Forced Vaccination is Wrong


Well-known member
Look: If you idiots want to kill yourselves, go ahead. Just self quarantine and stay away until the rest of our kids get their shots.

Otherwise, frankly, your Typhoid Mary has become a Grim Reaper Mary, smiling the whole time saying "Well God says so!"

Look: If you idiots want to kill yourselves, go ahead. Innoculate yourselves, trade one problem for another. Medicine isn't science.


Well-known member
Do you believe that people should be vaccinated by force?

Is it an Association of licensed Physicians and Surgeons or not?

What specific claims in the OP do you dispute?

What specifically in that bullet list is in disagreement with the scientific consensus?

Sorry, not interested. I'm sure they use some accurate information. But it's like using aCW as a source of accurate information on homosexuals... Sure, he probably has some accurate information buried in his massive crap pile of misinformation. And just like aCW's crap pile, there's no point in stepping into this because really, it's a murky pool of misinformation driven by political agenda. Because of that, I think the OP is misleading.


Well-known member
Sorry, not interested. I'm sure they use some accurate information. But it's like using aCW as a source of information on homosexuals. Sure, he probably has some accurate information buried in his massive crap pile. But like his crap pile, there's no point in stepping into this because at base, it's a murky pool of misinformation driven by political agenda. Because of that, I think the OP is extremely misleading.

That's code for my reading of the info is more accurate than your reading of the info.


New member
Hall of Fame
You are the one killing yourself but are too stupid to realize it.

So take a chance on typhoid or polio.

Hey, hypocrite, you are the one who claimed you sometimes don't get the flu shot because you are lazy or forget.

Yeah. Once. Work offered it for free and I was busy.

Oh my

Seriously, go ahead and infect you and your own sickly brood. But stay home.

Stay infected before a guy's kid gets the shot and then what? Capitalism?


Well-known member
I think you are absolutely correct about the political agenda. Time will tell whose information is MOST correct. It is a jumbled mess. I do pray for those with little ones. I would definitely use single dose vaccines and write down lot numbers at every doctor visit.

I can agree to this. Instead of the vaccine makers getting off with a free pass.


New member
Hall of Fame
What are you asking me exactly?

Oh shut up, tool. You know what I'm asking and you've screwed around more threads than necessary.

Mandatory: Yes, or no?

Stop screwing around with your high and mighty crap. If you want you and your kids to die horribly, say so. This reckless nutcase crap is the one thing I hold onto when it comes to Christians: That through sheer stupidity, you will kill yourselves.

What I fear is that you maniacs will take us down with you.


New member
That's code for my reading of the info is more accurate than your reading of the info.

Any organization that is politically oriented, whether it's run by doctors or not is going to face stiff opposition and controversy.

And sooner or later, we'll disagree with all of them on one point or another.

But the question is, does zoo think he'd like to mandate vaccines in the face of all the OP listed concerns from actual physicians?

When it comes to vaccination we see hot debates going on between physicians about vaccines not just from lay people. Surely this is the wrong environment to be mandating vaccination in, especially when you weigh in the religious voices of clerics.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame

You are making the non-vaccinated children stay home as a means of persecuting them. If you think you are actually protecting others from them, you must be basing your belief on pseudo-science. Whoever is vulnerable in school and cannot be vaccinated can spread disease in the school; so can vaccinated children because there is a failure rate. Furthermore, when the children leave school they travel on public transportation and interact with the general public and other non-vaccinated individuals not mandated to vaccinate. Need I mention that determining whether or not one student infected another would be more than difficult to prove?​
I never said they had to be kept at home. I did say that I would have no problem excluding them from certain activities. For there own protection of course. Being as they are not vaccinated it us not wise to expose them needlessly.

You were just recently posting on a thread where the OP claimed she contracted measles from the vaccination and spread it to others, yet you still ask the question?
Yes. And we are still waiting for you to document the mutation rate so that we can ***** the relative risks.


Well-known member
So take a chance on typhoid or polio.

That's all you got. Broken record. Typhoid ... Polio ... Typhoid ... Polio ... Typhoid ... Polio ... Typhoid ... Polio ...

Yeah. Once. Work offered it for free and I was busy.

I don't believe you. When you said you sometimes don't get it because you are lazy or forget, that I believe.

Oh my

You are on the side that seems fascist.

Seriously, go ahead and infect you and your own sickly brood. But stay home.

There is no reason for them to stay home other than to satisfy your demented need to persecute my children.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
It's not "ignoring" the other children. My child will not spread a vaccine strain illness. Do you want to claim that moderators and other members are lying about what they have witnessed with vaccination spreading or not stopping the spread of diseases?
vaccinated children will not spread any infection. Your claim assumes that the vaccine readily mutates. Get together with you brother and present some research that supports your assertion

Risk of infecting immune-compromised individuals while healing from the vaccine strain infection. We've been quoting reputable sources on this. Go back and read.
I have. Your sources are not reliable.

You said one way was moral because the other way existed. That's silly. Folks could just kill infected populations, too. But that's an immoral method. So is forced vaccination.
I am sorry that you fail to see the difference between genocide and a vaccination program.


New member
Hall of Fame
That's all you got. Broken record. Typhoid ... Polio ... Typhoid ... Polio ... Typhoid ... Polio ... Typhoid ... Polio ...

...which were exterminated thanks to vax, you complete utter inane asine and total idiot.

I don't believe you.

Who in the hell here cares a tinker's dam what you think?

If you want you and your family to rot and die, go ahead. Just do it when you don't endanger anyone else with your sickly filth.


Well-known member
I never said they had to be kept at home. I did say that I would have no problem excluding them from certain activities. For there own protection of course. Being as they are not vaccinated it us not wise to expose them needlessly.

:doh: Then you have to exclude the ones who have medical exemptions, too. Still, you are left with the vaccine failure rate. The facts don't concern you, do they?

Yes. And we are still waiting for you to document the mutation rate so that we can ***** the relative risks.

If the scientific consensus is that live attenuated viruses can mutate, shouldn't you be demanding that information from them?


Well-known member
I am sorry that you fail to see the difference between genocide and a vaccination program.

IG Farben was notorious for its role in the Holocaust. They had an industrial facility a four mile march from Auschwitz and financed the construction of the camp. You didn't know that drugs were being tested on the Jews?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
:doh: Then you have to exclude the ones who have medical exemptions, too. Still, you are left with the vaccine failure rate. The facts don't concern you, do they?
Nobody can accurately predict when a vaccine will not convey immunity but we have reason to believe that they are immune. Children who are not vaccinated are known not to be immune. So if you can't prove your child has been vaccinated, they should reasonably be excluded from attending functions where they might be exposed. I don't ignore the facts, I understand how the facts impact the discussion.

If the scientific consensus is that live attenuated viruses can mutate, shouldn't you be demanding that information from them?
Its a key point in your claims against vaccines. You make it sound as though each and every vaccination us at emanate risk of mutation. When asked to support your assertion you go into a two step and never answer the question. It is a large part of they reason you no credibility.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
IG Farben was notorious for its role in the Holocaust. They had an industrial facility a four mile march from Auschwitz and financed the construction of the camp. You didn't know that drugs were being tested on the Jews?

The Nazis visited many atrocities on the Jews and there is no excuse for what they did. But allied scientists took the data collected by the Nazis and used it in ways that have benefited mankind. It is an ugly and often hidden fact of the aftermath of WWII.


Well-known member
The truth is that vaccines can and do cause harm. It is appropriate to want to intelligently protect humans – children and adults – from any medical procedure, including vaccination, that can cause long term disability, even death. There are other protective measures that can be offered to minimize illness. Accusatory statements only serve to inflame an already hostile dialogue. It is time to introduce civility into the discussion of vaccination – and demand respect for those who have a constitutionally protected right to refuse.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, AOBOMM, ABIHM


Well-known member
...which were exterminated thanks to vax, you complete utter inane asine and total idiot.

Typhoid fever still occurs in the U.S., with 5,700 cases annually; worldwide, 21.5 million cases occur each year. Polio also still occurs. So I guess you are the idiot?

Who in the hell here cares a tinker's dam what you think?

Apparently you did enough to become offended and fly off the handle. :chuckle:

If you want you and your family to rot and die, go ahead.

Yes, you've made that clear. Do you get some thrill from saying stuff like that over and over again?