Donald Trump will WIN BIG!


Well-known member
Pretty much sums it up Angel but, you did forget to add that these same people will pull the lever for a serial liar & felon Hillary, yet they are hung up on Trump's marital blunders....which proves the old adage that you can't fix stupid.

I have associations with public school teachers, one of which, the typical nominal liberal who is happy to know next to nothing of political matters, confessed she now regrets voting for Obama TWICE but is hoping Clinton is president because "that Trump scares me." I appreciate her honesty but her shallow thinking was truly astonishing to hear in person.

No republic stands a chance against such inhabitants (I deliberately do not call such "citizens," they're not worthy of the title). Multiply her by many millions of people, coupled with massive Democrat vote fraud, and it's already a done deal. The combination knife fight/exploding clown car that has been the Republican race is totally meaningless.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I have associations with public school teachers, one of which, the typical nominal liberal who is happy to know next to nothing of political matters, confessed she now regrets voting for Obama TWICE but is hoping Clinton is president because "that Trump scares me." I appreciate her honesty but her shallow thinking was truly astonishing to hear in person.

No republic stands a chance against such inhabitants (I deliberately do not call such "citizens," they're not worthy of the title). Multiply her by many millions of people, coupled with massive Democrat vote fraud, and it's already a done deal. The combination knife fight/exploding clown car that has been the Republican race is totally meaningless.

This country deserves the people they choose to lead them given most are to stupid, lazy, or apathetic to inform themselves or participate in their own liberty. The country deserves the tyranny they are ushering in...the funny thing is most people cannot recognize liberty from tyranny anymore.


When people feel powerless and become angry, they are willing to suspend values for retribution by brute force. Most real conservatives know Trump is no Sunday school teacher, but he says what so many Americans are thinking!

America is fundamentally changing, we've become divorced from the old politics and politicians.


Well-known member
This country deserves the people they choose to lead them given most are to stupid, lazy, or apathetic to inform themselves or participate in their own liberty. The country deserves the tyranny they are ushering in...the funny thing is most people cannot recognize liberty from tyranny anymore.

That's why the founders HATED the idea of actual democracy, and rightly so. It's easily corrupted and always ends up right where we lawlessness.


New member

But go and vote anyways! Yeah, I know none of the candidates are as I want, but none will ever be.
No vote the other guy wins (whomever he/she may be).
No vote then when a policy is implemented, you do NOT have the right to complaint.

The Church is comatose; helping the enemy with all the gusto it can muster.

People always saying that 'my vote' does not count. Yes, it does, if you do not vote, you are voting for the opposing party --- whatever that party may be --- and you will NOT have the right to say a pip about what happens as you did not vote.

No vote you are spitting on ALL who died before you were even born to give you the right to do so.
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Remember when libs refused to believe that ^ happened, and went straight to calling Trump all manner of things?

I've kept a pretty good record of all the nonsense thrown at Trump. What the Right needs to do is keep in mind that the Left have been little more than professional wool pullers and slanderers through this whole thing.

Even so far as Hillary herself, accusing Trump of 'inciting violence'- do we just forget that she supports a group who has consistently disrupted society with violence?

How stupid can people be to not see the rank hypocrisy and nonsense of the Left?