on about how tenuous my teaching abilities are if I don't have the right to school them where your kids get their "superior" education.
Rights come with certain obligations. The right to a free public education comes with the obligation to protect the health of the other kids who attend that school. If you are not willing to accept the obligations you don't deserve the right.

Unless your proposal is to take them from people like me if I refuse to vaccinate them and send them for a "proper" education after forcibly medicating my healthy kids.

Is it?
Why would I take your kids? If you don't want them vaccinated, don't. But don't complain that not vaccinating them closes certain doors to you.

School vouchers, and idea that I actually support, is a topic for another thread.


New member
Rights come with certain obligations. The right to a free public education comes with the obligation to protect the health of the other kids who attend that school.

I can protect the health of the other kids without a vaccine.

You can't endanger my kids because you want them less contagious seeming to you. Your vaccinated kids can spread disease. You can't even achieve herd immunity with most if not all the vaccines you do have.

If you are not willing to accept the obligations you don't deserve the right.

My kids have a right to the education their tax money covers. Or you don't have a right to take that money.

Why would I take your kids? If you don't want them vaccinated, don't. But don't complain that not vaccinating them closes certain doors to you.

Kids have been vaxed at school without consent, and children have been taken for parents refusing a hep B shot.

This thread is about forced vaccination. You don't force vaccine-injured children to take a shot.

You don't force children of vaccine injured parents to take a shot.

You don't deny people public school because of ethnicity or disability. Or because of religion.

And see posts 208 and 209 for the truth about forced vaccination.

School vouchers, and idea that I actually support, is a topic for another thread.

No, it isn't if it prevents FORCED VACCINATION.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Read post 208 and 209!
Welcome to America, the land of social engineering. When the schools act without parental consent, in my mind, they have broken the law and deserve to be prosecuted and held financially responsible for medical bills and complications that may arise for the life of the child. That it is possible for a school to take a child in for a "medical procedure" as a matter of convenience yet can do nothing if my child is in mortal danger without my connect is criminal in my mind. Forcing a child to be vaccinated without parental consent or even against parent wishes falls into the same category. They should simply send the child home and provide transportation of necessary.

That is consistent with my position that as a requirement for attending public school, certain vaccinations are required before the student can attend.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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I can protect the health of the other kids without a vaccine.
Your opinion is noted for what it is, an opinion. As a matter of public policy, I do not find your credentials credible.

You can't endanger my kids because you want them less contagious seeming to you. Your vaccinated kids can spread disease. You can't even achieve herd immunity with most if not all the vaccines you do have.
Your statement in demonstrably false. Given the failure rate of the Measles vaccine, if 100% of the students are vaccinated, 95% develop the immunity. Vaccination rates for successful herd immunity is around 92%. All are protected.

My kids have a right to the education their tax money covers. Or you don't have a right to take that money.
You have obligations associated with rights. If you do not fulfill your obligations, you lose the right.

Kids have been vaxed at school without consent, and children have been taken for parents refusing a hep B shot.

This thread is about forced vaccination. You don't force vaccine-injured children to take a shot.

You don't force children of vaccine injured parents to take a shot.

You don't deny people public school because of ethnicity or disability. Or because of religion.
Given that the dark ages were the result of a plague, I find it prudent to vaccinate those diseases for which we have vaccinations. If you don't want to vaccinate, don't. If you want to send your kid to public school unvaccinated then you should at least have to sign a release wherin you release and hold harmless the school from any and all liability for sickness or infection your child develops while at school.

And see posts 208 and 209 for the truth about forced vaccination.
These posts don't have any truth about forced vaccination as a policy. These posts take a few isolated incidents of stupidity and are used by you to spread fear and distrust in something proven to work since 1968.

No, it isn't if it prevents FORCED VACCINATION.[/QUOTE]


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Not exactly an unbiased source: was founded in 2009 by Jeffry John Aufderheide.

Jeffry was a rescue swimmer in the United States Navy and held a Top Secret clearance. In 2000, he was honorably discharged from the Navy and a year later started his family. In 2001 his first son, Brandon, was born. Twenty one vaccines later, his son stopped reaching his developmental milestones.

After extensively researching the vaccine literature, he discovered vaccine injuries happen frequently and parents are often feared into getting their child vaccinated.

Because parents are not given complete information by their doctors, his message and mission is to alert parents to investigate the information for themselves.


New member
It reminds me of a hog farm. Line em up, stick em, put em back in the cage.

That's what we are to the vaccine crowd.


New member
Welcome to America, the land of social engineering. When the schools act without parental consent, in my mind, they have broken the law and deserve to be prosecuted and held financially responsible for medical bills and complications that may arise for the life of the child. That it is possible for a school to take a child in for a "medical procedure" as a matter of convenience yet can do nothing if my child is in mortal danger without my connect is criminal in my mind.

Then you do agree that forced vaccination is wrong.

I think you want to opine on another thread about how good vaccines are.

But you know people are putting certain children at risk by forcing the vaccination question and just the risk of bodily harm, even if it's just permanent shoulder pain from a badly placed jab, is still assault and wrong.

That is consistent with my position that as a requirement for attending public school, certain vaccinations are required before the student can attend.

But "certain vaccinations" is too vague. Which strains of which virus can't you live without?

Also, you don't have the right to medicate the public for your health. Public school is just as public as public libraries or courthouses.

If you want to live in a contagion free world, start a vaccination-only community where everybody either gets all the vaccines on offer - or just the ones that King CM determines.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Then you do agree that forced vaccination is wrong.
Only in so far as it is actually forced. I do believe in required vaccinations.

I think you want to opine on another thread about how good vaccines are.

But you know you are putting certain children at risk by forcing the vaccination question and just the risk of bodily harm, even if it's just permanent shoulder pain from a badly placed jab, is still assault and wrong.
The harm caused by a poor injection is not limited to vaccinations. Anytime one gets an intramuscular shot there exists the risk of the needle going someplace it should not and causing an injury. When I vaccinate my horses I have to be very careful not to insert the needle into a vain. If the vaccine enters the vain it could kill my horse. When people are giving shots they need to be properly trained and take their job seriously to prevent injuries.

But "certain vaccinations" is too vague. Which strains of which virus can't you live without?
I differ to the doctors that deal with public health issues.

Also, you don't have the right to medicate the public for your health. Public school is just as public as public libraries or courthouses.
When students are vaccinated that immunity lasts a long long time so that whether they are a student in school or a grown adult in the library or courthouse, they posses the immunity. That is why we require it at school age, when they are most vulnerable.

If you want to live in a contagion free world, start a vaccination-only community where everybody either gets all the vaccines on offer - or just the ones that King CM determines.
I see no reason that anybody should have to suffer through a disease for which there is a vaccination. Especially for something like chicken pox. Its bad as a kid but if you get it as a kid, it can be much worse as Shingles when they are an older adult.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I think a concerned parent is more favorably biased to the truth than a businessman concerned with selling vaccines or writing vaccine-favoring laws, don't you?
Both are equally biased. Of the two, the businessman is likely to be more honest as he must answer to the DEA. The parent is free to way whatever they want, true or not. The least biased source are the medical journals where doctors publish their research.


Hall of Fame
Only in so far as it is actually forced. I do believe in required vaccinations.

Exactly. There is a huge difference in REQUIRED VS FORCED. Results from non-compliance does not equate to force.

Refuse. No admittance. It's a choice.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
1PeaceMaker, i was wondering about something. You say that it is prudent for a young bride to make sure that her future husband is free of disease by testing. Is it unreasonable for a future husband to request that his future bride be vaccinated before he marries her if that is important to him?


Hall of Fame
1PeaceMaker, i was wondering about something. You say that it is prudent for a young bride to make sure that her future husband is free of disease by testing. Is it unreasonable for a future husband to request that his future bride be vaccinated before he marries her if that is important to him?

OR insist she be tested herself ... which would require a physical examination and blood work by a certified physician or medical practitioner ...


New member
1PeaceMaker, i was wondering about something. You say that it is prudent for a young bride to make sure that her future husband is free of disease by testing.

Not if the guy is chaste.

Is it unreasonable for a future husband to request that his future bride be vaccinated before he marries her if that is important to him?


As long as they are both convinced vaccinations are safe and prudent they could do something like that. What would stop them? It's a free world.

The last thing I want in considering vaccination is to stop people from choosing. I just don't want them tampering with school policy to shut out members of the public they are biased against.

If a bride feels her mate is unreasonable with those requirements it sounds like they should talk things over or maybe they are a bad match.


New member
Exactly. There is a huge difference in REQUIRED VS FORCED. Results from non-compliance does not equate to force.

Refuse. No admittance. It's a choice.

No, it's not that simple. You are not describing a private school setting. You are talking about kids who's parents may not be able to homeschool who's children have a right to a public school education.

You can't say they forfeit their right to avoid an invasive procedure and a personal health risk in order to access their right to education they pay for.