Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"


Well-known member
Are you out of your mind? I think so.
Congress was hearing arguments on Jan 6 for establishing a 10 period before certification of the election results to allow for a thorough examination of the claims of voter fraud. Democrats hotly objected to such a waiting period and an examination of the claims and that is what the leftist agitators were trying to stop and succeeded in stopping.

Here is how the discussion was going before the violent interrupted the hearing:

Ted Cruz

Five House Members, five Senators, five Supreme Court Justices examined the evidence and rendered a judgment. What I would urge of this body is that we do the same; that we appoint an electoral commission to conduct a 10- day emergency audit, consider the evidence, and resolve the claims. For those in the Democratic aisle who say there is no evidence, they have been rejected, then you should rest in comfort. If that is the case, an electoral commission would reject those claims. But for those who respect the voters, simply telling the voters, ‘‘Go jump in a lake; the fact that you have deep concerns is of no moment to us,’’ that jeopardizes, I believe, the legitimacy of this and subsequent elections. The Constitution gives to Congress the responsibility this day to count the votes. The Framers knew what they were doing when they gave responsibilities to Congress. We have a responsibility, and I would urge that we follow the precedent of 1877. The Electoral Count Act explicitly allows objections such as this one for votes that were not regularly given. Let me be clear. This objection is for the State of Arizona, but it is broader than that. It is an objection for all six of the contested States to have a credible, objective, impartial body hear the evidence and make a conclusive determination. That would benefit both sides. That would improve the legitimacy of this election. So let me urge my colleagues: All of us take our responsibility seriously. I would urge my colleagues: Don’t take, perhaps, the easy path, but, instead, act together. Astonish the viewers and act in a bipartisan sense to say we will have a credible and fair tribunal, consider the claims, consider the facts, consider the evidence, and make a conclusive determination whether and to what extent this election complied with the Constitution and with Federal law. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:23 Jan 08, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G06JA6.006 S06JAPT


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Greatest poster ever
Congress was hearing arguments on Jan 6 for establishing a 10 period before certification of the election results to allow for a thorough examination of the claims of voter fraud. Democrats hotly objected to such a waiting period and an examination of the claims and that is what the leftist agitators were trying to stop and succeeded in stopping.
Considering that there is no evidence for these claims of voter fraud, I doubt antifa would have bothered to storm the Capitol alongside MAGA nuts on January 6th.


Well-known member
Considering that there is no evidence for these claims of voter fraud, I doubt antifa would have bothered to storm the Capitol alongside MAGA nuts on January 6th.
I take it you agree with congressional democrats who insisted that the results should be blindly accepted without looking into voter fraud claims that had not been investigated?

User Name

Greatest poster ever
I take it you agree with congressional democrats who insisted that the results should be blindly accepted without looking into voter fraud claims that had not been investigated?
Most Americans--and even most Republicans, with the exception of the kook fringe--know that your spurious claims of widespread voter fraud have been debunked and laughed out of courtrooms all across the country by judges who were appointed by Republican presidents and even by judges who were appointed by Trump himself.


Well-known member
Considering that there is no evidence for these claims of voter fraud, I doubt antifa would have bothered to storm the Capitol alongside MAGA nuts on January 6th.
Ignorance of the fact of voter fraud has driven some deluded rubes to falsely charge opponents of voter fraud with treason for protesting against voter fraud.


Well-known member
Most Americans--and even most Republicans, with the exception of the kook fringe--know that your spurious claims of widespread voter fraud have been debunked and laughed out of courtrooms all across the country by judges who were appointed by Republican presidents and even by judges who were appointed by Trump himself.
It does not matter if 99% of Americans are fooled into thinking no fraud took place, that does not change the fact that voter fraud did take place, which is what the evidence the left does not want to see shows.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
It does not matter if 99% of Americans are fooled into thinking no fraud took place, that does not change the fact that voter fraud did take place, which is what the evidence the left does not want to see shows.
Have you seen that evidence yourself?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Then hire a lawyer and take it to court like Dan Crenshaw told you to do.
If President Trump and his lawyers and strategists couldn't convince any court that irregularities altered the outcome of that election, it's because it did not happen.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
D.C. District Court Judge Trevor McFadden today delivered a major blow to the Justice Department’s aggressive prosecution of January 6 protesters. Following a bench trial this week for Matthew Martin, a New Mexico man charged with the most common misdemeanors related to the Capitol protest, McFadden found Martin not guilty on all counts. It is the first acquittal in a January 6 case; nearly 800 Americans have been arrested and charged, mostly on petty offenses, for their involvement in the four-hour disturbance that day.



Well-known member
Then hire a lawyer and take it to court like Dan Crenshaw told you to do.
Dan doesn't tell me what to do. Democrats have been committing voter fraud for years and they know they can get away with it by making it so hard for Americans to put stop to it. When Loretta Sanchez stole Robert Dorn's seat by fraud in 1996 Congress did a minimal inquiry and admitted on the record that they had found fraud and likely could have found more fraud if they had continued their investigation but they refused to continue the investigation and the crooks won.


Well-known member
If President Trump and his lawyers and strategists couldn't convince any court that irregularities altered the outcome of that election, it's because it did not happen.
Wrong. If courts lacked the will to buck the prevalent good-old-boy political system that was responsible for their jobs and take up fraud cases, that does not mean no fraud took place.


Well-known member
D.C. District Court Judge Trevor McFadden today delivered a major blow to the Justice Department’s aggressive prosecution of January 6 protesters. Following a bench trial this week for Matthew Martin, a New Mexico man charged with the most common misdemeanors related to the Capitol protest, McFadden found Martin not guilty on all counts. It is the first acquittal in a January 6 case; nearly 800 Americans have been arrested and charged, mostly on petty offenses, for their involvement in the four-hour disturbance that day.

A Trump-appointed judge clears a wrongly accused Jan 6 defendant of all charges. Next up: An Obama-appointed judge will throw the book at another defendant who also did nothing wrong on Jan 6. This is not about justice and not about serious crimes. This is about democrats unjustly and hatefully attacking republicans for political reasons.
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Well-known member
A Trump-appointed judge clears a wrongly accused Jan 6 defendant of all charges. Next up: An Obama-appointed judge will throw the book at another defendant who also did nothing wrong on Jan 6. This is not about justice and not about serious crimes. This is about democrats unjustly and hatefully attacking republicans for political reasons.
I wonder how long the innocent man was held captive in the democrat jail before his case came up and he was found guilty? Americans should be outraged at the clearly unjust persecution of Biden's political enemies imprisoned without charges in the run-down DC democrat jail.

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 16, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — As part of its unprecedented investigation of the January 6 disturbance at the U.S. Capitol, Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has arrested and is holding hundreds of “political prisoners” in a dedicated jail under “harsh almost solitary confinement conditions” while denying them bail and the constitutional right of a speedy trial.