Fast Food workers protest and demand more money.


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Hall of Fame
The key is to remember that most people who advocate business owners keeping most of the value of their employees' labor really believe that they are doing something good for society.

Sort of like natural selection, applied to human society.

Such people aren't, most of them, evil. They've just convinced themselves that greed is good.

On unfortunate by-product is that as you notice here, many of them regard low-wage employees as something less than fully human.

Correct. The operating assumption seems to be that poor people deserve their poverty, and that none of them wish to escape it. That's a foul kind of elitism.

Sidenote: I've noticed folks most star-struck and enamored by the rich are very often the ones with little by way of actual financial accomplishment. In other words, people with money know what a pain in the butt it is and are less than impressed by a billionaire. Big deal, in other words. Weird psychology at work here.


If they are worth it, yes!
Does every get an "A"?
If everyone gets an "A" an "A" becomes meaningless.
There is dignity in earning one's way.

What do you mean "if they're worth it"? They're human, then they're
"worth it". It seems you're the one who's stamping a price-tag upon their dignity. Are you "worth" making such a judgment?


They're human, then they're
"worth it".

they're worth what?

8 bucks an hour?

20 bucks an hour?

50 bucks an hour?

500 bucks an hour?

what does being human make them worth paying for an unskilled inexperienced entry level job that you could teach a chimp to do?


they're worth what?

8 bucks an hour?

20 bucks an hour?

50 bucks an hour?

500 bucks an hour?

what does being human make them worth paying for an unskilled inexperienced entry level job that you could teach a chimp to do?

Because human dignity and minimum quality of life should not be measured by who holds the largest batch of bananas. :banana:


16K is sufficient to provide dignity and minimum quality of life :idunno:

the only ones who don't think so are those viewing the possessions of others with envy


16K is sufficient to provide dignity and minimum quality of life :idunno:

As someone noted prior, that depends on many factors. But in the long's tab will slowly eat into that person's quality of life one way or another.

the only ones who don't think so are those viewing the possessions of others with envy



New member
Hall of Fame
What do you mean "if they're worth it"? They're human, then they're
"worth it". It seems you're the one who's stamping a price-tag upon their dignity. Are you "worth" making such a judgment?

Is dignity earned or inherent?

On what basis do we bestow or recognize "dignity"?

Is dignity a basic human right or expectation? Or is it a component of the human condition?

Is the degradation of a human being an attack on his or her dignity?:think:

Spitballing here.


Well-known member
the only ones who don't think so are those viewing the possessions of others with envy

Mere envy is in the rearview mirror. Envy tends to be quiet and eats away at the insides. What we see all around us today, nurtured by the Left, is resentment. It doesn't just envy the Haves, it blames them for what the Have Nots don't possess, which (somehow) justifies punishing the Haves even to the point of taking what's theirs by force, if necessary.

Resentment goes by other names these days...entitlement is just one...and the Left as a political force couldn't exist without it.


New member
What do you mean "if they're worth it"? They're human, then they're
"worth it". It seems you're the one who's stamping a price-tag upon their dignity. Are you "worth" making such a judgment?

Please don't leap to your typical progressive negativity when confronted by something thought provoking.
The innate dignity and equality of all human beings is not the question. That is a bottom line given.
By "worth it" I mean what is the person's skill level? What kind of attitude does he bring to the job? Does he get along well with co-workers? Does he show enthusiasm and a desire to move up in the work place? Is he careful of safety for others?
We employed hundreds of young persons. Some were promotable others were not.


New member
Hall of Fame
Please don't leap to your typical progressive negativity when confronted by something thought provoking.
The innate dignity and equality of all human beings is not the question. That is a bottom line given.
By "worth it" I mean what is the person's skill level? What kind of attitude does he bring to the job? Does he get along well with co-workers? Does he show enthusiasm and a desire to move up in the work place? Is he careful of safety for others?
We employed hundreds of young persons. Some were promotable others were not.

And to those who you'd deem not "promotable" material, well...what then?


What people think working fast food is like:


What it's actually like:


Everyone who thinks their wages are fair haven't worked their job :rolleyes:


Is dignity earned or inherent?

inherited! :eek:

Seriously though...any full time, responsible, working adult should, at least, be afforded the dignity of basic sustainence and an adequate level of healthcare...sans the need for public assistance.


New member
Hall of Fame
What people think working fast food is like:


What it's actually like:


Everyone who thinks their wages are fair haven't worked their job :rolleyes:


But seriously, what's with the assumption that these people are happy with their lot? That they went out of their way to do this work? Is it contempt, or isolation? Again, there seems to be Social Darwinism at work here (pun intended).


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Musterion writes:

But then...

Hey, musty; here's a hint. If you want people to believe that you have someone on "ignore", don't respond to what he writes. Blows the whole thing for you.

Just saying...
He doesn't have resurrected on ignore, which is how he saw what you posted, because res quoted you, moron.

You really are dumb as a box of rocks.

we were commanded to force the government to steal from employers and give to employees? :freak:

if that's what you think the bible says, it's no wonder you left the church

:think: or were you kicked out for being too stupid to learn?
No, he left because he got his precious feelings hurt.

What people think working fast food is like:


What it's actually like:


Everyone who thinks their wages are fair haven't worked their job :rolleyes:
I have worked it, in several places. I've even worked at two different McDonald's and twice at the same Dairy Queen. I also worked at Taco Bell and Arby's. And then there's retail and grocery. I've done it all. And the wages for the skill level it requires were more than fair. In fact, some of the people I worked with shouldn't have even been making that much for all the laziness they exhibited, cutting corners and giving no thought to the consequences of said laziness. Not to mention the health code violations they committed because they just didn't care. Most of them couldn't even be bothered to rotate the product so as not to have things spoil. And that's not the only stupid thing I've seen employees do that created loss for the company.


New member
the only ones who don't think so are those viewing the possessions of others with envy

The imbalance of wealth in this country is untenable. We're seeing further concentration of money, of power, of property, and an increasing number of people increasingly beholden to that diminishing few who own this country. It won't stand if this goes on. Something must give eventually, and I'd rather try to correct the excesses before then by cleaner, more peaceful means. You and your friends would rather justify obscene wealth and policies that favor concentration of wealth and influence on the political process by some bizarre assumption that these people have somehow earned it and people who work full time don't deserve real minimum standards of living.


New member
Hall of Fame
The imbalance of wealth in this country is untenable. We're seeing further concentration of money, of power, of property, and an increasing number of people increasingly beholden to that diminishing few who own this country. It won't stand if this goes on. Something must give eventually, and I'd rather try to correct the excesses before then by cleaner, more peaceful means. You and your friends would rather justify obscene wealth and policies that favor concentration of wealth and influence on the political process by some bizarre assumption that these people have somehow earned it and people who work full time don't deserve real minimum standards of living.

Christ never once praised the rich. Ever. Condemned them early and often, actually.

And here we have American cheerleaders for the wealthy praising the sorts of people who'd rather watch Lazarus rot than lift a finger.



Please don't leap to your typical progressive negativity when confronted by something thought provoking.
The innate dignity and equality of all human beings is not the question. That is a bottom line given.
By "worth it" I mean what is the person's skill level? What kind of attitude does he bring to the job? Does he get along well with co-workers? Does he show enthusiasm and a desire to move up in the work place? Is he careful of safety for others?
We employed hundreds of young persons. Some were promotable others were not.

Likewise, please don't leap to typical conservative anecdotal examples in back-pedaling defense of general broad-brush assertions.

If you remember correctly Rex asked you about individuals that lack the capacity to improve their lot via skill training. Do you simply dismiss such individuals...out of sight, out of mind?