Facebook Muslims react to London terror with joy


like marbles on glass
yes, it was unnecessary

"instead of" just wouldn't have been nearly as pretentious as "in lieu of"

define what you mean by "your presumption"

Have fun acting like a 5th. grader with CS following behind you like a 3rd. grader trying to learn how to troll like you do. You two are just right for each other.

What a stupid thread. I'm sorry I got sucked into it, but I'm bailing out now. Call it what you like.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
As if Town doesn't follow Doser around. :chuckle:
I don't. Which is why though you'll find hundreds of posts in threads I start with his username on them, you'll be hard pressed to find a half dozen of mine in any of his, including the threads he's written about me. It's also why I've never been warned for stalking, let alone sent to the bench, unlike him.

Beyond that, if you were capable of pulling away from your own malice I'd suggest you simply look across my posts and in my threads and see how often he posts to and about me and how often you see me originating any conversation with him. But then, that wouldn't give you the satisfaction your assumption generates and the truth isn't what drives or interests you where I'm concerned.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I don't. Which is why though you'll find hundreds of posts in threads I start with his username on them, you'll be hard pressed to find a half dozen of mine, including the threads he's written about me. It's also why I've never been warned for stalking, let alone sent to the bench, unlike him.

Beyond that, if you were capable of pulling away from your own malice I'd suggest you simply look across my posts and in my threads and see how often he posts to and about me and how often you see me originating any conversation with him. But then, that wouldn't give you the satisfaction you assumption generates and the truth isn't what drives or interests you where I'm concerned.

what part of that whiny rant do you think Glory will find persuasive?

what color is the sky in your world, town?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Have fun acting like a 5th. grader with CS following behind you like a 3rd. grader trying to learn how to troll like you do. You two are just right for each other.

What a stupid thread. I'm sorry I got sucked into it, but I'm bailing out now. Call it what you like.
Sounds about right. They're angry and frustrated people who do what you'd expect when reason won't serve and character won't compel. I think there's no real point in continuing and less point in reading them.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
They're angry and frustrated people....



Well-known member
High minded is typically used to note strong moral value or principle

I'm not surprised you'd see it that way since you're a humanist. As a believer, I see it according to it's other synonyms such as: proud, self-important, high-falutin', overblown, pompous, immodest, and pretentious.

condescension tends to be a good bit like beauty.

Not at all. People can have their preferences in regard to beauty, but any fair minded person can recognize when someone is being condescending. They recognize it whether it comes from a friend or foe.

Your problem, again, is that you're incapable of valuing any opinion that you don't share or originate and if the issue is important to you that approach extends to the person holding it. That's what devalues both your regard and critique. That's what made your exchange with Cruc's shadow funny. You two deciding if you liked one another by virtue of that litmus.

My opinion of you is not based on your opinion...some of which I've agree with and some I haven't. It's your pride that I cannot abide. Cruc can be crude and rude, but he is not pompous nor "high-falutin'" like you are. Therefore, I can abide him and even like him. I can pretty much overlook anything but when people think too highly of themselves.


Well-known member
Beyond that, if you were capable of pulling away from your own malice I'd suggest you simply look across my posts ....

Don't project your malice onto me. Clearly you have a problem with those who point out your self-important attitude. My intent toward you is not evil (which is malice), but in the hopes you will change your ways.

As far as looking across your posts, I have no desire to do so. I really don't enjoy reading your posts anymore...you think too highly of yourself. If I come across them as I did here, I respond when I feel the need to.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"Let's go" he replies haughtily ...as he holds out his tuxedoed arm to his high-falutin' lady friend when Joe the Plumber enters the room. :chuckle:

he always reminds me of the stuffed shirt in a three stooges short who you just know is gonna take a pie in the face :darwinsm:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As if Town doesn't follow Doser around. :chuckle:

Uh, nobody follows dozy around. That sad act has more bans for trolling, stalking and flame outs on here than anyone else. He's been obsessed with TH for years and most of his bans have been for all of the above in relation to Town. That's fact, not opinion. How many bans has TH had for following doser around or trolling the guy? Hmm, pretty sure it's zero.

Get a grip.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

The population of Muslims that support terrorism is supposed to be low as we are told by liberals and the globalist leaders of Europe and America.

It is certainly high among Facebook users who were online at the time of the attacks.

Can anybody see why we are reluctant to let these monsters into our country?

on the off chance that the liberals have left for a while, I'll address the OP

:Grizzly: mooslims