For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Says the clown who thinks evolution is a cult. You're as clued up on science as you are conspiracy theory...
Evolution is a cult driven by scientific illiterates and their useful idiots.

You are the conspiracy theorist, believing that ongoing litigation does not exist.

Anything that doesn't fit in with your rigid belief in a young earth is so that ain't saying much. It's simplifying things to make the point but the point is valid. Evolution does not fail the entropy test.
When you cannot correctly parse entropy and thermodynamic, it shows that you do not understand either the link you posted or the actual argument.

"Big tech"? Big wow...
So you think that big tech and the establishment media colluding to squash stories unfavorable to former US vice president Joe Biden had no effect on the election?

And you also believe the conspiracy theory that there is no ongoing litigation?


It's all been settled.

Only an insane person would say this when the litigation is ongoing.

Biden won, legitimately.

The evidence says otherwise.

Widespread fraud didn't happen.
Because you demand that it didn't and ignore ongoing cases?


Well-known member
Anything that doesn't fit in with your rigid belief in a young earth is so that ain't saying much. It's simplifying things to make the point but the point is valid. Evolution does not fail the entropy test.
Macroevolution is not observed science, it is an imaginative theory based entirely upon unjustified misinterpretations and misunderstandings of evidence. Simple biological changes and adaptations are called evolution by those desperate to prove evolution is real. Calling simple biological adaptations evolution will never prove Darwin was right about major species changes over millions of years from simple to complex. Science felled Darwin's Tree of Evolution years ago.


Well-known member
Reasons that like all of the other shrieks of fraud fail to hold up to scrutiny. "Big tech"? Big wow...

Of course it's all been settled. If some other waste of time investigation in another state happens next month it's all settled and has been for months. That simply is the case and about time you got to grips with it and stopped being a conspiracy crank on the matter. Biden won, legitimately. Widespread fraud didn't happen.

Or carry on prattling on about how he didn't,..
Democrats investigated themselves and declared themselves innocent of charges of voter fraud. Leftists Americans and the leftist MSM now falsely label anyone not blindly accepting the democrats' word for it "seditionists." Those who believe the democrats are telling the truth about voter fraud or that deep, honest, unbiased investigations into voter fraud have proven no fraud exists are deluded.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Evolution is a cult driven by scientific illiterates and their useful idiots.

You are the conspiracy theorist, believing that ongoing litigation does not exist.

When you cannot correctly parse entropy and thermodynamic, it shows that you do not understand either the link you posted or the actual argument.

So you think that big tech and the establishment media colluding to squash stories unfavorable to former US vice president Joe Biden had no effect on the election?

And you also believe the conspiracy theory that there is no ongoing litigation?


Only an insane person would say this when the litigation is ongoing.

The evidence says otherwise.

Because you demand that it didn't and ignore ongoing cases?
Well, no, it isn't and this is fact. You seem to struggle with what constitutes a cult as you do conspiracy theory. YEC is way closer to a cult than evolution will ever be.

"Ongoing litigation" seems to be your new mantra as if it denotes something significant. It doesn't in itself. Georgia's done along with several other states and lo and behold, no evidence of widespread voter fraud in any of them or elsewhere. A few hundred potential cases of voter fraud that wouldn't be enough to scratch the surface in a single state. Also, perhaps you can explain just why Trump's legal team did what they did when they were finally given what they were supposedly angling for - their day in court as linked to prior. Why on earth did they fold without giving testimony of the fraud they were so eager to shout about outside of a courtroom?

The link was clear enough and addressed the issue of entropy. If you somehow missed it, sure ain't my problem.

Where it comes to "Big Tech" then there's a few people who are probably ruing jumping on Trump's fraud bandwagon, namely Powell, Giuliani & Lindell after their false aspersions against Smartmatic & Dominion.

Only a conspiracy nut still hasn't come to terms with the certified results of the last election and buys into any given fraud bunk. Lindell could threaten to give another earth shattering symposium next month and so? It's all done. A year of embarrassing farce later and the sane world had already accepted what was readily apparent.

I would ask you "what evidence" but as this fiasco of a year has shown - there wasn't any, there isn't any and you sure don't have any - so what would be the point?
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Well-known member
Well, no, it isn't and this is fact. You seem to struggle with what constitutes a cult as you do conspiracy theory. YEC is way closer to a cult than evolution will ever be.

"Ongoing litigation" seems to be your new mantra as if it denotes something significant. It doesn't in itself. Georgia's done along with several other states and lo and behold, no evidence of widespread voter fraud in any of them or elsewhere. A few hundred potential cases of voter fraud that wouldn't be enough to scratch the surface in a single state.

The link was clear enough and addressed the issue of entropy.

Where it comes to "Big Tech" then there's a few people who are probably ruing jumping on Trump's fraud bandwagon, namely Powell, Giuliani & Lindell after their false aspersions against Smartmatic & Dominion.

Only a conspiracy nut still hasn't come to terms with the certified results of the last election and buys into any given fraud bunk. Lindell could threaten to give another earth shattering symposium next month and so? It's all done. A year of embarrassing farce later and the sane world had already accepted what was readily apparent.

I would ask you "what evidence" but as this fiasco of a year has shown - there wasn't any, there isn't any and you sure don't have any - so what would be the point?
I suspect some who predicted Trump would be reinstalled as President now know that was wrong thinking. However, I am not sure democrats, in general, realize how wrong Rep. Schiff was to declare he had proof Trump colluded with Russia to overthrow the 2016 election. Schiff was lying through his teeth and there can be no doubt that he knew exactly what he was doing. He may have unjustly parlayed his lies into a successful wrongful impeachment of President Trump, but he should be held accountable for his wickedness.


Well-known member
It's a lot older than that. Laugh all you like RD, won't change anything.
Gullible secularists have been taught from their youth that the Bible is a lie and that the earth is billions of years old. Never mind that nobody can prove such old earth nonsense, these rubes do not have the ability to think for themselves or to question wrong dogma they have been mistaught by others since their youth.


Well-known member
So, back to the subject at hand and for the minute how about just focusing on Stripe's pet state - Georgia. No widespread fraud found, surprise surprise, but why did Trump's legal team shy away from presenting what they were shouting about away from the courtroom? If they had this evidence then why not share it in full public view?

Georgia has a history of voter fraud problems that the uninformed apparently know nothing about.

Secretary Raffensperger Calls On Department Of Justice To Investigate Allegations Of Fulton County Shredding Applications | Elections

Elections in Fulton County have been problematic for decades. As a result of election failures in 2020, Raffensperger was the first secretary of state to force Fulton County elections into a consent order, requiring them to accept a state appointed monitor to oversee their elections processes. The monitor, Carter Jones, found no fraud but significant mismanagement issues in Fulton County’s elections processes. Jones described Fulton’s election processes as “badly managed, sloppy and chaotic” after spending several months working closely with Fulton County’s elections.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Well, no, it isn't and this is fact.

Because... reasons.

You seem to struggle with what constitutes a cult

You struggle with adding anything useful to a discussion. Here, let me help: Darwinism is not a cult, because [insert rational reasons here].
YEC is way closer to a cult than evolution will ever be.

Because we exclude people based on their beliefs?
Because we deny ideas a seat at the table?
Because we assert our ideas as fact?
Because we refuse to engage rationally?

Darwinists do all these things regularly. They are their first port of call. You are a prime example. YEC proponents tend to provide reasons for what they believe and engage with what the other side actually says.

"Ongoing litigation" seems to be your new mantra as if it denotes something significant.

It's very boring, actually. You asserted that everything has been settled. You reiterate it every time I quote you saying so. "Ongoing litigation" shows that your assertion is utterly insane. A denial of reality. You must believe there is some great conspiracy theory that is prompting media organizations and courts to report there is ongoing litigation when you hold the truth.

Georgia's done

Except that there is ongoing litigation.

no evidence of widespread voter fraud in any of them or elsewhere.
And yet the cases are ongoing.

Perhaps you can explain just why Trump's legal team did what they did when they were finally given what they were supposedly angling for - their day in court as linked to prior. Why on earth did they fold without giving testimony of the fraud they were so eager to shout about outside of a courtroom?

I don't know and I don't care. You're the one fixated on Trump and what he says.

The link was clear enough and addressed the issue of entropy. If you somehow missed it, sure ain't my problem.

Yeah, like you understood any of it. :LOL:

It conflated entropy and thermodynamics.

Where it comes to "Big Tech" then there's a few people who are probably ruing jumping on Trump's fraud bandwagon, namely Powell, Giuliani & Lindell after their false aspersions against Smartmatic & Dominion.

And therefore... something. 🤷‍♂️

Only a conspiracy nut still hasn't come to terms with the certified results of the last election and buys into any given fraud bunk.

Sounds like you have proved that the suppression of stories unfavorable for former US vice president Joe Biden had no effect on the vote. But you refuse to share your ideas or sources. Typical.


I would ask you "what evidence" but as this fiasco of a year has shown - there wasn't any, there isn't any and you sure don't have any - so what would be the point?

As you've shown exactly no interest in engaging over the evidence, what would be the point?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Because... reasons.

You struggle with adding anything useful to a discussion. Here, let me help: Darwinism is not a cult, because [insert rational reasons here].

Because we exclude people based on their beliefs?
Because we deny ideas a seat at the table?
Because we assert our ideas as fact?
Because we refuse to engage rationally?

Darwinists do all these things regularly. They are their first port of call. You are a prime example. YEC proponents tend to provide reasons for what they believe and engage with what the other side actually says.

It's very boring, actually. You asserted that everything has been settled. You reiterate it every time I quote you saying so. "Ongoing litigation" shows that your assertion is utterly insane. A denial of reality. You must believe there is some great conspiracy theory that is prompting media organizations and courts to report there is ongoing litigation when you hold the truth.

Except that there is ongoing litigation.

And yet the cases are ongoing.

I don't know and I don't care. You're the one fixated on Trump and what he says.

Yeah, like you understood any of it. :LOL:

It conflated entropy and thermodynamics.

And therefore... something. 🤷‍♂️

Sounds like you have proved that the suppression of stories unfavorable for former US vice president Joe Biden had no effect on the vote. But you refuse to share your ideas or sources. Typical.


As you've shown exactly no interest in engaging over the evidence, what would be the point?
Well sure. Look up the term "cult" and then you'll see how the theory of evolution can't possibly be one. Or maybe you'll just carry on being dumb on the score, up to you.

YEC is excluded because it isn't science. It runs completely contrary to the scientific method. Starts with a pre-existing belief, tries to find stuff to fit in with it and ignores everything that doesn't. Ironic that you'd even mention exclusion given how all the data that doesn't support a young earth is routinely excluded by creationists.

As before, the results of these investigations are in and show what everybody semi sane knew already, no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Ironic that you should bring courts into this given how many times these baseless allegations have summarily been dismissed and thrown out.

If you don't care then why are you even on here? If you're of the opinion that Biden won illegitimately then you should care when people who supposedly had the evidence to prove this shied away from presenting it in court.

I understood all of it thanks, it was easy enough to read and made its point.

What are you going on about with "suppression of stories"?

You haven't got any evidence Stripe, that's the point. Nobody has because there isn't any.
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Well-known member
Well sure. Look up the term "cult" and then you'll see how the theory of evolution can't possibly be one. Or maybe you'll just carry on being dumb on the score, up to you.

YEC is excluded because it isn't science. It runs completely contrary to the scientific method. Starts with a pre-existing belief, tries to find stuff to fit in with it and ignores everything that doesn't. Ironic that you'd even mention exclusion given how all the data that doesn't support a young earth is routinely excluded by creationists.

As before, the results of these investigations are in and show what everybody semi sane knew already, no evidence of widespread voter fraud. Ironic that you should bring courts into this given how many times these baseless allegations have summarily been dismissed and thrown out.

If you don't care then why are you even on here? If you're of the opinion that Biden won illegitimately then you should care when people who supposedly had the evidence to prove this shied away from presenting it in court.

I understood all of it thanks, it was easy enough to read and made its point.

What are going on about with "suppression of stories"?

You haven't got any evidence Stripe, that's the point. Nobody has because there isn't any.
Science proves the earth is young, even though old earth speculations and support for the Bible are not technically what are normally referred to as "science."


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Look up the term "cult"

noun, often attributive
: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious
: great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work
: a group of people characterized by such devotion
: a system of religious beliefs and rituals

YEC ... isn't science.

That's right. It's an idea. Science is the process of throwing out ideas based on evidence, reason or logic. You just got finished making this exact mistake. Now you're making it again?

Starts with a pre-existing belief

You try having an idea without a "pre-existing" belief.

Heck, try having a belief that does not already exist. :LOL:

tries to find stuff to fit in with it and ignores everything that doesn't.

Ironic that you'd even mention exclusion given how all the data that doesn't support a young earth is routinely excluded by creationists.

But you won't provide an example of data that we would exclude? Likely you are using the word "data," but actually mean "Darwinist dogma."

The results of these investigations are in

There is ongoing litigation. The results are definitively not all in. Why would you continue to push this insane conspiracy theory?

Ironic that you should bring courts
I "brought in courts" because you insist that everything has been settled.

If you don't care then why are you even on here?

To annoy you. :D

If you're of the opinion that Biden won illegitimately then you should care when people who supposedly had the evidence to prove this shied away from presenting it in court.
I don't care who won the US election. I don't care who wins any election, US or otherwise.

I understood all of it thanks, it was easy enough to read and made its point.
Then you should have rejected it for conflating entropy and thermodynamics.

What are you going on about with "suppression of stories"?
The Hunter Biden story was suppressed. Did you not know?
Polls show that had people known that story, enough would have voted the other way to swing the election.
Establishment media and big tech colluded to squash that and numerous other stories while peddling known lies about President Trump.

Biden won under false pretenses.

You haven't got any evidence Stripe, that's the point. Nobody has because there isn't any.
Except for all the evidence you ignore.