like marbles on glass
The insurrection was not the original plan to overturn the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
There was a well-orchestrated conspiracy between multiple government agencies staffed with Trump operatives in leadership positions.
Plan A was to re-run voting in swing states — using agencies of the government itself.
📣 The Insurrection Was Plan B
Part I: Gal Suburban reports that all the pieces were in place to execute a bloodless coup — except
From way back at the beginning of this thread:
Of interest: the sudden replacement of several top-echelon officials at the DOD in November, followed by the unprecedented letter from all living former Defense Secretaries in January reminding Defense officials that "...“there’s no role for the U.S. military in determining the outcome of a U.S. election. Efforts to involve the U.S. armed forces in resolving election disputes would take us into dangerous, unlawful and unconstitutional territory..."
Redstate's take on the replacements, at the time: "So the SecDef, the policy chief, the chief of intelligence, and the SecDef’s chief of staff were all replaced in a 24-hour period. There is a lot of speculation on the reasoning. Some of it stupid, like the idea that Trump is preparing a military coup."
Reading the comments below the Redstate piece, here the first one:
"This means that, should riots occur, Trump can reliably call on his military leadership to act in accordance with the law."
Insurrection Timeline – First the Coup and Then the Cover-Up
By November 9, every news organization declared that former Vice President Joe Biden had won the election. On that day, Trump fired Acting Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and replaced him with Miller, an Army retiree who worked for a defense contractor until Trump tapped him as his assistant in 2018. Miller’s promotion began a departmental regime change that embedded three fierce Trump loyalists as top Defense Department officials: Kash Patel (former aide to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA)), retired army Gen. Anthony Tata (pro-Trump Fox News pundit) and Ezra Cohen-Watnick (former assistant to Trump’s first national security adviser, Mike Flynn).
At such a late date in Trump’s presidency, many asked why the shake-up at the Department of Defense? We may be learning the answer.
Timeline at the link.