Fast Food workers protest and demand more money.


This just proves the point of half my sig: You guys aren't followers of Jesus, you're followers of Paul.

Paul was a minister of the New Covenant.

Jesus was born under, and lived under the Old Covenant.

Paul was given instructions by the risen Lord Jesus Christ.

You could care less what's written in the gospels about the rich. (Spoiler alert: They aren't spoken of very highly.)

Jesus condemned the Pharisees, and many other Jews including the High Priest Caiaphas. Most of these Jews were the "rich" men of Judea during the days of Jesus that Jesus condemned. They weren't condemned for being rich, they were condemned for putting their faith in money.

When it comes to the carpenter, you outright ignore what he told you to do more often than not.

If you look at the verses I showed you in my previous post, the Apostle Paul makes it clear that wealthy people are not to put their faith in money, and they are to give money to the poor.

You favor the tentmaker instead. Considering he didn't know the Nazarene, this shouldn't surprise anyone.

Wrong again.

(1 Cor 15: 5-8) and that he appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. 6 After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. 7 Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, 8 and last of all he appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.

And seriously, who of any of us on this thread has proposed taxes should "take care of the rich"? The exact opposite, in fact. But interestingly enough, the rich are being taken care of, right now. If this was a Freudian slip, tet, it was a doozy.

Liberals think the government can take care of the poor.

Obama said he wanted to "spread the wealth"

Again, Jesus and the Apostle Paul tell us to give to the poor. Neither give instructions for the government to take care of the poor.

The Christ of the gospels cursed the wealthy, the rich, and those who held on to material gains and wealth.

No, the Christ of the gospels cursed the unbelieving Jews who put the Talmud and money ahead of their faith.


New member
Hall of Fame
Paul was a minister of the New Covenant.

Jesus was born under, and lived under the Old Covenant.

Paul was given instructions by the risen Lord Jesus Christ.

You don't listen to Jesus, you listen to Paul. Jesus is inconvenient and difficult. If so-called Christians listened to Jesus, the world would be a better place.

Jesus condemned the Pharisees, and many other Jews including the High Priest Caiaphas. Most of these Jews were the "rich" men of Judea during the days of Jesus that Jesus condemned. They weren't condemned for being rich, they were condemned for putting their faith in money.

Wrong. He condemned the rich, period. Show me him extolling wealth, or property. Show me him praising the rich. Ever. Would the rich inherit the earth? Would the mighty? Would the great? Would the elite? Would those who owned stride over those who did not?

Did the Son of Man have a place to lay his head?

Who did he associate with? The comfortable of his time...or the working class, the whores, the forgotten ones?

When did your Lord ever once praise the rich? Encourage those who followed him to take up their gold and then follow him?

Woe and curses befell the elite, and for good reason. Moneychangers. Lenders. Usury. The same gyp we have today, and he trashed the joint. If you ever storm the Exchange, let me know.

The rich were not Christ's audience, pal. He cursed them out.

Guys like you would be working for Dives to make sure Lazarus didn't stink up the joint. (Frigging bum. And have you seen his dogs?)

Your messiah spoke power to the powerless, and you're defending the ones in power who degrade and exploit the powerless.


You don't listen to Jesus, you listen to Paul. Jesus is inconvenient and difficult. If so-called Christians listened to Jesus, the world would be a better place.

Wrong. He condemned the rich, period. Show me him extolling wealth, or property. Show me him praising the rich. Ever. Would the rich inherit the earth? Would the mighty? Would the great? Would the elite? Would those who owned stride over those who did not?

Did the Son of Man have a place to lay his head?

Who did he associate with? The comfortable of his time...or the working class, the whores, the forgotten ones?

When did your Lord ever once praise the rich? Encourage those who followed him to take up their gold and then follow him?

And then there's this whopper of yours again, for the record:

The rich were not Christ's concern, pal. He cursed them out.

Guys like you would be working for Dives to make sure Lazarus didn't stink up the joint. Frigging bum.

so how come you aren't wearing sackcloth and ashes and begging in the streets?


Who did he associate with?

Jesus often ate and stayed in peoples homes. These people were not poor. For example, Jesus often stayed with Mary and Martha or Zacchaeus the publican.

Martha was a wealthy woman.

Jesus was buried in a rich man's tomb. The rich man was a Disciple of Jesus

(Matt 27:57) As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus


Encourage those who followed him to take up their gold and then follow him?

(Luke 8:3) Also with these women were Joanna, the wife of Chuza (the manager of Herod’s property), Susanna, and many other women. These women used their own money to help Jesus and his apostles.


The rich were not Christ's audience, pal. He cursed them out.

(Luke 7:37) When a certain immoral woman from that city heard he was eating there, she brought a beautiful alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume.


New member
Hall of Fame
Jesus often ate and stayed in peoples homes. These people were not poor. For example, Jesus often stayed with Mary and Martha or Zacchaeus the publican.

Martha was a wealthy woman.

Jesus was buried in a rich man's tomb. The rich man was a Disciple of Jesus

(Matt 27:57) As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus

How do you know the sisters weren't poor? Martha certainly needed help with the house, as she gave her sister an earful. They weren't the rich: They were people who simply welcomed him. When their brother dropped dead they were stuck with him.

What kind of perverse gospel do you see when Martha, who asks her sister for help, is rich?

That is, really, truly sick.


New member
Hall of Fame
I will ask you again:

Wrong. He condemned the rich, period. Show me him extolling wealth, or property. Show me him praising the rich. Ever. Would the rich inherit the earth? Would the mighty? Would the great? Would the elite? Would those who owned stride over those who did not?

Did the Son of Man have a place to lay his head?

Who did he associate with? The comfortable of his time...or the working class, the whores, the forgotten ones?

When did your Lord ever once praise the rich? Encourage those who followed him to take up their gold and then follow him?

Woe and curses befell the elite, and for good reason. Moneychangers. Lenders. Usury. The same gyp we have today, and he trashed the joint. If you ever storm the Exchange, let me know.

The rich were not Christ's audience, pal. He cursed them out.

Guys like you would be working for Dives to make sure Lazarus didn't stink up the joint. (Frigging bum. And have you seen his dogs?)

Your messiah spoke power to the powerless, and you're defending the ones in power who degrade and exploit the powerless.


New member
Hall of Fame
(Luke 7:37) When a certain immoral woman from that city heard he was eating there, she brought a beautiful alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume.

But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.


How do you know the sisters weren't poor? Martha certainly needed help with the house, as she gave her sister an earful. They weren't the rich: They were people who simply welcomed him. When their brother dropped dead they were stuck with him.

What kind of perverse gospel do you see when Martha, who asks her sister for help, is rich?

That is, really, truly sick.

(Matt 27:57) As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus

If what you claim is true, how could Jesus have a rich man (Joseph from Arimathea) as a disciple?


But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort.

Jesus made it clear that poor people were more likely to receive the gospel and become believers than rich people.

There is nothing wrong with being rich.

It's a lot harder for a rich person to feel the need for a savior than it is for a poor person.


Your messiah spoke power to the powerless, and you're defending the ones in power who degrade and exploit the powerless.

I'm not defending anyone.

I'm defending not taking my tax money. I want to give my money to the poor myself, I don't want the government doing it for me.

Have you been listening to Hilary Clinton go on and on about how poor she and Bill are?

Why is it that the Clintons, Kennedys, Obamas, Al Gore, Warren Buffet, and all the other really rich Liberals don't give their own money to the poor, but want to take my money to give to the poor?


New member
Hall of Fame
(Matt 27:57) As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus

If what you claim is true, how could Jesus have a rich man (Joseph from Arimathea) as a disciple?

After he was conveniently dead? How noble. Speaks to the rich. When they want something done in their name they make sure no one else is around.

Speak to the gospels, tet. Speak to what your savior said. I'm still waiting. Here's what you've come up with:

"When he was tortured to death, a rich coward wanted to make sure he wasn't eaten by vultures."


New member
Hall of Fame
(Luke 7:37) When a certain immoral woman from that city heard he was eating there, she brought a beautiful alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume.

...who was promptly cursed for not spending on the needy.

Do you seriously think he was living the high-life here? My God.


New member
Hall of Fame
Seriously, this boils down to sick American middle class screwed-in-the-head-ism.

People love Jesus and fantasize about their crappy dead end lives ending by...


Acknowledging you worship a pisspoor Jewish workman nomad just kills people, for some reason.

His name was Yeshua bin Yosef and he never knew you.


After he was conveniently dead?

No, it doesn't say that.

Joseph was a disciple of Jesus before Jesus died.

"When he was tortured to death, a rich coward wanted to make sure he wasn't eaten by vultures."

Now you're just making things up.

As I stated earlier, Jesus often stayed in people's homes and ate with these people.

Do you really think poor people had homes that Jesus could eat at and stay in?


the atheist whines:
Seriously, this boils down to sick American middle class screwed-in-the-head-ism.

People love Jesus and fantasize about their crappy dead end lives ending by...


Acknowledging you worship a pisspoor Jewish workman nomad just kills people, for some reason.

His name was Yeshua bin Yosef and he never knew you.

good one, granite! :thumb: