For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud


Well-known member
Oh, doofus, you're too much of a clown to be anyone's nightmare, even for those with a fear of clowns...

The projection once again verges on the hilarious if also tiresome. I accept reality unlike yourself. The fact is that Biden won the last election and projecting your own penchant for conspiracy theory onto me is just bizarre. The results have been certified and accepted for a year now, even in most of America. It's only loons and conspiracy nuts who still pedal widespread fraud and that certainly doesn't apply to me as I'm with the majority on the score. You OTOH...

Oh, your assertion that evolution has failed the entropy test has failed in itself which you should have already been aware of really but still, when you're silly enough to call it a "cult" then not altogether surprising either.

No idols on here thanks, just respect for those who know their stuff and entertained by their schooling of pompous windbags.

And again, quit with the projection will ya?
Only liars or the uninformed claim there were no problems and no violations of election laws in Georgia in 2020. Fulton County, Georgia, has a history of incompetence, mismanagement, and even election fraud dating back decades. Those are the facts.

(Atlanta)-Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is calling on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate Fulton County elections following recent allegations that Fulton County shredded 300 municipal election-related applications in violation of state law. The Georgia Secretary of State’s office has already launched an investigation into the allegations.

“After 20 years of documented failure in Fulton County elections, Georgians are tired of waiting to see what the next embarrassing revelation will be,” said Raffensperger. “The Department of Justice needs to take a long look at what Fulton County is doing and how their leadership disenfranchises Fulton voters through incompetence and malfeasance. The voters of Georgia are sick of Fulton County’s failures.”

New allegations have come to light that Fulton County was seen shredding 300 applications related to Georgia’s municipal elections. State law requires election officials to preserve elections documents related to primary or general elections for 24 months after the election.

Raffensperger’s office is investigating the allegations.

After repeatedly calling for new leadership in Fulton’s elections, Raffensperger is also participating in a review under Georgia’s new election law that could lead to a replacement of the leadership of Fulton County’s elections.

Elections in Fulton County have been problematic for decades. As a result of election failures in 2020, Raffensperger was the first secretary of state to force Fulton County elections into a consent order, requiring them to accept a state appointed monitor to oversee their elections processes. The monitor, Carter Jones, found no fraud but significant mismanagement issues in Fulton County’s elections processes. Jones described Fulton’s election processes as “badly managed, sloppy and chaotic” after spending several months working closely with Fulton County’s elections.


Well-known member
In regards to Georgia...

GEORGIA: Election officials have identified 64 potential voter fraud cases, representing 0.54% of Biden's margin of victory. Of those, 31 were determined to be the result of an administrative error or some other mistake. The state attorney general's office is reviewing about 20 cases, but it's not known if those overlap with ones identified by local election officials.

Not that it wasn't a farce already...

Of course crooks will claim their violations of law were only minor and should not be a cause of concern. Nevertheless, the crooks continue to fight tooth and nail to prevent deep-dive investigations into their extremely sloppy and questionable voting practices, including violations of federal and state election laws.

The cases of alleged election law violations referred for prosecution at Wednesday’s meeting include:

· Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections for allegedly, failing to offer a provisional ballot to a person providing identification and asserting they were a registered voter in the 2017 runoff, failing to process four absentee-ballot requests for the 2020 primary, improperly assigning voters to election districts in the 2018 general election and the 2020 primary, failing to offer a provisional ballot in Atlanta’s March 2019 special election

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Raffenburger is on the ropes and this is his propaganda.
In what way is Raffensperger on the ropes exactly? He would have been had he kowtowed to Trump's pleading phone call and "found" him 11,000 votes and deservedly so. He would have been complicit in fraud. Not sure what propaganda you're referring to either. These investigations occurred across several states and uncovered in total - around 470 cases. That would have come nowhere near to anything resembling widespread voter fraud in just the one. All a big fat nothing burger.

Also, if Trump's legal teams had such a strong case in Georgia (and elsewhere for that matter) then why did they repeatedly fold when afforded their opportunity in court?

There's one glaringly obvious answer to that. It's a whole different ball game making frivolous claims that can't be substantiated in a court of law than it is the big, wide public arena where careers and livelihoods aren't at stake.


Well-known member
In what way is Raffensperger on the ropes exactly? He would have been had he kowtowed to Trump's pleading phone call and "found" him 11,000 votes and deservedly so. He would have been complicit in fraud. Not sure what propaganda you're referring to either. These investigations occurred across several states and uncovered in total - around 470 cases. That would have come nowhere near to anything resembling widespread voter fraud in just the one. All a big fat nothing burger.

Also, if Trump's legal teams had such a strong case in Georgia (and elsewhere for that matter) then why did they repeatedly fold when afforded their opportunity in court?

There's one glaringly obvious answer to that. It's a whole different ball game making frivolous claims that can't be substantiated in a court of law than it is the big, wide public arena where careers and livelihoods aren't at stake.
Georgia has had a voter fraud problem for years that has been covered up consistently by democrats and foolish people who believe the lying democrats are telling the truth.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Biden won the last election

Notice that this is utterly unresponsive? Our assertion, reasoning and evidence is not against the notion that he won, but against your insane conspiracy theory that he won legitimately.

It's only loons and conspiracy nuts who still peddle the notion that he won legitimatley.

Oh, your assertion that evolution has failed the entropy test has failed in itself which you should have already been aware of really but still, when you're silly enough to call it a "cult" then not altogether surprising either.

Notice how I say "he did not win legitimately" and your response is as if I said "he did not win"?

Notice how I say "entropy" and your response is as if I said "thermodynamics"?

The closest you ever get to a useful contribution is to spout logical fallacies.
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Right Divider

Body part
From that ignorant link:
A common argument against biological evolution is that the theory contradicts the second law of thermodynamics. The second law says that disorder, or entropy, always increases or stays the same over time. How then can evolution produce more complex life forms over time? The answer is that the second law is only valid in closed systems with no external sources of energy. Since the Earth receives continual energy from the Sun, the second law does not apply.
The sun did it. 🤪🤣 :rolleyes:

Only an idiot can believe that random "sun energy" overcomes entropy.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Notice that this is utterly unresponsive? Our assertion, reasoning and evidence is not against the notion that he won, but against your insane conspiracy theory that he won legitimately.

It's only loons and conspiracy nuts who still pedal the notion that he won legitimatley.

Notice how I say "he did not win legitimately" and your response is as if I said "he did not win"?

Notice how I say "entropy" and your response is as if I said "thermodynamics"?

The closest you ever get to a useful contribution is to spout logical fallacies.
Still not up to speed with terms and definitions yet then Stripe? Seriously, are you trying to make yourself look somehow even more stupid where it comes to the election? You've no choice but to accept that Biden won because those are the facts, certified and acknowledged. That you consider his victory illegitimate is what puts you in the conspiracy loon category. The sane, the relatively normal and those not so gullible to buy into the last year of ongoing farce also have no choice but to accept Biden won. The difference is they acknowledge the obvious, that he won legitimately and claims of widespread voter fraud to the contrary were baseless and nothing would come of them, your precious Georgia being a case in point. No dice there...

I realize that terminology isn't exactly your strongest suit but entropy was directly addressed in the link.

I'll omit the projection at the end...


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
That you consider his victory illegitimate is what puts you in the conspiracy loon category.

Except that I provide reasons for what I believe.

Big tech. Remember?

All you do is screech.

Your precious Georgia being a case in point. No dice there...

Except that the case is ongoing when you insisted that everything had been settled. I don't care what happens in Georgia. Likely nothing will happen. The only reason I raised the issue was because of the insane assertions on your part that everything had been decided.

That simply is not the case.

entropy was directly addressed in the link.

That's super.

I'll omit the projection.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That article is silly drivel.

Do you think that sunlight drives "evolution"?
Anything that doesn't fit in with your rigid belief in a young earth is so that ain't saying much. It's simplifying things to make the point but the point is valid. Evolution does not fail the entropy test.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Except that I provide reasons for what I believe.

Big tech. Remember?

All you do is screech.

Except that the case is ongoing when you insisted that everything had been settled. I don't care what happens in Georgia. Likely nothing will happen. The only reason I raised the issue was because of the insane assertions on your part that everything had been decided.

That simply is not the case.

That's super.

I'll omit the projection.
Reasons that like all of the other shrieks of fraud fail to hold up to scrutiny. "Big tech"? Big wow...

Of course it's all been settled. If some other waste of time investigation in another state happens next month it's all settled and has been for months. That simply is the case and about time you got to grips with it and stopped being a conspiracy crank on the matter. Biden won, legitimately. Widespread fraud didn't happen.

Or carry on prattling on about how he didn't,..