Forced Vaccination is Wrong


Well-known member
Can we all agree on that?

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.
A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943
Omnia pro aegroto


•AAPS does not oppose vaccines. AAPS has never taken an anti-vaccine position, although opponents have tried to paint that picture. AAPS has only attempted to halt government or school districts from blanket vaccine mandates that violate parental informed consent.

•42 states have mandatory vaccine policies, and many children are required 22 shots by first grade.

•According to government statistics, children under the age of 14 are three times more likely to suffer adverse effects -- including death -- following the hepatitis B vaccine than to catch the disease itself.

•The Centers for Disease Control admits that the reported number of adverse effects of vaccines is probably only 10% of actual adverse effects.

•The Physician's Desk Reference cites adverse reactions to the hepatitis B in less than 1 percent. However, if more than 70 million American children receive the vaccine, that means more than 700,000 children are likely to suffer adverse reactions.

•Children are a very low risk group for hepatitis B. Primary risk factors are dependent on lifestyle, i.e. multiple sex partners, drug abuse or an occupation with exposure to blood.

•Rampant conflicts of interest in the approval process has been the subject of several Congressional hearings, and a recent Congressional report concluded that the pharmaceutical industry has indeed exerted undue influence on mandatory vaccine legislation toward its own financial interests.

•The vaccine approval process has also been contaminated by flawed or incomplete clinical trials, and government officials have chosen to ignore negative results. For example, the CDC was forced to withdraw its recommendation of the rotavirus vaccine within one year of approval. Yet public documents obtained by AAPS show that the CDC was aware of alarmingly high intussuception rates months before the vaccine was approved and recommended.

•Mandatory vaccines violate the medical ethic of informed consent. A case could also be made that mandates for vaccines by school districts and legislatures is the de facto practice of medicine without a license.

•The CDC's own "Guide to Contraindications to Childhood Vaccination" warns that when assessing children's common symptoms, "if any one of them is a contraindication, DO NOT VACCINATE" [caps added]. And yet, under legislated mandates, the vaccines are still required.

You make a good case for your conclusion


Well-known member
Why would anyone want to force people to take vaccines for diseases that aren't communicable from casual contacts?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
It's not selfish to act in the best interests of my child, it's being the parent God expects me to be.
By ignoring the other children that may be impacted by your decision.

Also, the non-vaccinating parent may believe their child would put other children at risk if they vaccinate them. After all, a vaccinated child could actually put an immune compromised sibling or friend at risk. That's just a fact.
Risk of what exactly?

Those methods are very different and of course you wouldn't notice. :rolleyes:
i never said the methods were the same! I said the goal was the same.


Well-known member
By ignoring the other children that may be impacted by your decision.


You are making the non-vaccinated children stay home as a means of persecuting them. If you think you are actually protecting others from them, you must be basing your belief on pseudo-science. Whoever is vulnerable in school and cannot be vaccinated can spread disease in the school; so can vaccinated children because there is a failure rate. Furthermore, when the children leave school they travel on public transportation and interact with the general public and other non-vaccinated individuals not mandated to vaccinate. Need I mention that determining whether or not one student infected another would be more than difficult to prove?​

Risk of what exactly?

You were just recently posting on a thread where the OP claimed she contracted measles from the vaccination and spread it to others, yet you still ask the question?


New member
By ignoring the other children that may be impacted by your decision.

It's not "ignoring" the other children. My child will not spread a vaccine strain illness. Do you want to claim that moderators and other members are lying about what they have witnessed with vaccination spreading or not stopping the spread of diseases?

Risk of what exactly?

Risk of infecting immune-compromised individuals while healing from the vaccine strain infection. We've been quoting reputable sources on this. Go back and read.

i never said the methods were the same! I said the goal was the same.

You said one way was moral because the other way existed. That's silly. Folks could just kill infected populations, too. But that's an immoral method. So is forced vaccination.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
How is the person irresponsible in that situation?

If you cannot see the irresponsibility in not vaccinating your children from disease in many cases deadly & debilitating disease, or the need to vaccinate to prevent the spread of disease than there is no hope for you.


Well-known member
Can we all agree on that?

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, Inc.
A Voice for Private Physicians Since 1943
Omnia pro aegroto


Let's all be clear the "Association of American Physicians and Surgeons" is a right-wing political organization disguised as a medical organization. It's a small group of physicians with a political agenda.

They say HIV doesn't cause AIDS, say there's no reason to believe in man-made climate change (actually say global warming is beneficial). They say abortion causes breast cancer. They take anti gun-control positions, fought against anti social security, are anti-Medicare and Medicaid, anti-birth control, say that "humanists" conspired to replace the "creation religion of Jehovah" with evolution, etc etc...

Their information, as this list, is selectively chosen with political motivation, and they are frequently completely in disagreement with scientific consensus.

"It is not an exaggeration to say that the AAPS, through its journal JPANDS, is waging a war on science-and evidence-based medicine in the name of its politics." -

Full article: "The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons: Ideology trumps science-based medicine"


Well-known member
If you cannot see the irresponsibility in not vaccinating your children from disease in many cases deadly & debilitating disease, or the need to vaccinate to prevent the spread of disease than there is no hope for you.

Why does a baby 15 months or younger need to be vaccinated three times with hepatitis B vaccine?

From the OP:

According to government statistics, children under the age of 14 are three times more likely to suffer adverse effects -- including death -- following the hepatitis B vaccine than to catch the disease itself.​


New member

Let's all be clear the "Association of American Physicians and Surgeons" is a right-wing political organization disguised as a medical organization.

They say HIV doesn't cause AIDS, say there's no reason to believe in man-made climate change (actually say global warming is beneficial). They say abortion causes breast cancer. They take anti gun-control positions, fought against anti social security, are anti-Medicare and Medicaid, say that "humanists" conspire against religion using evolution, etc.

Their information, as this list, is selectively chosen with political motivation, and frequently completely in disagreement with scientific consensus.

In short, these physicians oppose medical tyranny and support choice with vaccination. Real, real bad folks. :rolleyes:


Well-known member

Do you believe that people should be vaccinated by force?

Let's all be clear the "Association of American Physicians and Surgeons" is a right-wing political organization disguised as a medical organization.

Is it an Association of licensed Physicians and Surgeons or not?

They say HIV doesn't cause AIDS, say there's no reason to believe in man-made climate change (actually say global warming is beneficial). They say abortion causes breast cancer. They take anti gun-control positions, fought against anti social security, are anti-Medicare and Medicaid, say that "humanists" conspire against religion using evolution, etc.

What specific claims in the OP do you dispute?

Their information, as this list, is selectively chosen with political motivation, and frequently completely in disagreement with scientific consensus.

What specifically in that bullet list is in disagreement with the scientific consensus?


New member
If you cannot see the irresponsibility in not vaccinating your children from disease in many cases deadly & debilitating disease, or the need to vaccinate to prevent the spread of disease than there is no hope for you. just stick em in a ghetto with the Orthodox Jews and the feast keeping Christians where we can keep an eye on em. And the Amish. Isolate. tag. control.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Why does a baby 15 months or younger need to be vaccinated three times with hepatitis B vaccine?

I would say to not get Hepatitis would't you? There have always been a group of folks like yourself that see some sort of evil in vaccinating but, I can tell you my Grandfather would have loved to have that polio vaccine before it debilitated him for life. I personally was pin cushion when I went overseas as a kid, my father being military, and I only had a problem with one vaccination and that was Typhoid 2. Typhoid is given in a 2 shot series & I got really ill from the second one but, it was temporary and if that was a dose of what typhoid is like I wouldn't want to get full blown typhoid. The point is that the risk for adverse reaction is minute but, the benefit outweighs the risk of contracting disease. Furthermore if your child catches a vaccinatable disease and spreads it, it can only hurt others, not to mention your child may suffer more harm than the vaccination ever presented in the first place. Food for thought...


New member
Hall of Fame
In other words, you would force a parent act in a way that they believe endangers their child, because otherwise you might think they endanger others just by being as healthy as they can naturally be and not vaccinating?

No. In other words you have a death wish and you're an idiot.

Keep that on your own compound. The world has enough sick crazy without the likes of you death-seeking freaks.




New member
Hall of Fame
Look: If you idiots want to kill yourselves, go ahead. Just self quarantine and stay away until the rest of our kids get their shots.

Otherwise, frankly, your Typhoid Mary has become a Grim Reaper Mary, smiling the whole time saying "Well God says so!"


Well-known member
Look: If you idiots want to kill yourselves, go ahead. Just self quarantine and stay away until the rest of our kids get their shots.

Otherwise, frankly, your Typhoid Mary has become a Grim Reaper Mary, smiling the whole time saying "Well God says so!"

Can't have it both ways Granite. Cabinetmaker says God favors vaccines.


Well-known member
Whatever. It doesn't matter. Take it out of my post.

Okay, but I think it matters if you are going mention that website. Anyway, I did ask you a few questions about your post, if you feel like answering.

Quackwatch isn't alone in revealing AAPS as politically-motivated fear-monger quacks.

Does it matter that they are politically motivated, and do you hold the vaccine pushers (pharma, gov, docs) to the same standard?

You don't see the vaccine pushers as fear-mongers? They sure seem like fear-mongers to me. I'm not afraid of measles, but they want me to be.

Quacks? I haven't seen any proof.