For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Yes - I know some plants float in a flood. They are the ones most likely to die. Entropy demands it. Moss growing over the surface of the water ain't gonna cut it.

It isn't all about moss. Read up.

It doesn't matter if plants die. What matters is what happens when what remains enters the soil again.

She wasn't trying to "declare the Biblical account false".

The Bible says "six days" and "the whole Earth."

Hmm, telling although not altogether surprising with you that you'd equate respect for someone with obvious scientific credentials with some silly nonsense about superheroes and unfettered worship. Slow day today? Or slower?

The problem with how you worship the likes of Blablaman and Alate is that you present nothing to show that you understand the discussions. You simply point to the threads that they are in and declare that to be enough of an effort on your part to justify your involvement at TOL.

You offer nothing of value.

What are you?
A guy with an Earth Science degree who has worked in a soils lab, done analyses of seismic data, edited books on physics and, most importantly for this context, actually contributes to the discussion.

What are you?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It isn't all about moss. Read up.

It doesn't matter if plants die. What matters is what happens when what remains enters the soil again.

The Bible says "six days" and "the whole Earth."

The problem with how you worship the likes of Blablaman and Alate is that you present nothing to show that you understand the discussions. You simply point to the threads that they are in and declare that to be enough of an effort on your part to justify your involvement at TOL.

You offer nothing of value.

A guy with an Earth Science degree who has worked in a soils lab, done analyses of seismic data, edited books on physics and, most importantly for this context, actually contributes to the discussion.

What are you?

The Bible says a lot of things. There's even stuff that encourages folk to think and use some grey parables.

I've never "tried to justify my involvement at TOL" ever you pompous wingnut. I simply joined is all. Nor have I ever "worshiped" any member either even if my respect for them somehow equates to that for you.

If I offer nothing of value then why are you even responding to me? Cos you sure do that a lot even if the majority of it's the same predictable tropes and garbage. Do yourself a favor and ignore me. Problem solved.

Oh, wow. You have an earth science degree and claim to have worked in some labs and whatnot. If you were actually clued up you wouldn't have dropped yourself in it by claiming that ToE is some cult so colour me unimpressed. Stick to your conspiracy lunacy and rugby and cricket. Or pretty much anything besides science and critical thinking.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're wrong as usual.

You are the one that does not understand science nor even the "theory" that you claim to support.

The only projector here is you.

You're entrenched in a belief system is all

They are mired it a false belief system that leads to false conclusions.
Like the silly idea that mistakes have creative power.

Alate believe all kinds of silly falsehoods, like the idea that mistakes have creative power.

I have schooled Alate a number of times, like the time she made false claims about the Hydroplate Theory. She clearly knew nothing about it, but that did not stop her from making those false claims.. Her know of "science" is horrible, but I'm sure that as long as she tows the company line ("evolution"), her job will be safe.

Science disproves "evolution" in every possible way, But science is completely in agreement with creation.

"Evolution" starts with a bogus idea and then tortures "science" to attempt to make it "true". Like saying that mistakes are improvements. What incredible anti-science!
Oh, you think that you've schooled a professor of biology a number of times? Now that's cute. It's also hysterical given that you end your post with the most woeful nonsense a third - or any other grader - would be embarrassed about.

Hey though. You stick with it as you will. Alate's thread wasn't gonna shift the concrete set that you're moored in anyway. But it may have helped others to avoid it.


Well-known member
Hmm, telling although not altogether surprising with you that you'd equate respect for someone with obvious scientific credentials with some silly nonsense about superheroes and unfettered worship. Slow day today? Or slower?

She's a professor of biology. What are you besides a conspiracy dope who gets his "science" from Walt Brown?

She wasn't trying to "declare the Biblical account false". She was pointing out that it can be read through a bigger lens than a myopic fundamentalist one.
Wannabe secularist scientists mock good men like Dr. Walt Brown, likely because that is what they were taught as gullible rubes while studying under men or poor understandings and biased interpretations of science and scientific data. Did you know that Dr. Brown taught science at the Air Force Academy? Probably not because jealous secularists tend to downplay the achievements and contributions of creationist scientists. For example, Wikipedia does not mention Walt Brown's work as a tenured professor at the US Air Force Academy. Envy or bias can be the only reason the secularist Wikipedia editors left that out. Here is what Creation Wiki reports:

Walt Brown​

Walt Brown Ph.D
Dr. Walter T. Brown received a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he was a National Science Foundation Fellow. He has taught college courses in physics, mathematics, and computer science. Brown is a retired full colonel (Air Force), West Point graduate, and former Army ranger and paratrooper. Assignments during his 21 years in the military included: Director of Benet Research, Development, and Engineering Laboratories in Albany, New York; tenured associate professor at the U.S. Air Force Academy; and Chief of Science and Technology Studies at the Air War College. Since retiring from the military in 1980, Dr. Brown has been the Director of the Center for Scientific Creation and has worked full time in research, writing, and speaking on origins.
For much of his life, Walt Brown was an evolutionist, but after many years of study, he became convinced of the scientific validity of creation and a global flood. Walt Brown's book titled In the Beginning is an exhaustive thesis detailing the hydroplate theory, which provides badly needed substantiation and the mechanisms responsible for the global flood. Applying the Hydroplate Theory to the problem of the Earth's radioactivity (Why is there lethal radioactivity in a world that God created as a paradise?), Walt Brown has published The Origin of Earth's Radioactivity as the only theory which actually accounts for the existence on Earth of radioactive decay.


Well-known member
Considering she went into patent detail as to how the evidence supports the theory while having to put up with childish snark from the likes of yourself et al it comes as no surprise that you're reduced to the same tired tropes as Stripe.
Evolutionists are constantly having to revise their fictional theories after new facts emerge and debunk them. Piltdown Man was hailed as a great scientific find for 50 years before common sense and good research shut down the hoax. The NYC Museum of Natural History showcased an extensive exhibit on horse evolution for decades before new discoveries destroyed their entire scenario and they had to trash it. Secularists claimed for years that dinosaurs died off dozens of millions of years ago until more recent discoveries proved they must have lived into as early as 50 thousand years ago. And so forth.


Well-known member
Sure they did. With you, nothing would change your scope as you're mired in a belief that can't possibly entertain it. You weren't really the target audience anyway. As she explained herself as a former YEC, she was pointing out that there's no need for those to struggle a crisis of faith as she had as an acceptance of science doesn't have to negate belief.
I don't know this woman but she is wrong if she thinks the fossil record and sedimentary rock formations were not the results of a single massive flood.


Well-known member

Didn't study too hard then frankly.

Projection doesn't help you. You're entrenched in a belief system is all and thankfully others don't need to be mired in it and aren't. Alate was at one point and it was because she could no longer reconcile the evidence with it that she questioned it and was candidly honest about it in that thread - only to be met with childishness and pompous snark from the likes of you.

Science itself doesn't shoe horn anything to fit in with a belief. That's the remit of those who start with a conclusion but hey ho.
As a result of the bombshell revelation of dinosaur soft tissues, rather than re-examine their flawed dating methods, zealous secularists changed their long-held contention that biological soft tissues cannot survive more than a million years. They refused to admit their flawed dating methods were wrong and instead claimed their scientific reasons for claiming limitations on the longevity of soft tissues had been flawed.


Well-known member
The Bible says a lot of things. There's even stuff that encourages folk to think and use some grey parables.

I've never "tried to justify my involvement at TOL" ever you pompous wingnut. I simply joined is all. Nor have I ever "worshiped" any member either even if my respect for them somehow equates to that for you.

If I offer nothing of value then why are you even responding to me? Cos you sure do that a lot even if the majority of it's the same predictable tropes and garbage. Do yourself a favor and ignore me. Problem solved.

Oh, wow. You have an earth science degree and claim to have worked in some labs and whatnot. If you were actually clued up you wouldn't have dropped yourself in it by claiming that ToE is some cult so colour me unimpressed. Stick to your conspiracy lunacy and rugby and cricket. Or pretty much anything besides science and critical thinking.
How can labs test a bone for age without knowing where it came from? They should be able to but now they won't do it because some creationists sent them some unidentified bones for testing and did not tell them they had come from a dinosaur. After the label returned certified age results of less than 50,000 years and the creationists published their findings, the labs cried foul, claiming they would have never tested the bones at all if they had known they were from dinosaurs. Secular schools teach science students that dinosaur bones cannot be tested, which is a lie. Bones can be tested but if dinosaur bones are tested the results will always be 50,000 years or less.


Well-known member
How can labs test a bone for age without knowing where it came from? They should be able to but now they won't do it because some creationists sent them some unidentified bones for testing and did not tell them they had come from a dinosaur. After the label returned certified age results of less than 50,000 years and the creationists published their findings, the labs cried foul, claiming they would have never tested the bones at all if they had known they were from dinosaurs. Secular schools teach science students that dinosaur bones cannot be tested, which is a lie. Bones can be tested but if dinosaur bones are tested the results will always be 50,000 years or less.
The half-life of carbon-14 is only 5,730 years, so carbon-14 dating is only effective on samples that are less than 50,000 years old. They didn't just make this up to hide that dinosaurs were on earth later than they theorized. They have to seek another method for dating anything over 50,000 years old. They need to use long lasting isotopes but such isotopes are not found in bones. Rather they are found in rocks. There is nothing nefarious here.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
The Bible says a lot of things. There's even stuff that encourages folk to think and use some grey parables.

The Bible says "six days" and "the whole Earth."

I've never "tried to justify my involvement at TOL" ever

Let's put it this way: If you didn't have insults, logical fallacies and other posters to parrot, you'd have no content.

Nor have I ever "worshiped" any member either.

What would you call it when your "contributions" rely so heavily on namedropping Darwinists who claim to be Christian?


Because of their professed qualifications?

If I offer nothing of value then why are you even responding to me?

Hopefully, you'll get the hint. This is a forum. It works by people offering content. You offer nothing.

Present an opinion and defend it rationally. What have you got to lose? Alate and Blablaman aren't here. We don't worship them as you do. It's time you tried your own hand at justifying your anti-Christ ideas.

Cos you sure do that a lot

What? Call you names? Sure, who could resist?

Do yourself a favor and ignore me. Problem solved.
You mean you'll start offering useful content?

Oh, wow. You have an earth science degree and claim to have worked in some labs and whatnot.

And I've edited two physics books. You can buy a copy of Disruptive on Amazon, if you like.

If you were actually clued up you wouldn't have dropped yourself in it by claiming that ToE is some cult.
Darwinism is a cult kept alive by Christ-hating, science-denying imbeciles and useful idiots.

Stick to your conspiracy lunacy and rugby and cricket. Or pretty much anything besides science and critical thinking.
A scientific approach and critical thinking are available to anyone at any time. I can do them while organizing ... what do we have at Taiwan Cricket now? Fifteen teams? ... into competitions along with sorting out TV rights, sponsors, and the input of government and international organizations.

Some of us are capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time, you know?


Well-known member
The half-life of carbon-14 is only 5,730 years, so carbon-14 dating is only effective on samples that are less than 50,000 years old. They didn't just make this up to hide that dinosaurs were on earth later than they theorized. They have to seek another method for dating anything over 50,000 years old. They need to use long lasting isotopes but such isotopes are not found in bones. Rather they are found in rocks. There is nothing nefarious here.
You miss the point. The lab found enough C-14 in the unidentified bones to test them and they published their results with the usual guarantees that they eliminated any possibility that other substances in the bones may have contaminated the results. The most advanced C-14 testing methods available can detect remaining C-14 in samples allegedly as old as 100 years, but there has not been found a substance on earth that does not have significant remaining C-14, meaning that all available test subjects discovered on earth thus far are well below 100,000 years old.

The only way dinosaur bones can be directly tested is by C-14 testing but secularists refuse to test them because the tests will show they are less than 50,000 years old. It is not true to say dinosaur bones cannot be tested. The truth is secularists do not test dinosaur bones because they do not want to admit there is considerable C-14 in the bones, a fact that disproves, with or without testing, that the bones are less than 100,000 years old by their own test methods.


Well-known member
Let us see a link.

C14 acts as a crude clock, as it decays at a known rate. However, it’s only useful for organic matter, and only up to about 40,000 years. After that, the amount of C14 is so small, its impossible to distinguish from the normal background amounts of C14. Bacteria, pollen, dust particles, etc, all contain amounts of C14, and can never be totally eliminated from a sample, so labs doing C14 testing know that if they get a result indicating an age of 35,000 to 40,000 years, that date is the the upper limit of what the technique can show. Most dino bone is just minerals left anyway.
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Well-known member
Let us see a link.

C14 acts as a crude clock, as it decays at a known rate. However, it’s only useful for organic matter, and only up to about 40,000 years. After that, the amount of C14 is so small, its impossible to distinguish from the normal background amounts of C14. Bacteria, pollen, dust particles, etc, all contain amounts of C14, and can never be totally eliminated from a sample, so labs doing C14 testing know that if they get a result indicating an age of 35,000 to 40,000 years, that date is the the upper limit of what the technique can show. Most dino bone is just minerals left anyway.
The problem secularists are facing is not that the remaining C14 is so small but that there is far too much remaining C14 for old age assumptions to be accurate. The significant amount of C14 in diamonds, for example, can not be brushed off as "background noise."

Radiocarbon Found!​

Imagine the surprise when every piece of “ancient” carbon tested has contained measurable quantities of radiocarbon!4 Fossils, coal, oil, natural gas, limestone, marble, and graphite from every Flood-related rock layer—and even some pre-Flood deposits—have all contained measurable quantities of radiocarbon (Figure 2). All these results have been reported in the conventional scientific literature.


Well-known member
The problem secularists are facing is not that the remaining C14 is so small but that there is far too much remaining C14 for old age assumptions to be accurate. The significant amount of C14 in diamonds, for example, can not be brushed off as "background noise."

Radiocarbon Found!​

Imagine the surprise when every piece of “ancient” carbon tested has contained measurable quantities of radiocarbon!4 Fossils, coal, oil, natural gas, limestone, marble, and graphite from every Flood-related rock layer—and even some pre-Flood deposits—have all contained measurable quantities of radiocarbon (Figure 2). All these results have been reported in the conventional scientific literature.
This is a measurement accuracy issue. Carbon can be detected in larger time frames but it is just no longer accurate. Other isotopes are accurate in longer time frames. Compare it to drug action on the body. The effectiveness of your thorazine diminishes as the drug leaves your system. A half-life is the time it takes for half the drug to disappear. Their may be trace amounts of the drug in your system when the psychosis returns. It is not helpful at those levels. Hope this analogy helps.


Well-known member
This is a measurement accuracy issue. Carbon can be detected in larger time frames but it is just no longer accurate. Other isotopes are accurate in longer time frames. Compare it to drug action on the body. The effectiveness of your thorazine diminishes as the drug leaves your system. A half-life is the time it takes for half the drug to disappear. Their may be trace amounts of the drug in your system when the psychosis returns. It is not helpful at those levels. Hope this analogy helps.
Baloney. We can either date samples by carbon testing which requires adopting certain facts about the decay of carbon or we should trash the whole method. Carbod14 decays at a known rate which is why scientists have posted that after 100,000 years there should be no significant remaining carbon in any material tested. That is simply not working out because significant amounts of carbon are being detected in every sample tested.


Well-known member
Baloney. We can either date samples by carbon testing which requires adopting certain facts about the decay of carbon or we should trash the whole method. Carbod14 decays at a known rate which is why scientists have posted that after 100,000 years there should be no significant remaining carbon in any material tested. That is simply not working out because significant amounts of carbon are being detected in every sample tested.
Do you take the stand that we should stop using drugs unless they work when any amount is still in the system?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The Bible says "six days" and "the whole Earth."

Let's put it this way: If you didn't have insults, logical fallacies and other posters to parrot, you'd have no content.

What would you call it when your "contributions" rely so heavily on namedropping Darwinists who claim to be Christian?


Because of their professed qualifications?

Hopefully, you'll get the hint. This is a forum. It works by people offering content. You offer nothing.

Present an opinion and defend it rationally. What have you got to lose? Alate and Blablaman aren't here. We don't worship them as you do. It's time you tried your own hand at justifying your anti-Christ ideas.

What? Call you names? Sure, who could resist?

You mean you'll start offering useful content?

And I've edited two physics books. You can buy a copy of Disruptive on Amazon, if you like.

Darwinism is a cult kept alive by Christ-hating, science-denying imbeciles and useful idiots.

A scientific approach and critical thinking are available to anyone at any time. I can do them while organizing ... what do we have at Taiwan Cricket now? Fifteen teams? ... into competitions along with sorting out TV rights, sponsors, and the input of government and international organizations.

Some of us are capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time, you know?
Wow, all of this waffle to address someone who you continually say offers no content. Why go to the time and effort to type out all this gunk then?

I don't "namedrop Darwinists", I acknowledge posters who are clearly proficient in their field when you (besides being on a cricket or rugby pitch perhaps) most assuredly aren't. You're stupid enough to once again assert that evolution is a cult. You remove yourself from the realms of reason and any sort of substantive discourse when you hold to rubbish like that.

Oh, it's a forum. Really? Wow, been here 16 years and never knew...I thought it was an online shoe shop so thanks for the heads up...

Don't have any "hero's" here Stripe, your bizarre assertions once again, notwithstanding.

Frankly Stripe, I get shortchanged being subjected to your stuff on here for free so buying a book that you've apparently edited is not exactly high on my 'to read' list thanks...