Facebook Muslims react to London terror with joy


Well-known member
Peace or mayhem.

God ordains it, we enact it.

God's Hand is David to Purim, Constantine to now_

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

I don't have a clue what the first part means, but, I hope you're not saying that God creates evil, because that is a misreading of that text.

This is how God created darkness....He formed LIGHT, and where the light was absent was the darkness. It's the same with evil...it's merely the absence of peace or (good) as dark is the absence of light.

Gen. 1:2-4 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.


Well-known member
God creates darkness when He created light- it's in the first verses of the Bible.

And it reflects the totality of all He created, literally or metaphorically.

No, read the verses I quoted again. Darkness was already upon the face of the deep. Then God created light and saw it was good....and divided the light from the darkness (that already existed). Because, darkness is nothing more than the absence of light.


Well-known member
Yall sit there everyday and say that Jesus was the promise to mankind from man's beginning, but then you go and reject the very thing that caused such a promise in the first place.

How much sense does that make :freak:

that's what

And that's why you all need to convert to Reformed, Calvinist doctrine- real Christianity, and stop being stupid :)

Okay, you were wrong. I don't like you.


Well-known member
Yeah, well I don't like you either :idunno:

We we're allies once upon a time :rolleyes:

I was allies with a Calvinist on the issue of God creating evil? I don't think so.

Perhaps we can agree on something else. Try again on something not so controversial.

Perhaps those darn women's libbers?

Or maybe hypocrites?

The law?


Well-known member
The Bible couldn't be any clearer.

You don't like me because you can't actually refute it- God is God, after all, what can man create beyond His own will?

This site is a big ball of hypocrisy

Not true. I don't like you when you're rude, but I do like you when you are honest about your feelings (without being so rude). I'll admit, I'm not always nice, but I do try a little harder than you do to keep my temper. So, chill out just a bit would be my advice.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Okay, you were wrong. I don't like you.
Yeah, well I don't like you either :idunno:

We we're allies once upon a time :rolleyes:
You guys are still joined, if only by a common problem. When you understand what it is you'll be able to tie your regard to something other than a reflection of your own good opinion. Until then...more of the same, I suppose.

On the larger, the moment God created a willful, imperfect being evil was only an operation of statistical inevitability and the cross equally so given the nature of its author.


New member

The population of Muslims that support terrorism is supposed to be low as we are told by liberals and the globalist leaders of Europe and America.

It is certainly high among Facebook users who were online at the time of the attacks.

Can anybody see why we are reluctant to let these monsters into our country?

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For the same reason what little was left of the once massive in number people who were here first came to regret having welcomed the Whites?



New member
The Bible couldn't be any clearer.

You don't like me because you can't actually refute it- God is God, after all, what can man create beyond His own will?

This site is a big ball of hypocrisy

And yet, you could not wait to get back quick enough the very moment you were given walking papers :D

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

The population of Muslims that support terrorism is supposed to be low as we are told by liberals and the globalist leaders of Europe and America.

It is certainly high among Facebook users who were online at the time of the attacks.

Can anybody see why we are reluctant to let these monsters into our country?
Sure, because you don't understand how to fashion an objective rule and distinguish it from anecdotal support for the bias that moves you to assume.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I will let him stay as he stays away from the trolling and away from subject matter is that not welcome on TOL. Let's say he's on probation.


Well-known member
You guys are still joined, if only by a common problem. When you understand what it is you'll be able to tie your regard to something other than a reflection of your own good opinion. Until then...more of the same, I suppose.

On the larger, the moment God created a willful, imperfect being evil was only an operation of statistical inevitability and the cross equally so given the nature of its author.

That "common problem" is people like you Townie. Don't fool yourself.

He created man, and all He created was "good". So, just admit God did not create evil, instead of pointing your finger at Him in a round-about way.


New member
Sure, because you don't understand how to fashion an objective rule and distinguish it from anecdotal support for the bias that moves you to assume.

I like that - an objective rule that differs from annecdotal support for assumption based on bias.

That principle is the basis for many of my conclusions :thumb:

One would think those on here ever harping on and on that "things that differ are not the same" would subscribe to such a reliable principle.

Then again, they're all Trumpers.

Par for the course in the Trumper land of "alternate fact."