I find it strange that you think you know what so many politicians have seen or not seen. Hundreds of politicians saw this more than 25 years ago:Strange that you have seen proof of widespread vote fraud that Dan Crenshaw, Ted Cruz, and every other Republican officeholder and authority has not seen.

House report on DISMISSING THE ELECTION CONTEST AGAINST LORETTA SANCHEZ. This report is by the House Oversight
In his Notice, Mr. Dornan alleged the following grounds for
contesting the election: (a) that there were approximately
1,985 more ballots counted than voters voting who were
accounted for in county records; (b) that illegal votes were
cast in that persons cast multiple votes or voted from business
addresses; (c) that absentee ballots were cast improperly; (d)
that under-age voters and non-citizens voted; (e) that
convicted felons may have voted; (f) that the precinct board
made errors sufficient to change the result of the election;
and (g) that there was an error in the vote-counting programs
or summation of ballot counts.
\17\ This position was maintained even in the face of egregious
vote fraud such as in Wilson v. Leach, H. Rep. 96-784, 96th Cong., 2nd
Sess. (1980) (margin of 266 votes: 22 persons plead guilty to vote
buying; 58 persons admitted that they were paid to vote; the Contestant
produced ledger allegedly recording over 400 persons who sold their
vote in single precinct; press reported endemic system of massive vote
buying; the Contestee indicted for and acquitted of vote fraud--Motion
to Dismiss contest approved by the Democratic Majority of the Committee
on House Administration without any discovery or investigation.)
After a careful comparison between the Orange County voter
registration files and INS databases the Task Force was able to
clearly and convincingly document that 624 persons had
illegally registered and thus were not eligible to cast ballots
in the November 1996 election.60 In addition, the
Task Force discovered 196 instances where there is a
circumstantial indication that a voter registered
illegally.61 Further, the Orange County Registrar of
voters voided 124 improper absentee ballots.62 In
total, the Task Force found clear and convincing evidence that
748 invalid votes were cast in this election.
Any intelligent assessment of this congressional document will reveal that democrats fought tooth and nail to block the voter fraud investigations, to obstruct the release of facts and evidence of fraud, to continue the investigation into areas where fraud was discovered but the extent never determined, and to show any contempt whatsoever for voter fraud. However, the fact is that the democrats opposed to this investigation still admitted substantial evidence of fraud was uncovered.